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your beautiful shadow…in her darkness is your transformation


You know those parts of you that you feel aren’t perfect or even acceptable…those parts you try to deal with or HIDE..?

Debbie Ford talked about our Shadow and says this:

‘The shadow is a part of our psyche that we try to hide, suppress or deny- we judge it completely unnacceptable.

The problem with this is that what we resists persists, and we make it stronger!

Most of us spend huge amounts of energy trying to get rid of these aspects of ourselves- hiding our shadow from others and even ourselves.

And the result of turning our back on our dark side is a LIFE HALF LIVED.

Our darkness has a beauty and power all its own…its the source of every Transformation we desire.

When you can embrace your Shadow you become more whole, harmonious, radiant, authentic, beautiful and powerful.

TOMORROW the new series Embodying Beauty starts!

Embodying Beauty 3

We will be diving deep into your Sleeping Beauty Shadow side that has you unconscious to your SOURCE of Beauty and Power as a woman!

It’s a 2-part series Josephine Auciello and I are guiding women through to Heal Your Beauty Myth, and Own your Unique Beauty as a Woman in Love with Herself and Her life!

Josephine is a Feminine Essence Coach and Relationship Guide. She is the founder of, a business dedicated to empowering conscious women to fully connect with their self worth and live a life of aligned passion. Josephine knows through her old personal story the importance of healing our wounded feminine essence. Josephine co authored a book with 3 New York Times Bestselling Authors Marci Shimoff, Chris Attwood and Janet Attwood


We will be guiding you through The 5 Stages of Healing, Receiving, Owning, Embodying and Magnetizing your Beauty as the woman you are here to be.

You will DISCOVER:

*Your personal Beauty Story that has turned you into a SLEEPING BEAUTY and how to Transform it into your legendary Beauty

*Your SHADOW GODDESS and her tremendous power to create the LOVE, WEALTH, PLEASURE and everything you desire

*The BLACK PEARLS and other gifts that are buried in your Beauty Story along with their healing powers of Transformation

*A profound process of connecting with your Spirit to RECEIVE YOUR TREASURE as a Woman who fully receives and owns her Beauty

*Your personal BEAUTY FORMULA that will keep your Light turned ON and radiating out into the world Attracting and Magnetizing your Dreams and Desires

If you have ever felt your beauty wasn’t enough…

If you’ve ever allowed magazines or men to impact how you felt about your body…if you’ve ever wanted to HIDE a part of your body or yourself…If you struggle to feel beautiful NOW because you are ‘too fat, too old, too this, not enough that’ etc…discover how to Embody Your Beauty!



We start TOMORROW.

The price goes up TONIGHT at 11pm EST.

JOIN US NOW at the special launch price!

in beauty and love,



ps **This NEW Series is INCLUDED in the EIM Membership Tier 2 or above:

>>Click HERE to learn more about EIM Membership and its BENEFITS




beauty in the swamp!


Wow…what a week…

I have been deep in the swamp of loss and frustrations!

If Beauty is more than skin deep it must embrace EVERY part of ourselves…otherwise it isn’t WHOLE, and we aren’t either.

This week I invited you all to a call- Receiving Your Beauty…

And naturally I was invited to receive my own in a deeper way than ever before...

This week I was so challenged by technology…

…and if you know me, you know it’s something that truly overwhelms me and makes me feel so lost at times!

issues on my website…

my CC being used in Korea and thousands of $$ charged…

then canelled and replaced with charges reversed but many of my accounts got interrupted in the process…

calls I’ve done for my community didn’t get recorded properly had to be re-done…

a virus duplicated and quadrupled all of my files…

spent 2 days going through it all cleaning it up…to find 75% of all my photos had been corrupted…

precious photos of my children!! clients’ photoshoots, recipes for past and upcoming books, travel, friends and family, artwork and gowns I’ve made etc etc


I had backed up some, but not everything…

One of my dear clients shared with me yesterday being locked out of her phone and not being able to access all of her music, meditations, sessions with me, photos, contacts, and so much of her life!

How vulnerable we all are and it can be so frustrating and isolating when we can’t navigate smoothly in the life we are creating …

Of course no one is hurt and most of this is more of a big inconvenience than anything serious, thankfully…

In the past I have swallowed the stress because it’s all a ‘lesson and blessing in disguise’ and wrote off my feelings as ‘petty’..

NOW, I real-eyes, there is such sweet beauty in our tears…

…and releasing as it comes upl:

-our uncomfortable frustration

-our seething rage

-our bottomless grief

-our deep longing

-our indignant anger

-our wretched envy

-our inconsolable heartache

so we don’t have to carry it around submerged in our aura and painbody..where it breeds like weeds and chokes off new ideas and fresh hope is vital!

