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barefoot goddess

Yesterday a young boy passed me in the woods and turned around struck by the fact that I had no shoes on. ‘Hey, you’re not wearing shoes!  How come?’


‘You’re right- it’s a good question; I used to get sick alot until I read a book a few years back that said this could help improve my immune system, so I have been doing it ever since.’  He said ‘Oh. Cool!’ quite satisfied with that. Cool.


Today I met a man walking his dog who exclaimed ‘Brave soul!  Aren’t your feet cold?’  Afterall, it was the first snowfall of the year. I felt I was walking on a cloud…He was so cute I just had to engage with him. He was SO interested. ‘Well, at 82, I have never heard of this, but I’d like to try it for myself.’  I gave him the names of a few good books and cautioned him to only do it on his own property where he could ensure it was safe, for a few minutes at a time, and not in snow or icy conditions lest he slipped.  I had to know HIS longevity secrets!  He said he prays everyday. Bless his heart.


Just as some terrains are easier to negotiate than others, there are some people who may have patterns of fear and hostility towards things they don’t understand who aren’t as gracious…


Looks and stares are to be expected.  But if I were ever to encounter someone less than polite, I would deal with them by offering the only answer they’d accept given the indoctrinated health paradigm most people are entrenched in.  I would simply shrug, ‘My doctor recommended it for my condition.’ Unfortuantely, most people would never think to argue with that.


When exploring various ways to empower ourselves which may not fit all tidy into anyone else’s paradigm of how we ‘should’ be, it sometimes feesl we are being torn in 2 different directions- either connect with our wildwoman wisdom and dare to be different, or fit in. Remember, ‘To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something else is the greatest accomplishment.’  Ralph Waldo Emerson


Goddesses don’t give a fig about other people’s boxes.  We’re attuned to what juices and heals and nourishes us;


and being colorful,




delighting in our sacred sensuality,



enjoying friends who drop by for a visit,


dancing with Mama Nature,


thrilling oursleves,

freeing oursleves,


uplifting our Spirit


and a thousand other worthy pursuits of our precious time and energy.


Goddesses create their own path


in beauty






more love




wild trust and abandon


and all things goddessy.


Of course, it definatley helps to have the love and support from like minded fellow travellers.  C’mon, you know you wanna…


Happy Trails!




17 thoughts on “barefoot goddess”

  1. Juli says:

    Love the gorgeous photos!!!!!

  2. Kristy says:

    So Beautiful

  3. Earth Empress says:


    I’m so glad you love the pictorial to this post Juli! It took a while to post all of them but I felt they are really inspiring…I hope they inspired you to do some barefooting!

  4. Earth Empress says:

    Thank you for commenting Kristy. The beauty you see is the beauty you are…

  5. Emily says:

    What a beautiful blog! Shakaya, you inspire me so much. Can you give us more information about bare-footing? I am a beginner and have a lot of fears and concerns about it.

  6. Alisa says:

    I would too appreciate more info! I love being barefoot in the summer…but how do your feet stay looking so pristine?

  7. Earth Empress says:

    What are your fears and concerns Emily…Can you tell me more? Perhaps reading Born to Run, *Earthing, The Running Barefoot Book, *The Barefoot Book and I am sure there are others is a start…just dip your toes in slowly 😉

  8. Earth Empress says:

    Barefooting in the summer is lovely, Alisa. Perhaps if you wish to try it in all the seasons you could google barefooting and/or explore some of the books I mentioned ot Emily. I used to be an Aesthetician and give my beauty secrets away in my book Naked Beauty…Massage your feet regularly- barefooting is the best massage.

  9. Ann Marie says:

    I’m so grateful that 1) I have a great girlfriend who found you and shared this blog-love with me, 2) that you took the time to choose and download all these awesome and YES, INSPIRING images, and 3) that you keep such positive, mirroring words flowing among those who read and share this! Lovely, encouraging, mindful, playful living!!!! SO WORTHWHILE!!! CHEERS!

  10. Earth Empress says:

    Whooooo Hoooooo I’m in a swoon on the swing of your gratitude and joy! Thank you for being here Ann Marie, cheers to you and your dear girlfriend!

  11. Steve Howard says:

    I’ve been bare foot the last seven or eight years except when it gets below 5°. i get a few strange reactions but most people seem pleased to see an older man being so outrageous. i actually started doing it because i was tired of carrying my sandals. after i got used to it i seemed to have even more trouble with shoes. i love to feel the earth under my feet. it is a constant reminder of the here and now and it make puddles such a treat. in many parts of the world it is not so unusual.

    i may try a little colder this year.

    nice site. good to know you are out there.

    love steve

  12. Earth Empress says:

    @Steve Howard:
    A sweet picture you paint with the sandlas and puddles…solemate Steve! yes, our perceptions in the West aren’t grounded the way other cultures are. Thank you for sharing…lmk in the Spring how you did in the upcoming winter…

  13. Love the photos and the sentiments expressed in the captions! To see an original report on Barefoot Hiking, click on “Barefoot Hiker.”

  14. Earth Empress says:

    @Barefoot Hiker:
    Hi Barefoot Hiker, I’m glad you like.
    Great report! I published it on my fb.

    Bliss you

  15. Lynnette Struble says:

    Although I lucked into signing up for your daily inspiration messages, infusions, I hadn’t until today read the blog. How happy I was to see the entry on barefooting. I do some in the summer, and now want to try more. You entice me! Thank you for sharing wonderful, uplifting items….much love from an Arkansas goddess.

  16. Alani says:

    I just love this… it’s reminded me of my love for the ocean and that I need to move there and not just pay a visit. It’s where my soul is happy!
    Thank you for the love in all you share! I feel loved! x

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Mmmm that sounds like a dream Alani…women are naturally drawn to the ocean…may your feminine soul always stay as the wild, deep, powerful and free as the ocean.

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