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vulnerability is a feminine superpower


Firstly, I want to THANK YOU for the outpouring of love and prayers I received since sharing about mine and my husband’s recent health issues last week.

The GRACE and WISDOM you shared is incredibly inspiring and really LIFTED us…you all made me so proud of this community.

A beautiful frame from Dawn: ‘I am holding an image of you in my mind in your brilliant powerful inspiring, unbridled joy, beauty, passion as if you had asked me to hold your candle for a moment while you rest.’


I was feeling so free and supported- but then I suddenly ended up in the hospital!

I’m alright now, but clearly not doing well…

Next week I meet with a cardiologist for more tests.

And my husband is in Toronto today for a 4-hour blood test as a preliminary to having his surgery.


All this medical mayham I’m experiencing seems so foreign to me and how I normally live that I feel genuinely scared and confused…

I know I’ll get through this but right now I just don’t really know how…I just don’t have any answers right now.

Once again I am allowing myself to be open. To be real and raw and vulnerable with you no matter what it looks like.


It seems counter-intuitive, but being vulnerable is actually a Feminine superpower.

I made another video to share from a very tender place…


It’s too painful to try and go through alone and not necessary or healthy.

I believe together we can shift the current myth of vulnerability as weakness, and become infused with it’s TRUE beauty and strength.

So we can live uncensored, authentic and real as women, and receive the support available to us when we open ourselves up to our truth.

with raw love,


ps OMGosh I hope this is the last time you ever have to see me like this- it’s not pretty being this vulnerable…but there’s beauty in our truth as women that is healing for us all.


*quotes from pinterest


9 thoughts on “vulnerability is a feminine superpower”

  1. Diana Cohen says:

    My heart and prayers are with you both Beautiful Shakaya.

  2. Shelley Craig says:

    Shakaya, do you think you and your husband may have ingested something toxic; an herb? So the boys are fine? I feel so confused FOR you!! You are such a healthy eater and, I assumed, have a healthy lifestyle that it seems there must be something else?? Have you been under a lot of stress? Doing too much? How is your spiritual life? Ok, so I’m getting carried away here (LOL!) but my heart goes out to you and your husband. I assume you have already investigated these things so as to know if there are further lifestyle adjustments needed. I’m so incredibly moved by your vulnerability in all this, as I believe it helps others know it’s ok AND imperative to reach out for support when in need no matter ones situation. If there is anything I or anyone else can do to help please let me/us know!
    Many healing blessings going your way!

  3. Eva Furmanski says:

    Dear Shakaya,
    Be strong!!! You and you husband still in my prayers.
    Strength and FAITH !!! Is important!!
    You need to have a FAITH dear Shakaya
    Warm hugs 😀

  4. villarosa says:

    We all send you our love back by heaps & heaps! Also am praying for you and your husband to have the strength & knowledge to know, if as Shelley says above, you might have been exposed or ingested something that has taken you on this terrible nightmare of a journey! God knows, and am praying He will reveal it to you!

  5. Simin says:

    You are truly beautiful Shakaya, both inner & outer beauty.
    Sending you lots of love & praying for speedy healing for you & your husband. These health challenges are sure a mystery. Please ask your angels, guardian angel, God (whoever you pray to) to reveal to you the cause & also the healing needed. Our personal angels are just waiting for our request for assistance. Then relax & listen to your intuition & inner guide. You are much loved Shakaya. You are a child of God.
    Sending you much love.

  6. You’re not alone Shakaya – you and your family hold a very special place in my heart. I’m praying for you, and standing with you in faith for complete and total healing.

  7. Kathy says:

    So hoping you had a better day today and that your husbands blood work will be better than expected, you are in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. I left a few thoughts for you on the other page where you are holding up the Rams Horn/Skull. Prayers for God to fill you with peace and for complete restoration for you and your husband in everyway. Sending you much love and prayers.

  8. ashley says:

    hey girl thinking about you both -can you email me when you get a chance -i have a few thoughts! if you guys need anything please don’t hesitate to ask! ashley

  9. Snow Thorner says:

    Dearest Shakaya, I only know you through following your posts and now this extraordinarily brave video. Thank you for being a powerful model of rawness and vulnerability. I believe I found you last year through Tanya Paluso (?). I now lead a virtual group of women who connect transparently each week via skype. Thank you for the inspiration. Rich blessings of health, balance, love and green healing light to you, my nature sister and your husband. In love, Snowflower

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