DSC00143 Shakaya Leone in the swamp


I am a fan of releasing… just letting it all pass through and not being attached to it or letting it DEFINE me…

Releasing our stuff isn’t very pretty…but it IS beautiful!

Afterall, emotions are just energy in motion- refrain from hurting ourselves or others, but let them flow.

The feminine is not always rational and logical..the feminine is ever changing, birthing…and there can be chaos and rupture!

What we require is not to stop or demean feeling…but to feel it deeply, unapologetically, without shame or blame.

I’m so grateful for my team and circle of sisterhood and my family who understands how much this stuff affects me and have supported me through it all…who get me, support me, remind me of my beauty and brilliance at my worst moments, make me laugh and let me cry and feel it ALL.

I feel so tender and small, and yet more open than ever before to the depths of my own being and expression…

And inside the swamp there is so much beauty in our pure authentic feelings, no matter what they are…

And like a flower of Truth I am opening even more, blossoming my authenticity and beauty.

For those of you who signed up to the Receiving Your Beauty call, it’s coming…promise!


preview call EB


And for those of you who would like to go deeper receiving your beauty, join us by REGISTERING HERE and you’ll also receive the replay soon.


with a perfectly executed elegant swan dive deep in the swamp,





receive your beauty


Did you know there is a deep connection between a woman’s capacity for beauty and her ability to Receive?

For example, in the past beauty was an excuse to why I couldn’t DO, HAVE or BE whatever I wanted!

I used to dream of being beautiful, but I had a story that I was anything but…too skinny, not pretty, plain Jane, Ugly Duckling.

This put a dimmer on how I expressed myself in the world…from the caliber of men I dated to the places I lived to the way I took care of myself to the income I earned.

What about you-

How would your life be different if you were BEAUTIFUL?

Of course, you already ARE beautiful, Petal…

…But perhaps you have a story about your Beauty that has been tarnished with uncertainty, doubt and dissaproval 🙁

Do you ever look in the mirror zeroing in on your ‘flaws’?

Or are you waiting for a man to cast the vote for your beauty?

Or does your weight, age or looks not fit the culture’s 3000 daily media messages about how a woman should look…

Or perhaps a relative or someone you love gave you a message about beauty that didn’t honour you and even HURTS to this day.

What if OWNERSHIP is the magical key that unlocks a woman’s beauty?

Truly beautiful woman carry themselves differently..

They don’t merely accept themselves, they FLAUNT and celebrate their Beauty, and it is wildly attractive!

If you have ever felt your sparkle was determined by the shape of your hair or the size of your thighs…

If you’ve ever been made to feel less than beautiful exactly as you are…

…or you have ever HELD BACK on something you wanted because you didn’t feel beautiful enough…

JOIN ME for this special call:

preview call EB

The 5 Stages of Receiving Your Authentic Beauty

Opt-in to join the call or if you can’t make it live, to receive the recording:



with love and beauty,




the feminine art of receiving (take the test!)

Receiving is a magical elixir for a fulfilling life especially for us women.

And although every woman is born to be GENIUS at it,

many are starving at the Banquet of Life!


Recently I have allowed myself to Receive everything I desired, and MORE:

*First Class Travel~ including man-training my resistant husband to join me as it was in my desire…

his resistance was futile- we had THE TIME OF OUR LIVES.

*Compliments from a famous celeb (ol’ Sammy L Jackson 😉

*A 3 night stay in a gorgeous suite at the Waldorf Astoria, au gratis

*Complimentary dinner at a 5 star restaraunt

*Free groceries at Whole Foods

*Stellar New Clients (all my clients are such magnifient women!)

*I’ve had clients sign up paying thousands to work with me just because,

‘You’re so comfortable with Receiving, I want to learn that!’.


And on the last day I wore one of my dresses that I designed.

I had SO many women stop to tell me ‘I love your dress!’ that eventually I said,

‘Thank you. I made it- what color do you want?’.

I got over 2 dozen orders (though not all came through- I’m grateful for every one).

Now Kristin Sweeting Morelli wants one too, which is a beautiful affirmation I totally conjured…



That’s not all!
*The week before I received a gift of jewelry in the mail from a client I adore.

*Yesterday in the mail came a delicious package with the most beautiful aromatic spa scrub I’d ever smelled from my friend and colleague Amanda Moxley

*And Invitations to speak at large events that I would normally have to pay hundreds $$$ to exhibit there- FREE.

*I also recently received a glowing testimony from a client who awes me with her talent and beauty-

we’re having a love fest!

‘What I’ve learned from Shakaya has helped me not only in my profession, but in every aspect of my life.

