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Author Archives: Earth Empress

do less- attract more, dreamgirl 2

Hey My Gorgeous! I hope you are soaking up the sunshine and drinking in the beauty and fun of summer! This multi-tasking entrepreneur mama sure is…I’ve discovered the more I Relax, Enjoy and Dream, the more I actually accomplish. That’s right- DO LESS and ATTRACT MORE. It’s the Feminine way! Protecting your energy, your unique sparkle, […]


a grounded woman is a powerful woman 2

I can hardly believe today is DAY 17 of The Beauty Cleanse already. One Hundred amazing women are on this journey of self-discovery, love and beauty. You can, too! Today is actually called HOURGLASS CHECK-IN: ‘Your most sacred task is keeping yourself enlivened, creative and juicy! Ask yourself, ‘How can I do my work today […]


your transformation starts tomorrow 2

Hello Petal! How are you? I’m over the rainbow over the moon excited! It’s been a week of firsts for me- plus I made a new vid for you below: I hosted my own live teleclass to over 700 people, on Tues on Thursday evening I was the speaker at a Raw Meet Up and […]


3 Sacred Beauty Rituals Invitation 2

  Hello Butterfly I know YOU ARE beautiful, brilliant, adorable, sexy, powerful, radiant, transformative, talented, and magnificent. You walk a path no one else could. You were born to live your fairytale. And you are a highly functioning woman who places a high value on your energy and health, so you can experience and contribute all […]


dandelion dream dinner 2

Hello Doves, It’s a very special time of year! The Queen of the liver-loving dandelion herb is abundant right now and you don’t want to miss out on her precious medicine and magic. My husband is Italian (I am half Italian) and he grew up picking dandelion for salads. When I was pregnant his mom […]
