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nature nurtures

women give so much
to Mother Earth we may turn for renewal
her forests, mountains, oceans and meadows is our sanctuary
her gifts of fresh air, sunshine, pure water, and soil sustain us
she even adorns herself with jewels of crystals, flowers, clouds and seashells for our enjoyment
and, when we get out of tune with ourself, her remedies are wild and living foods, herbs, essential oils, clay

she is regal, powerful, sensual and glorious


and so are we, when we follow in her footsteps

Spend time in Nature to connect with your inner wild woman, your intuitive goddess self who recognises her own beauty and worth and rejects anything from her energetic field that isn’t empowering, honouring and deeply nourishing.


5 thoughts on “nature nurtures”

  1. Paula says:

    I’ve been researching everywhere and haven’t found 1 raw foodist who’s been willing to share their knowledge with me.
    I found raw foods about a year and a half ago and have been able to heal myself and my husband from the inside out. We tend to eat cooked every now and then, though we believe as long as is conscious full of gratefulness eating, it’s ok.
    One of the big things raw food helped me overcome was infertility and though I felt I had “all the answers” as I learned to listen to my body and answer in reply with whatever it needed, now that I’m pregnant I feel at a loss. My body is functioning fine and you and I know doctors don’t have a clue what true health is. The question I have is: how do you think a goddess should eat during the life-giving year that’s a pregnancy? How do you believe we should treat our bodies as goddesses in that special time of our lives?
    Funny thing is that I’ve never felt more beautiful as I feel now, and I’ve turned to many home-made recipes for beauty, also leaving behind a lot of synthetic chemical things I was reluctant to give up (such as make-up, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner and toothpaste). I found that nature has things I can use for this purpose or I can go without certain things which aren’t necessarily needs (according to popular conventions, example: deodorants). I’ve found myself more and more as I’ve discover anew my body, but I’ve also have worries about whether I’m doing it a disservice by eating cooked/raw, or if I’d be causing harm by attempting 100% raw, or if there’s a way to find a balance which I haven’t found yet.
    I’d like the advice from a goddess. What do you think? Do you have any literature or places you could guide me to find these answers?
    I appreciate you reading my email. Thanks so much for your time.
    Have a wonderful fabulous night!!!!

  2. Shakaya says:

    I love what you said about eating with consciousness and gratitude…Your journey has been very healing and now you are carrying a new life and want to know how a goddess eats during this miraculous time..?
    Look in the mirror into your own eyes for those are the eyes of a goddess who has recognized her own power, embraced her own beauty, discovered Nature and her body anew and brought healing to her husband! I could suggest you read Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susun Weed because its emphasis is on nourishing the body and you can use these suggestions to supplement a high raw diet…mainly though I stand in awe of your proven capacity to follow the voice of your intuition which has been guiding you all along.

  3. N says:

    Shakaya, I realize you are very busy and I may or may not get an answer to my questions. I figure if I don’t put them out there, though, they definitely won’t get answered. 🙂

    I have 2 sons – one is in his early teens, and the other will be a preteen in just a few months. They are both doing well as far as I can tell (and a couple years ago I had my therapist at the time talk to them on two different occasions just to be sure), but there are a couple things bothering me. They both are to do with the past. When I had my sons the doctor was Jewish and said they should be circumcised. I came from a Baptist family, and though I didn’t follow the beliefs, I went blindly into things. Within the past year I have learned what exactly happens (I forced myself to watch videos of a couple procedures and did a lot of research) and why the procedure should never be done in the first place. I am just so full of sorrow over what I allowed.

    I also, not understanding things the way I do now, weaned both of my sons at a year old. I would never do that now. I’ve learned so much in the more recent past that I just did not know as a young mother.

    I’m currently frustrated because in the midst of all the information about why I shouldn’t have done the things I did, I don’t see ways of helping to heal them now. I did get “The Joy of Uncircumcising” and will show it to them later in life. I don’t want to scare my sons now.

    Am I doing all I can at this point by giving them a loving, open home? Is there something else I could be doing to help them? It seemed to me that you are a good person to either answer these questions or at least point me in a positive direction.

    Thanks so much – I love your new site, by the way – N.

  4. Earth Empress says:

    Dear N,
    YOU are a loving woman and a deeply connected mother to your children. Your sons are thriving. How perfect that they have a real flesh and blood mother who is so there…who is growing and learning, allowed to evolve and heal and love herself, and not only them- which would be such a heavy burden for them to carry…

    What is critical now for you and them is for you to bathe yourself in pure acceptance of all your choices, especially THIS one.

    This one is a rich gift for you; it holds the key to a secret garden that is currently over-run with weeds of self-doubt and darkness. This garden needs your tenderness; perhaps to be watered by tears that need to flow…I would invite you to visit in stillness…it is currently the end of a long winter…go and sit beside the garden, possibly wrapped in a huge, thick, warm comforting baby-blue soft blanket, and imagine the sun coming out and shining strong and bright, warming your shoulders and lighting the garden. Now, you can clearly see the tangled weeds that are rotting and composting, and the hardness of the neglected, cold soil… It will take a little time, but you know Spring is coming…you will tend this little patch of sustenance, and suddenly you feel hopeful and excited as you reach for the tools you now have; its a warm, clear day and the work of pulling the weeds and tilling the soil invigorates you somehow. You explore each stagnant, dead sprawling mass that is ready to be composted…and you can recall when decisions that didn’t feel good were made anyway…and as you reach into the soil to pull them up with strong and graceful hands, an overwhelming feeling of compassion comes over you…You understand the cycle of life and what it means to truly grow…You visit often and do the work that is needed to create fertile ground, and sooner than you expect it is time to plant new seeds, of your choosing, seeds of joy and strength that carry the beauty and hope of transformation.
    Now, the cycle of life is evident as a thousand little green shoots burst through the earth, which grow to such beauty and abundance. You, your family and everyone in your world is blessed with such a bountiful harvest of this sacred garden of yours…

  5. N says:

    Thank you so much, Shakaya. I have spent the last year in self condemnation and your words were soothing to my soul. I have been pondering your words and will continue to do so – as well as applying them to my life! They are so helpful. Much love, N.

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