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the beauty of negativity and bad habits


Hello Lovedrops,

It is the first quarter of LOVE MONTH (February) and we are HERE.

We are alive and endowed with our body, our Spirit and our Life!

We desire to share our gifts and live a life of experiences that enchant us.


But we don’t always feel so tuned in and turned on…

life is a journey with many cycles and seasons especially for us women.

We all have ‘bad days’ ‘bad moods’ ‘bad habits’… I know I do 😉


WARNING: I’ve noticed especially within ‘conscious communities’ a sense of

shame or fear to acknowledge our ‘negativity’.


Teachings like The Secret or Law of Attraction can cause us to

deny and denounce all that isn’t ‘feeling good’.


And while it’s true that like attracts like and our frequency is vitally important

hence ESC and a beautiful diet etc etc

I don’t believe negating our truth is healthy or helpful.


We simply cannot successfully operate over top of in a Spiritual Bypass.


That never works and we end up leaking out passive-aggressive energy and

even exploding in a tantrum, or we internalize it and become depressed.


I’m not a fan of ‘self-improvement’ or denial-

instead I invest my energy in curiosity and turning my lead into my gold.


I have found alot of wonder and goodness can come out of negativity!

It’s like the deep, dark soil full of rot and decaying things is a hotbed

of fertility and new life. 


For example, and this one is particularly raw and painful for me-

I have a lifetime of ‘bad days’ ‘bad moods’ ‘bad habits’ all stemming from insomnia.

Despite healthy ‘sleep hygeine’, diet and lifestyle 

I still find it challenging and feel lucky to sleep 4-6 hours a night.

(Fortunately my sleep is very deep and improving every day =D 


Sleep is a spiritual practice and I intend to cultivate it deeply this year.

For living with so little sleep all my life has had health consequences.

Plus I have companions of Melancholy, Fear and Insecurity since childhood.

Has it been Lonely? Frustrating? A Nightmare at times? Yes.


And yet, there has been so much learning, expansion, creativity, compassion and GIFTS… 

I wonder if I would be here with my own business and this blog sharing

my message of EXQUISITE SELF-CARE, Sensual Beauty, Raw Foods, Detox etc etc

had my life and my sleep been much different..?


Insomnia hasn’t been my conscious choice…yet I consciously CHOOSE IT.


I choose it now after years of denying, resenting and despairing over it-

I choose it because at least for now, it’s mine, and when we argue with reality we lose 

and cannot heal or transform any part of ourself that we don’t embrace.




Now it’s your turn to identify ONE of your big ‘bads’-

could be around food or substances, relationships, your purpose, your beauty…


What is initiating in you the desire for change and healing in your life right now?


No judgement, just be kind with yourself and get curious about 

the message it’s trying to tell you and even the gifts its offered 🙂

I’d love to hear in the comments!


with love and beauty sleep,


ps The Healing Baths Ritual call is happening THIS THRUS 

for all Body Cleansers to further support your detox!

 Watch your email for call in details, and the replay if you can’t join live.


6 thoughts on “the beauty of negativity and bad habits”

  1. This really touched me this morning, my dear. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. I can’t think of just one ‘big bad’ (too many!) ha ha, but I am slowly but surely learning, as you have done, to choose and love it all, and to realize there is no race and no prize but ourselves and one another.

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Beautiful Jennifer, love to you!

  2. Sally says:

    What I am addressing currently is moods and feelings. I take clues from my body, my dreams and from messages from the world around me. This morning I defined the word irascible and many of its synonymous. Great trail of understandings and finally to an ability to laugh about myself. Very healing for me! Loving your message today.

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Aha Sally, beautiful awareness! Being able to laugh at ourself helps us to include ALL of ourself, which makes us feel real and whole, and that is so much more fulfilling than trying to be perfect.

  3. Jacquie says:

    I can name so many! Adult acne, very low self-esteem, loneliness stemmed from my inability to make friends, compulsive over eating. Those would be my top ones. I think a good dose of trust on the universe and my path would take care of all of them!! 💜💜

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Jacquie it’s so true, trust is the magic elixir of life and you can blossom it as you CHOOSE! Ask the Universe/your Higher Self ‘what can I do to strengthen my trust in myself and Life?’ It’s a fun experiment and I would love to hear how it unfolds for you.

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