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Tag Archives: raw renewal

sensuality summit gets personal 3

I promised myself this time it would be different…that I would be different… embody my beauty, my pleasure and my truth in a way I hadn’t been able to before. When Patty Contenta and I teamed up to create The Sensuality Summit, I decided that I would allow it to bring me to a whole new […]


you are a wished for dream 7

Today I lit a candle celebrating my mom’s life… ‘You are a dream, a wished for dream…’ My mom used to whisper sweet things like that in our ear when we were young… Mom, you were the most loving woman I’ve ever known… You taught me by example about REAL femininity, beauty and sensuality…how to […]


sensuality 0

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED… Why do CERTAIN WOMEN attract amazing partners in love, have gorgeous bodies, create success following their heart and lead such inspired lives… …While other women NO LESS WORTHY, TALENTED, SMART or BEAUTIFUL seem to SETTLE for less than they know they desire or deserve? Watch the video to find out what […]


receiving starts with self 0

I’m back from a luxurious trip to California and I feel something coming through me I’ve never experienced… I was gifted a ticket to an exquisite event for entrepreneurs but almost didn’t go because I’ve been engaged in a BIG project (I can’t wait to share more next time!). As exciting as it is I’ve been working so […]


sensual not sacrificial 3

I have an invitation for you… It’s so intimate…like a whisper…or the scent of a rose…subtle yet powerful. But first, I want you to ask yourself when was the last time you did something for someone THAT WASN’T RIGHT FOR YOU? On some level you know you SACRIFICED yourself… For women, this is almost second […]
