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my top tips for treating yourself this holiday


The Approach~

Family, Friends and Food!

Thanksgiving is a gorgeous time of the year with beautiful colors and delicious scents and a seasonal reminder to LET GO… like gentle leaves dancing their way to the ground.


It can be a little overwhelming too!

We want to enjoy all the fixings and festivities, and we want to look and feel RADIANT.

Let’s be real with ourselves… perfection isn’t real and we’re done stressing over that 😉

Personally, I love to indulge. Intelligently.

Exquisite Self-Care means being accepting and flexible when there are special occasions that we desire to indulge in. Planning how you want to treat yourself is fun and healthy and a graceful way to approach the holidays that takes the pressure off…

…while allowing you to feel poised and ready for anything!


The morning of cheat/treat day~

Many of you are familiar with my morning SHINE rituals that consistently support my feminine body and essence and one I’d like to highlight for you here has to do with full-on Hydration.

Being juicy and fluid is always a lovely way to start your day.

Adding sea salt and liquid minerals (re-myte is my go to) with some CITRUS actually makes the water WETTER so you absorb it deep into your cells. It’s vital to drink 3-4 glasses of this beauty elixir BEFORE EATING as it is not only highly hydrating, it’s also going to cleanse and energize you.

Setting you up for ease and energy all day long.


Your 1st Meal of cheat/treat day~

Just because you are going to be treating yourself that day doesn’t mean you are going to be treating yourself ALL DAY 😉

I like to ease into things… gently.

So what I like to do is enjoy small meals leading up to the celebration in the form of a nourishing green juice or green smoothies. This continues with the theme of hydration while adding a bounty of nutrition in the most digestible form ever. My favorite is an elegantly simple 16 oz veggie juice of 1 large cucumber and 3-5 celery sticks and then a green smoothie or two.

Fruit after that if desired until the celebration meal works beautifully.


Enhance your Digestion~

Whenever I am holidaying I like to try new things or enjoy old favorites.

Typically these foods are cooked or have processed sugar, which can be alot for my liver and stomach to digest. What really assists digestion is to take digestive enzymes just before a big meal or a meal that isn’t combined properly (ie carbs with protein). Herbal Bitters or even ACV (apple cider vinegar) in a glass of water before and after your meal is wonderful for smooth digestion.

Food tastes better and life is just sweeter when you eat mindfully and slowly…

Try breathing and putting your cutlery down in between bites.

I like to get everyone outdoors for a walk before desert to create space for my digestion and also to ground myself in the fresh air, which always makes me feel relaxed and invigorated. If you want to enjoy a delicious dessert that actually enhances your digestion, try a mono-fruit bowl of fresh papaya with mint or a plate of raw or lightly grilled pineapple- both fruits are rich in digestive enzymes and are so satisfyingly sweet and sensual after a meal!

Elegantly simple and delicious too.




Slow down and Savour and Let Go~

Holidaying is much more fun and less stressful when we choose to plan our indulgences instead of being in denial.

So no matter what it is love to treat yourself, please enjoy it to the fullest! Holidays with all the socializing and food can cause anyone to feel a little anxious or overwhelmed.

Celebrating is also a beautiful touchstone, a reminder of what is currently fueling you.

I love to get really present in my being and tune into my body and my current intentions and desires. It’s also really fun to allow the holidays to dazzle your senses by taking the time to enjoy each nuance- be it people you haven’t met or seen in a while, the heightened atmosphere and enhanced environment, the scents and sights and sounds… and of course the delicious offerings around the table.

Remind yourself that you are choosing what you wish to experience and you are consciously going to sensually savour it ALL.

Let go of all the rules and instead let your sensual spirit and vision guide you~ In-Joy!

And to begin the celebrations, why not take a moment to marinate in all the blessings of your life… every year at this time I love to write a list of everything I truly appreciate in my life and as I focus on what I have, it all seems to organically expand into even richer blessings within the following year!

Here’s my sumptuous list from last year if you need some inspiration.

And lastly, I’m so thankful for YOU my beautiful Empress siStar Xxo!






One thought on “my top tips for treating yourself this holiday”

  1. Kathy says:

    Oh dear sweet beauty…thank you with all my heart for the most beautiful Thanksgiving day greetings imaginable! I so appreciate all that you shared in such a delicious and heartfelt way. Your post was just what I needed. I love you with all my heart…wishing you and yours an especially blessed day today tomorrow and always! XO

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