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the dream we carry


I’ve been luxuriating in the love of my family and a deepening of myself as a woman who dreams…

My dreams are evolving.

With September the second new year has arrived and this year BOTH my boys are in Highschool!

As I watch them transition to this new milestone in their life, I reflect on my own dreams and milestones too…

Having a close, loving family is a cherished dream come true!


But I have more to fulfill…And I’m going for them!

I know you have dreams and desires too…

From my last post several of you took me very deep into the heart of your Dreams…

the dreams you carry…

* a body you feel proud of and comfortable in to fully connect with others

* glowing health and energy that supports the life of your Dreams

* a sense of peace, inspiration and sensual pleasure with your Diet

* a radiance that attracts people and opportunities to you with ease and grace

* a strong connection with your Spirit and Intuition without doubt

* awakening the full expression of your Feminine Essence

* a well of never-ending unlimited internal and external Beauty

* a deep to the core knowing of your limitless potential and value

* receiving Pleasure, Prosperity and all your desires without guilt

* that feeling of Wholeness right now exactly as you are

* self-trust to make the choices that Fulfill you without anyone’s approval

* feeling ageless, beautiful and sensual in your own skin

* a loving presence in all of your Relationships

* to live your Dreams and make your CONTRIBUTION in this lifetime

I also used to dream of being beautiful, seen and cherished.

It was my truth and I honoured it…

It’s brought me to where I am now with the love of my life at my side, a loving family, a radiant body, and my own business and platform to evolve the path of beauty and health for women everywhere.

Now EMBODIMENT continues to fuel me and the women I’m here to touch who have big dreams too!

Each night before sleep I have been writing down my Intention with you in my heart, and placing it under my pillow:

I am here to Awaken a Woman’s Essence and heal her Beauty, to hand her the Golden Keys to her Radiance so she can become the woman she truly Dreams of being…

forest fairy earth empress

I recently awoke with one of the clearest Divine Downloads I’ve ever experienced…I had a crystal clear KNOWING of who my women really are and an EMBODIMENT process to connect these women to their Dream…

I can’t wait to share it with you!

I am reserving space in my schedule this week for the first 15 who feel called to speak with me personally about YOUR Dream.

Simply fill out this form about the 3 areas you are challenged most by right now and the 3 things you truly desire in your life HERE.

Then we’ll connect by phone/skype to talk about what is most important to you right now…

….I’ll listen deeply, and offer any insight I receive.

And we’ll talk about your next powerful steps toward your Dreams.

You may be invited to work with me, if it is in the Highest Good for all concerned.

I want you to know your presence here in my community says so much about the woman you ARE!

We are rising together,





Earth Empress Woman

Open to magic and miracles; proactive and empowered; she has high-standards and is sincere, fierce, loving and Evolving.


She requires to pass through the gateway of healing her health, self image, beauty and/or prosperity to truly become who she came here to be.


She invests in herself and her desires to receive the support she requires.


She won’t settle for less then she knows she desires and deserves.


She is an elite breed of woman who is committed to her Transformation so she can have her dreams in this life.


She requires Exquisite Self Care, Radiant Health and Sensual Beauty so she can attract people and opportunities and have the influence and impact she was born to have.


Beauty is a medicine for her, like Sunshine for her Soul.
She is a Sleeping Beauty who may feel plain and unconventional if she hasn’t awakened her unique Sensual Beauty through her unique Feminine Essence.
She desires to have her external beauty be a reflection of her inner beauty.
She is drawn to Beauty and wishes to experience and exude it.
She is earthy yet elegant with a regal air and a magnetic presence.
Men and women alike are drawn to her and want to be around her.
She has a deep love and appreciation for Nature.
She longs to feel connected to her Spirit for she is accountable to her Soul.
She is creative and sensitive to energy and is Spiritually lush.
She wishes to embrace and embody her Feminine Essence and radiate it out like a flower into the world so she can attract and connect with those she is meant to.
She desires a Signature Style that reflects herTruth and makes her feel unique, sexy and gorgeous.
She requires outer wealth to compliment and enhance her inner wealth so she can luxuriate in exquisite Spa living, and to take care of those she loves in her family, her circle of friends and her community.
She is philanthropic and has a deep need to leave her beauty mark on the world.


If this is YOU leave me a comment below about YOUR DREAM, and you would like to know more about how I could support you, please fill out this form and I will be in touch with you soon.





2 thoughts on “the dream we carry”

  1. Jackie says:

    Hi Shakaya, this would be such an honour to work with you. My challenge right now that I’ve recently become aware of is self sabotage. I’m seeing it in many areas of my life. I am committed to move past this challenge for 2 reasons. The first is that my soul baby is my business called Mosaic Healing and I have big big dreams for her:) secondly my mom has Alzheimer’s and I am terrified that I am going down the same road. It is imperative for the sake of my family that I embrace my brilliance for the entire world to see. I would be honoured if you could help guide me. Much love, Jackie D.

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Jackie, thank you for sharing so openly about your comittment to move through these challenges of self-sabotage and the concern about your mom and your health…

      You represent so many women! including myself with my dreams for my business and my heart condition that I inherited from my beautiful mom who died young…None of us has to travel the same road as our loved ones did if we are willing to open up to the dream we carry…

      I would consider you for a private Mentorship space as you sound like the special breed of woman who is READY to be and do what it takes to have her dreams…To start the process I invite you to tell me a bit more about you over on this form:

      Then you will be contacted with a time for us to connect and talk more about your dreams and desires right now and what are your next steps.

      I look forward to connecting with you again Jackie!

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