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beauty in the swamp!


Wow…what a week…

I have been deep in the swamp of loss and frustrations!

If Beauty is more than skin deep it must embrace EVERY part of ourselves…otherwise it isn’t WHOLE, and we aren’t either.

This week I invited you all to a call- Receiving Your Beauty…

And naturally I was invited to receive my own in a deeper way than ever before...

This week I was so challenged by technology…

…and if you know me, you know it’s something that truly overwhelms me and makes me feel so lost at times!

issues on my website…

my CC being used in Korea and thousands of $$ charged…

then canelled and replaced with charges reversed but many of my accounts got interrupted in the process…

calls I’ve done for my community didn’t get recorded properly had to be re-done…

a virus duplicated and quadrupled all of my files…

spent 2 days going through it all cleaning it up…to find 75% of all my photos had been corrupted…

precious photos of my children!! clients’ photoshoots, recipes for past and upcoming books, travel, friends and family, artwork and gowns I’ve made etc etc


I had backed up some, but not everything…

One of my dear clients shared with me yesterday being locked out of her phone and not being able to access all of her music, meditations, sessions with me, photos, contacts, and so much of her life!

How vulnerable we all are and it can be so frustrating and isolating when we can’t navigate smoothly in the life we are creating …

Of course no one is hurt and most of this is more of a big inconvenience than anything serious, thankfully…

In the past I have swallowed the stress because it’s all a ‘lesson and blessing in disguise’ and wrote off my feelings as ‘petty’..

NOW, I real-eyes, there is such sweet beauty in our tears…

…and releasing as it comes upl:

-our uncomfortable frustration

-our seething rage

-our bottomless grief

-our deep longing

-our indignant anger

-our wretched envy

-our inconsolable heartache

so we don’t have to carry it around submerged in our aura and painbody..where it breeds like weeds and chokes off new ideas and fresh hope is vital!

DSC00143 Shakaya Leone in the swamp


I am a fan of releasing… just letting it all pass through and not being attached to it or letting it DEFINE me…

Releasing our stuff isn’t very pretty…but it IS beautiful!

Afterall, emotions are just energy in motion- refrain from hurting ourselves or others, but let them flow.

The feminine is not always rational and logical..the feminine is ever changing, birthing…and there can be chaos and rupture!

What we require is not to stop or demean feeling…but to feel it deeply, unapologetically, without shame or blame.

I’m so grateful for my team and circle of sisterhood and my family who understands how much this stuff affects me and have supported me through it all…who get me, support me, remind me of my beauty and brilliance at my worst moments, make me laugh and let me cry and feel it ALL.

I feel so tender and small, and yet more open than ever before to the depths of my own being and expression…

And inside the swamp there is so much beauty in our pure authentic feelings, no matter what they are…

And like a flower of Truth I am opening even more, blossoming my authenticity and beauty.

For those of you who signed up to the Receiving Your Beauty call, it’s coming…promise!


preview call EB


And for those of you who would like to go deeper receiving your beauty, join us by REGISTERING HERE and you’ll also receive the replay soon.


with a perfectly executed elegant swan dive deep in the swamp,





3 thoughts on “beauty in the swamp!”

  1. Kathy says:

    WOW…What a powerful article! As I read your words I shed tears with you and for you…I am so sorry …so sorry to hear the intense difficulties and challenges that you faced recently. Stay strong and find comfort in the loving arms of your tribe.

  2. Chara says:

    Beautifully and insightfully written, Shakaya. I’m really sorry about your problems but admire your way of handling them.

  3. Anna says:

    This speaks very deeply to my soul ~ I thank you for it.

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