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queen of the plain janes

shakaya leone earth empress

I’m normally a very expressive person. Emotional. Raw. Really real.

Authenticity is like an Aphrodisiac for me…perhaps you crave it too!

But when we don’t feel proud of how we look it affects how much we want to be seen, and even how deeply we can connect with people…

Our physical radiance says alot about how we are sourcing our value and life-force as a woman.

The essence of the Feminine is magnetic radiance that is part of our essential nature and authentic beauty…it’s as much about how we are relating to ourself and others that makes it so magical.

It’s a very alive dynamic of being fully in our body and our Divine dance with co-creation that requires us to become fully visable, seen and expressed.

Although I have a community website of thousands and am pretty out there already, even I can feel myself wanting to hide-out at times…


Because I have a soul-story ‘I’m not beautiful.’

It used to be that ‘I’m not beautiful because I’m unhealthy.’

So I went on a decade long journey of healing that transformed my acne, dark circles and skinny unhealthy body into feminine radiance and sensual beauty- yae!

I share all about my healing journey in my book Naked Beauty, but it isn’t over…

Since then I have experienced deeper initiations around beauty, self-image and health on every level- I love to create a Transformational Photoshoots expressing my evolution…

shakaya leone earth empress

I’ve discovered that although rebirth may not always pretty, it is BEAUTIFUL.

But lately, I’ve noticed that my beauty myth has returned, teasing me over another ‘issue’ …

I’m getting older.

My hair is turning grey.

There are little lines forming around my eyes.

At a recent dinner party, we were having a nice time but when my friend pulled out a camera, I avoided it…


Although I’ve experienced amazing results with my raw diet and lifestyle, at 48, it’s a fact that I’m going through changes…

And unlike advice from magazines and beauty experts- NO! I don’t want to smile or laugh less to avoid ‘crow’s feet’ lines, nor do I wish to color my hair with toxic dyes or have botox etc.

So what’s a girl to do?

I want to stay VIBRANT and vivacious and ecstatically radiant for myself and my husband.

AND I also deeply desire to INSPIRE a world of women who also want to be their most beautiful, radiant self- and as naturally as possible!

Picture 4

I made a video for you about this au natural, no makeup or fancy hair and gown, and I feel a little vulnerable sharing my truth…

A beloved mentor quotes Keats,

‘Truth is Beauty, Beauty is Truth, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’

I’d love to hear from you on how you’re feeling about your own radiance and visability, and any issues you may be going through around this right now…

lavish with my love and laugh lines,




ps I’ll be meeting several of you for your upcoming VIP Day with me, and I can’t wait! I just want you to know that I’m very REAL, imperfectly perfect, and we will be sharing our beauty and truth together x



5 thoughts on “queen of the plain janes”

  1. Chara says:

    This post and video are very moving to me, Shakaya. As someone who is newly 40, I can relate! I’m touched by your honesty and openness here, voicing things so many of us feel but are reluctant to express. I share your goal of being radiant no matter what my age, and although I have just encountered your work recently, I already view you as a role model of someone who is manifesting that radiance, and teaching other women how to do the same. It’s so crucial, too, as you know, for us to have mentors in this area who are over the age of 30 or 40! We badly need mature women to offer this mentoring so that all of our cultural discourse about female beauty does not center just on those under the age of 30. (As an aside, I think you are really beautiful!)

  2. Chara says:

    Whoops: I have to add, I am so moved by the photos of you painted with mud. If you took others, can we see those, too? I am so drawn to soil, dirt, Earth and adore this idea of anointing oneself in it. Beautiful!

  3. Ksenia says:

    Dear Shakaya, This was a beautiful, raw, honest video, thank you so much for sharing. You are such an inspiration for other women, you don’t need to have those fears and doubts (of course, as a woman, I can understand what you mean). We, your followers, your clients, are drawn to your spirit and your energy, and we really don’t care about any silly grey hairs or laughter lines!)))) When a beautiful soul shines through, everything in the person radiates beauty. And you, Shakaya, have a wonderful soul. Thank you so very much for all your wisdom and work

  4. Kelly says:

    Shakaya, beautiful lady, thank you for sharing such a raw and real part of yourself. It takes a lot of strength and self confidence to be able to put yourself out there so transparently. That, in and of itself, is breaking through something that is deeply rooted in fear. You are beyond “plain jane,” not only in appearance, but also in radiance and spirit. You are such an inspiration to so many women for being gorgeous inside and out. I love your primal pictures with you covered in mud; it spoke to me in a naturally feminine way. Oh, and have you ever tried dying your hair with organic henna? I have premature graying in my genes and have had grey hairs since high school. It is not a huge deal to me, but when I was looking for a way to change my hair a bit, I wanted to dye it, but not go the chemical route. I did some research and found that henna is a very healthy, natural way to dye hair. It not only makes my hair beautiful, strong, and silky, but there is also something so powerful and feminine about taking part in such a culturally rich ritual. I buy mine from Mountain Rose Herbs online. I strongly recommend it (not that you at all need it!!).

  5. Kathy says:

    Watching your video brought up several new truths for me. Yes I can relate to getting older and dealing with things like gray hair and skin that is less firm. I thought long and hard about what you said and I think the reason I am hiding out is due to several things and it’s not only because of aging and chronic health issues, lack of finances…your blog really made me think …I believe I deny myself self-care and pampering out of fear. I live in an especially high crime area, the other day literally trying to break in while I was in the other room….I find I dress less attractively more often because of this, the issues of illness and lack of money so yes I am hiding out, I need to move, I will never thrive here. I am so unhappy. I will work on it. DILIGENTLY! Shakaya maybe you are slightly overwhelmed from all that you have recently experienced, one of your Son’s graduating, both of them becoming more independent, marking your 16th wedding anniversary lots of traveling all while running your own business on top of recovering from your foot/ankle injury so that’s many mile stones…you know? Yet I truly believe for you this will be a year of great growth and much success for you as you come into a whole new chapter of sharing all the new additional knowledge and wisdom you’ve recently acquired with a whole new generation of women that are all taking control of their lives by making better choices and therefore remaining much more vital for much longer. BTW I love your necklace and as always you look so beautiful so radiant and no longer queen of the plain janes! More like a elegant regal royal queen, that posses such great wisdom way beyond your years! Thank you for all your inspiration and for everything. Hugs.

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