Since I began treating myself to Shakaya’s delicious practices, my life feels so much more luxurious and abundant.

I feel my body’s connection to the earth; my energy has increased; my mood is better; I am more relaxed and happy;

I get more done with less stress.

The best part is -everything Shakaya teaches is easy and enjoyable. She’s not about deprivation or whip-cracking.

She even makes exercise seem pleasurable! I’m telling you, the woman is magic.’

Sandra Joseph, Speaker/Singer/Author/Actress, Star of Broadway’s “The Phantom of the Opera”


*All the while receiving from my girlfriends who just upride me higher whenever something wonderful happens to me.

*And of course the constant love and support from my husband who after 17 years is literally adoring me.

*Not to mention the sweet and fun relationship of receiving that I am blessed to have with my two teenage sons who WANT to

help me with chores to make my life easier, and give me kisses and compliments on my food etc everyday.


Am I bragging a little? Well, yes!

In a world where women are taught to bond over our complaints and suffering, 

a world where we dim our Light so as not to outshine another-

it’s time to CELEBRATE the good in our lives and and take each other HIGHER.


This is so easy and FUN being a beautiful Receiver. It’s a skill I can teach you.

And exactly how the Universe works when we are in our Feminine and open our Receiving Gates.


It isn’t how much we can get done in a day, but how much can we allow ourselves to RECEIVE.

(Tweet it!)


When we are in our Feminine Essence, we are naturally in Receiving Mode.


And it has NOTHING to do with our weight or our looks!

All Women are natural receivers, just look at our feminine bodies…

This is something many of you expressed in my recent survey that you’ve been struggling with in your life in:

love, prosperity, health, opportunities, acknowledgement, your purpose, your beauty and femininity, etc.


Achieving without Receiving is unfulfilling for us as women.

And so not the Feminine way- the Divine is on it’s tippy toes to bring us everything we desire!


If you aren’t receiving all the good that is available for you...

perhaps it’s time to learn how to make YOU a priority and stand for receiving your desires.


I can show you how!


Just tell me a bit about yourself here.


And we will be in touch to schedule a time for us to connect to see how I can assist you with

Receiving what is most important to you right now.


There is a little test I have created just for those who take this next step that will show you

where you are in your Receiving…very eye opening!


This is your invitation to begin Receiving all the beauty and richness life has available for YOU…

with open arms,








how to conjure your desires into being


WILD time in NYC…

I brag I stayed in a gorgeous $1000/night suite at the Waldorf Astoria this weekend au gratis (thank you Sophie!!) which has been filled with it’s own magic…


When I arrived Friday our room wasn’t ready so I received a generous voucher for dinner while I waited 🙂

Later that night I walked to Whole Foods to get stocked up for the weekend with water, fruit and flowers and got STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR by myself! I eventually got rescued and carried out by 5 gorgeous firemen 🙂 My groceries were FREE and they put me in a cab back to my hotel.

On the way stopped at a red light, my cabbie was signaled to roll down his window by another cabbie who just HAD to tell me he remembered me from last month, and how was NYC treating me..?

The next day I found myself on stage naked in front of 30o women, later I modeled lingerie and received requests to be painted by a renowned artist, and photographed by a photographer…


Next day Samuel L Jackson flirted with me on the street; so FUN to be a woman!

And, just by walking around feeling gorgeously receptive, I received 2 doz new orders for my original dress designs 😀

Only a fool doesn’t star in her own fantasy

Oh, and to think I almost didn’t go…

I almost didn’t say YES to this trip because:

I really should stay home, I’ve been traveling alot and my family needs me, and it’s so expensive, I should be putting more of my money towards the bills rather than my pleasure, and I have a ton of work to do..

O I had all the excuses!

Buuuut, neither my Mentors nor sister goddesses would let me cave into all my security issues and miss out!

They reminded me of my Womantra for 2014:

Go to your edge…Claim what’s available for you…less achieving, more RECEIVING!

And so I am! And that is the magic key that is unlocking all this juicy goodness for me.

And so can YOU.

There’s an art to it…it’s called:

The Feminine Art of Receiving.

But you can’t receive all the beauty and abundance that is here for you if you don’t know how to open yourself up to being in your feminine receptivity.

This isn’t a mental thing…

You simply cannot receive with a closed hand…or heart.

I’ve opened up 3 spots for women who wish to discover your receiving edge is, and how to expand it!


I am making myself available to work with 3 women who want to open their receiving gates WIDE OPEN and start allowing in more of what they desire in their life!

Let’s talk.

About you.

And YOUR Desires.

I can’t wait to support you conjure and RECEIVE more of what’s waiting for you!

with graceful receptivity,

