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real, raw, radiant

IMG_0538Ahhh, the warm weather has finally reached my snow-belt pocket of Canada! (this pic above was taken in CA where I visited a couple months ago with the gorgeous Tara Marino, her husband Dave and her Elegant Femmes).


During the cold months I hibernate a bit and cozy-in with family, friends and my clients.

But during the summer months I let loose and my social butterfly wings spread out wide in every way I can think of.

I love to attend events where other empowered women are gathered with purpose.

Picture 8


Here is a video I made on the way to the Women at the Ritz evetn with Feminine Leaders Fatma Zaidi and Selma Laji sharing how I style my hair without using any damaging heat or styling aids…au natural!

To be REAL with you

I hadn’t slept the night before (insomnia has been off the charts lately), I had a big zit (haven’t had one for years!), my silver strands are showing (I am not sure what I want to do about them as I really don’t love the idea of chemical coloring), and I’m in the middle of my big The Sensuality Summit (you still have a week to register for f@ree if you haven’t already) and I actually considered not going…


I know that when women who know of me or learn what I’m about they expect me to look practically PERFECT. I have often thought I had to ‘measure up’ to that and it feels less than inspiring to put myself under this kind of pressure.

Being RAW for me is about more than looks…it’s about how we look, feel and LIVE.

Are we honouring ourself, present to others and life, are we authentic and open to connection, and allowing ourself to receive our power to expand and be in our loving, sensual, powerful receptivity?

I call this RADIANCE and we can all have it even when we are challenged by circumstances that are not ideal. It is a form of Leadership and inspiration for ourselves and those around us.

Perfectionism is boring anyway.

If you are letting it stop you from getting out there and allowing yourself to do things and be seen, (we do this as women and it’s holding us back from offering and receiving our gifts!) give yourself permission to let loose from that bondage, and just be open to the experience.

Over a dozen women came up to me at the event to ask about my lavender dress.

When I told them I made it, they asked if I would make them one too- I never expected that!

Ask yourself, Where have you been holding yourself back?

You don’t know what is waiting for you…

to your radiance,


ps Another favorite gift I get to experience this time of year is creating Empress Activation VIP days with my clients.


I only offer these at certain times of the year and I’ve opened up 6 new spots for those of you who are READY to step into more of your authentic beauty, power and truth as the woman you are here to become!

Fill out this application so I can get to know you a little and then we will have a call together to explore if this is right for you- this is a beautiful process designed to be a gift of permission and clarity that I invite you to experience: 



6 thoughts on “real, raw, radiant”

  1. Kathy says:

    What a truly lovely gift this was to get to see the conference photo’s and to read about some of the highlights you had, it would have been such a disservice to yourself had you let the few things that were bothering hold you back. I can absolutely relate to each thing you mentioned and I could easily add to that list. You are so talented and share your gifts so beautifully. I was amazed that we share very similar hair tricks to stay as natural as possible yet we both enjoy heat rolls when really wanting to ramp it up a notch! Tee..he..hee. Thank you for sharing everything you have, wishing you the very best Summer ever!

  2. Shakaya says:

    Thank you Kathy for your gorgeous feedback! Where is one place you have been hiding out and desire to shift out of perfection and into more connection?

  3. Kathy says:

    Wow, what a deep thought provoking question, somehow my life has derailed if I could only choose one area it would be to stop trying to achieve perfection would be with my health, If I could choose more than one area to become more authentic in my connections it would be to build nurturing healthy relationships and my career. I appreciate that you asked, you made me think long and hard today, which caused me to stop running and avoiding many things, I want to say thank you with all my heart, I appreciate everything you share so much. I have such deep respect for plants and nature too, it’s so great to watch the gentle way you and your family treat the earth and the gifts she brings forth, your beautiful chive salads and when the frizzbe went in to the plants your family was so kind and so caring not to just trample threw the plants …I so enjoyed that, you really ARE The Earth Empress! Thank you.

  4. Shakaya says:

    That was a beautiful reflection Kathy!

  5. Shakaya says:

    And thank you to everyone who wrote in sharing your feedback with me, I really love hearing from you!

  6. Kelly says:

    Hello Shakaya. What a beautiful post. Something that caught my eye was your comment about dying your hair, but not wanting to use chemical treatments. I recommend using 100% pure henna to dye your hair with!! I have been using henna to dye my hair for the past year and I love it!! It takes a little getting used to at first, but the color is gorgeous, it makes my hair feel silky, and the color slowly fades so that you have no roots showing ever!! I order mine from Mountain Rose Herbs online, but you should do some research and see if it is something for you. I will never dye my hair with anything else. It definitely is a ritual that helps me connect with my fierce, inner feminine.

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