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Tag Archives: rejuvenation

barefoot goddess 17

Yesterday a young boy passed me in the woods and turned around struck by the fact that I had no shoes on. ‘Hey, you’re not wearing shoes!  How come?’   ‘You’re right- it’s a good question; I used to get sick alot until I read a book a few years back that said this could […]


nature nurtures 5

women give so much to Mother Earth we may turn for renewal her forests, mountains, oceans and meadows is our sanctuary her gifts of fresh air, sunshine, pure water, and soil sustain us she even adorns herself with jewels of crystals, flowers, clouds and seashells for our enjoyment and, when we get out of tune […]


20.10.2010 earth empress is born! 4

On 20.10.2010 Earth Empress was born! Every labour of love is a beautiful thing to behold…and not without some blood, sweat and tears. For me it has been a very liberating and painful process…to break out of my cocoon and learn how to open my wings and fly…the learning curve is dizzying, yet exhillarating.  What […]


food is a sacred gateway 13

Health and beauty are natural; they are every woman’s birthright Food is a sacred gateway Tell me how you eat and I can tell you where you are cultivating or sabotaging your beauty, health and power as a woman There is a magical link between our sensuality- experiencing life through our senses and our capacity to live […]


naked beauty 10

WHAT IF…every WOMAN felt her BEAUTY, knew her WORTH & celebrated her POWER? Every woman is a Goddess.  And goddesses pamper and adorn themselves, no excuses, no apologies.  Because they are worthy. WHAT IS BEAUTY AND WHY IS IT SO NECESSARY? In these times of crisis and change, it seems that beauty is a naive […]
