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gifting is a self-blessing tree


Gifting is like a self-blessing tree that you receive too!


It’s one of my favorite ways to open my receiving channels

because it fulfills the Law of Circulation which states that

you can only keep what you give away.

It also states that you must have in order to give-

so the first place to gift is to yourself 

so your cup is full and you have something to give 😉


Gifts I am gifting myself and my circle this holiday:


Reading Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starters and Desire Map

has been a deep dive into choosing and claiming what lights me up!

I just received my 2017 planner and I can’t wait to dive in with a 

FRESH START on a magical blank canvas and her delicous words.

Her CANDLES, MALA BEADS, and CARD DECKS are gorgeous too! 


Speaking of card decks, my friend Fatma Zaidi created this deck

when her daughter was experiencing a difficult initiation and Fatma

received insights and loving that resulted in a deep healing.


Now for my favourite way to gift…


If you’ve read my book NAKED BEAUTY you know I adore essential oils.

I am an Aromatherapist and have used eo’s in my beauty routine, in ritual,

in healing and cleaning my home for 3 decades- they truly are GIFTS OF THE EARTH.


What’s wonderful about essential oils is that you can gift them as is

or you can make beautiful and thoughtful gifts with them… 


* citrus or rosemary in a spray bottle of water makes a lovely air freshener

* lavender in a sachet to tuck under the pillow for sweet dreams

* rose, ylang and chamomile in a pretty jar of epsom salts for a deluxe bath


I’ll be sharing how I use eo’s in ritual, healing and for beauty!


Stay tuned for that!

To get started you can purchase the purest essential oils WHOLESALE HERE.


with cinnamon tea,


ps I am also going to be supporting women who desire to transform their wealth

by helping others transform their wellness- COMING SOON.



2 thoughts on “gifting is a self-blessing tree”

  1. Amy says:

    Beautiful post! So true about sharing and I’m so glad to have learned about essential oils from you years ago, and so honoured to have shared my journey with you too! Share on, sister!

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Thank you Amy! One of the most memorable gifts I’ve ever received has been the gift of our friendship.

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