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when your life falls apart/isn’t working

Life experience can be so difficult at times…

Whether we are going through a Personal or Global crisis it’s vital to have a solid ‘lifeline’.

To not be swept up in internal storms and hurricanes of fear and loss and shame and blame.

How do YOU find the ‘calm in the storm’ and navigate the wild winds of change that blow into your life??

How to steer the often scary and painful path of your Heroine’s Journey?

Here are my best tips on how to not only survive but THRIVE:

  1. ADMIT YOU ARE IN CRISIS. Don’t hide. This 1st step is often the most difficult for ‘strong women’ who don’t want to appear weak or out of control, but the truth is that life is UNCERTAIN and we all feel insecure and scared at times. We are taught to be stoic and stuff our rage and our passion! We are taught to repress and ‘look good’ and this truly makes us immobilized. But when we share our deepest truest thoughts and feelings no matter how messy, we put ourselves in the hands of the Divine. It takes courage to be vulnerable, but that raw authenticity is so magnetic… people’s hearts open and they want to help! Share what you are going through honestly with people you trust. Transparency is transformative.
  2. ALLOW IN SUPPORT. Again, not always easy or comfortable for women who have always been there for everyone else and don’t want to be a burden. But when we create a wall around ourself of invincibility, that prevents life and love in when we need it the most. Everyone needs to feel supported especially during crisis and I believe we are not meant to ‘go it alone’ but to help one another. We further victimize ourselves when we feel shame and don’t allow the events in our life to crack us open so the Light can flood in. 
  3. CREATE AN AFFIRMATION. This may sound trite or superficial but there have been times in my darkest hours and those of my client’s when it was all we had to hold onto! For example, highly sensitive, spiritual, heart-centered, creative women often struggle with feelings of persecution and not being safe. A favourite affirmation is ‘I AM SAFE. I AM DIVINELY PROTECTED.’ Or ‘I AM WORTHY. IT IS SAFE TO BE ME. I AM LOVED.’ Or ‘I WILL GET THROUGH THIS. I ASK FOR AND RECEIVE HELP. I AM GUIDED.’ It can be very simple and primal- just go with what feels good and right for you!
  4. HAVE SACRED SPACE FOR REFLECTION. Whenever you can it is so vital to spend time in the sanctuary of your own heart and Spirit to hear what is essential for you to hear. To be able to receive your truth and a Higher guidance that isn’t cluttered with the chaos of confusion and emotion. I personally keep a journal and spend time in silence, alone to hone my intuition and to stay centered. It always amazes me how much GRACE unfolds when we’re able to be available for it. We all have the answers but they are hidden within us.
  5. RECEIVE YOUR RECLAMATION. Often when we are quiet and can see things from a higher ground, our perspective can shift dramatically from feelings of VICTIMIZATION to EMPOWERMENT. This is when we can begin the deeper healing process of steering our way through the landmines of SHAME and/or BLAME  into RECLAIM. This step is a total transformation because we begin to feel gratitude amidst the rubble. It’s like kintsugi – the Japanese art of “repairing with gold”. To treating rupture and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Sometimes bowls would be broken purposely in order to enhance their value through the repair process. We are not broken. We are MORE of who we are meant to be.
  6. CREATE YOUR REINVENTION. This is an exciting step! We have suffered loss and we have been open with our pain and grief, receiving support, going through a deep transformation of healing and redemption. Now it’s time to step into a new part of ourselves that has been birthing through this Heroine’s Journey. That part of us that can now blossom not in spite of what we have been through but because of it! I have known clients and friends who have cut all their hair off, changed careers, sold everything and got a new wardrobe,  lost weight, cleansed and healed chronic health issues, divorced or remarried, changed locations and travelled or finally came HOME to themselves… and found peace and fulfillment like never before. The external conditions are of the past like the wake of a boat and real transformation always comes from within.


These steps may seem superficial next to such devastation but have truly been a lifeline for me (even during homelessness, break-ups, financial loss, illness and long-term suicidal depression) and many of my clients who feel the URGENCY of their life… of becoming FREE and FINALLY living a life that is all YOURS. No matter what.

I am being guided to open space in my calendar to connect with any women who feel lost, alone, scared and are in the ‘eye of the storm’ in their life and truly desire that rock solid foundation of living your truth and reclaiming your power.

Reach out to to schedule some time with me to connect and see if mentorship is right for you.

Remember, you deserve to be supported and if you don’t have the sisterhood and family and structures for safety and success in place already, I am here, and if not me, reach out where you feel guided and please get the support you require!

And in the comments below share your practices of cultivating peace in the storm and where in your life more of your truth and freedom and power is calling.

with LOVE and glowing guidance,

For everyone affected by Irma (my husband has family in florida) and the recent floods and storms and quakes of Mother Earth, we send our healing waves of prayers, love and financial resources and hold you in the Light on this inauspicious day/anniversary of Sept 11 and always…


One thought on “when your life falls apart/isn’t working”

  1. Em says:

    I am going thru a whole lot of major life changes right now & do feel like I am right in the middle of the storm…..scary, but also exciting…going to reinvent myself!!!
    My tether is Zumba – taking classes & teaching classes. I am so blessed to be able to do it & to teach it & to share it with others. It calms me down, pumps me up, balances my mood, inspires me & centers me every single time!! It keeps me sane!!! 🙂

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