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receiving starts with self


I’m back from a luxurious trip to California and I feel something coming through me I’ve never experienced…

I was gifted a ticket to an exquisite event for entrepreneurs but almost didn’t go because I’ve been engaged in a BIG project (I can’t wait to share more next time!).


As exciting as it is I’ve been working so much that I was beginning to feel overwhelmed, exhausted and resentful…LIGHTBULB moment!

Overwhelm is a neon sign to PAUSE,  and re-focus Intention…I knew deep down it wasn’t more work, but actually PLEASURE I required.


That ‘sacrificial’ space we can get into as women is ADDICTIVE- we feel stressed, and think the answer is to work more, harder, get more done SO THAT we can be OK, and finally relax…it’s a vicious cycle.

Our Energy is reflected back to us in our life, and therefore is the place of Creation if we want to make changes and receive what we want in life. 


So, I stepped away from all my ‘obligations’ of my business and family for a week… pure ME TIME of Exquisite Self Care connecting with sister entrepreneurs, enjoying walks along the Ocean allowing my Well to be filled up again!


I love connecting with the gorgeous women who are READY to shift out of stress and sacrifice into a new space of feminine receiving. I met several of my friends, clients and collegues, and many lovely new ones too.


For many of us who desire to receive opportunities, health, beauty, prosperity, relationships, etc we actually block those things from coming into our life.



By not being open to receiving them!

It’s ironic but true- if we aren’t seeing want show up in our experience, it’s because on some level deep down we aren’t ready to receive them.


I myself have been dancing with this challenge around receiving prosperity and gifts from people…there is a part of me, my Shadow side who has a belief that everything that comes to me is because of my own ‘hard work’.

I noticed this pattern last year and put myself on a 40 Day Receiving practice. And day after day the same thing happened- NOTHING.


That’s right- I ‘opened myself to receiving’ (or so I thought) but nothing showed up. I knew I had to be blocking myself but didn’t understand how.

So I went on ANOTHER 40 Day Receiving practice…and again, nada! This was very painful for me…

shakaya leone and karen knowler

Well, I have discovered ALOT since then!

One of the best things I ever did was hire high-level Mentors of my own who were excellent receivers, getting results that I wanted.

tara marino and shakaya leone

I learned how vital it is to release what no longer serves me to make room for what I wanted.

I studied principles of manifesting and learned how to create powerful intentions and living visions of what I want.

And when I started receiving my own gifts, I began receiving gifts from others that were simply magical!


I have applied what I’ve discovered to several areas of my life ie my health- specifically recent miraculous sleep, inspired social life, renewed passion in my marriage, more prosperity for myself and my clients etc.

I’m still opening up to this more and more and consistency is key, but I feel like for the first time in my life I have my hands on the levers and dials and am truly discovering how to tap into this power- by receiving myself!


For me, it all begins with detoxing certain patterns and beliefs, and uplevelling my ESC which instantly elevates my patterns and beliefs.

Here’s something you can do today to open your receiving channels ~

1. Take inventory of things, beliefs, relationships, patterns you know aren’t serving you and you’d like to release. Start with something small at first if you wish. Write it down and even burn it.

2. Ask yourself what you want instead- what do you desire? Write it down with the words ‘This or something better for the Highest Good of All concerned, Thank You’ and plant it in soil.

3. Take action and let go of that one of the things on your list!

4. Allow yourself to reflect and receive the message of whatever is there for you around releasing this, and record your insights in your journal.

5. Ask yourself what is something you can do today to move in the direction of your desire..something that feels good and exciting to you!

6. Do it! No matter how small, no matter how silly or fun- if you open yourself up to this inner guidance and trust it, you will be in a place of receptivity that isvery attractive to your desires.

7. Feel gratitude in advance and watch for how the Universe chooses to enchant and delight you!

8. When you shift, everything shifts- watch for the magic and record what transpires in your journal. Repeat the process with another item on the list 😉

*There are 6 spaces available for those who desire to Receive the Confidence, Body and Lifestyle of the elite woman who takes Exquisite Care of herself. 

To find out more, click HERE and tell me about yourself and why you’re ready to become that woman!

**There’s a very limited availability of personal Mentorship spaces over the summer~ don’t delay to avoid disappointment


ps A sneak peek a the exciting project I will be unveiling for YOU next time:



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