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sensuality summit gets personal


I promised myself this time it would be different…that I would be different… embody my beauty, my pleasure and my truth in a way I hadn’t been able to before.

When Patty Contenta and I teamed up to create The Sensuality Summit, I decided that I would allow it to bring me to a whole new level of Sensuality in my life and business…

It’s only one week in and yet I feel how I have approached decsicions differently and created spaciousness in my schedule and in my being to receive the Speakers, and the unfolding of the event itself…

I’m going through a huge REBIRTH right now and it feels like my husband and I am falling in love all over again!


Which is amazing because we’ve had our share of STUFF and alot of it has been surfacing lately…I’m realizing getting triggered is a GOOD thing because it shows me where I’m still available for deeper healing…

And just in time too as lately I have been feeling…very REACTIVE to my husband’s cranky moods.

Maybe your mate is like mine- he works HARD and he becomes stressed with the weight of the world on his strong shoulders.

I TRY to relax him…but when he is resistant (sometimes it really seems that he’s just not happy until I’m miserable too!) I can get annoyed with him and his moodiness.

Omgoodness I did something last night that THRILLED myself!

HAPPY UNTO HERSELF by shakaya leone

I won’t bore you with the details of why my otherwise incredible husband is so often in his moody gremlin side- a skewed loyalty to his family’s values WORK HARD, DO MORE, SACRIFICE IS NICE, PLEASURE IS A DIRTY WORD, DON’T SHINE, RELAXATION = LAZINESS etc etc

But none of this reflects or inspires or resonates with me…

I keep hearing those words echoing, calling me…

I’m discovering that for me it has alot to do with playfulness and  MYSTERY…

Last night when my husband came come he was miffed his shower wasn’t ready for him as I usually do…

Now, instead of EXPLAINING to him that my Summit launched this week and it’s been CRAZY, plus that I took our youngest to get fitted for his tux for his upcoming grade 8 Graduation (awwww) and I picked up our other son from his Track meet and took him home to change and then brought him to the team dinner party etc etc blah blah blah

Instead of going into justifying myself, I actually said:
‘Not tonight Babe, better watch that entitlement…’

He stopped and just looked at me not sure he heard me right!
And I looked up and gave him a mischievious wink!!

I felt so sexy and irresistable in that moment!
And it FUELED what I did next.

While he was getting undressed and grumbling about something or other (usually I would go to him and listen and try to soothe the Beast by letting him talk about his HARD DAY that would go on and on – ugh!)

… instead I ran to my bathroom and created a gorgeous Spa Bath with essential oils and a glass of his wine- then just as he was about to go into his shower, I went to him and grabbed his hand and without saying a word, I gave him a kiss on his NOSE and I led him upstairs to my bathroom.


‘I thought someone who works as SMART as you (not HARD) might enjoy a bath fit for a KING tonight…He LIT UP!

I poured warm water over his back for a moment and then…well, you can use your imagination 😉

This felt so GOOD to me because when in the past I have felt inspired to create pockets of beauty, if it hasn’t been acknowledge or well-received, or was critcised, I’ve allowed myself to wilt like a shrinking violet.

I have been guilty of STEPPING OUTSIDE OF MY SENSUAL CIRCLE for the sake of ‘harmony’ with others…abandoning harmony within myself!


This is how we give our power away to others.

Last night was a powerful turning point in continually reclaiming myself and the woman I am here to become who owns her Beauty and has a love affair with herself and her life!

THAT is the power of setting an intention and then creating a container to nourish it in.

The Sensuality Summit is one of the most beautiful containers I have ever had the opportunity to create and explore my own desires and deeper feelings that have nothing to do with sex but definitely affect sex.

It’s already one week in but it’s stil f*ree to join if you haven’t already!


with sensual surprises,

securedownload ps Here’s what YOU have been saying so far:

I just finished listening to the recording of last night’s talk and was very impressed with Allana. Carol Lynn

I loved it, beautiful and relevant. Looking forward to tonight. Kandi

Patty’s call with Allana gave me CHILLS more than once! Great job ladies! Alison

So many insights and inspirations on this call! ‘I promise to never settle for less than what my heart and soul desires’ YES! I’ve been ‘serving from my reserves’ and no wonder why I’m so depleted! Janice

Christine is a blend of powerful and vulnerable…I’ve had those out of alignment super-sob moments recently and I realized on the call I need to give myself permission to follow my true values and only have loving and respectful relationships especially with myself! Lana

I really liked hearing about the branches of self-love and I will use the pulse check on my energy every morning~ thanks Shakaya and Christine for this awesome wake-up call! Purina

Hi Shakaya and Patty, Thank you so much for this summit. It’s happening at exactly the right time for me, and I’m loving it. Inna from Finland

Just a note of applause! I LOVE the speakers and the messages they have for us so far! Wonderful!!!! Deborah

Baljit was so gentle and wise…Thank you for introducing her to me, I loved her energy and this call, my favorite so far! Barb

Dearest Shakaya, just finished listening to yesterday’s recording. Absolutely Amazing, You are making many lives more JUICEY!!!!Thank you and Patti and all your Awesome Artists. Trillions of applause(((((( )))))))) Haley

Chameli is beautiful…her energy is so pure and powerful as a sensual, spiritual feminine leader, I loved this call! Sandra

I’m enjoying this summit! I like learning that sensuality is not just about sex but the whole of a woman. Karyn

Wow! Charu is one of the most comfortable and uninhibited women, so comfortable in her own skin! Inspiring!! Cherie

I wasn’t convinced the tantric exercises Charu shared would really work, but I had an experience today that had me feeling very frustrated and contracted so I gave it a go- and I have to say, I DID feel a release! I loved how Shakaya teaches her children how to shift their energy too. Paula

My parnter and I listened to the call together and it opened up a deep and open conversation together. Listening to Charu felt like a safe and soothing sanctuary, thank you! Kim

Dear Patty, I just wanted to thank you so much for the Sensuality Summit you are doing with Shakaya. It’s incredibly empowering and feels so good and warm to hear your interviews and to learn.. It just came at the right time into my life when everything is changing and I’m revealing my true self, on an important part of my journey. I’m so thankful to have you ladies here with me now and I want to let you know how important you and your work is to me. Elena from Germany

I’m so grateful to learn about the 3 R’s of the bedroom and can’t wait to try this out! Sheila



3 thoughts on “sensuality summit gets personal”

  1. Kathy says:

    T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U!

  2. Shakaya says:

    My P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E!

  3. Hev says:

    That was beautiful. I actually have tears in my eyes. “I have been guilty of STEPPING OUTSIDE OF MY SENSUAL CIRCLE for the sake of ‘harmony’ with others…abandoning harmony within myself!” That resonated so much. And today, on Valentine’s Day, as I feel so much shifting in me, so much awakening for me, new ways of looking at things, myself and my life… It’s blowing my mind!
    Thank you so much for posting this and for the role that you’ve played in all of that, Shakaya.
    Love, gratitude & blessings from Hev <3

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