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2 steps to activate healing NOW


You may have noticed I’ve been quiet lately…I’ve been unwell and am offline in extreme self care…

I want to share and connect… as I write this I feel teary and drained and could really use a HUG 🙂


And on top of my own Healing Crisis, my husband just had to have an MRI…which terrifies me even though I realize:


…Healing is a Spiritual Detox of outdated ways of being that no longer serve

…We are not victims, we are powerful co-creators with the Divine

…As we manifest dis-ease, we can also manifest Healing

…Healing, like dis-ease, is a Transformation that happens on the emotional body first

…Healing is restoring the Divinity within

…Fear is transformed through Faith; transparency and support decreases fear and fosters Faith

...There’s no Intimacy or Healing in HIDING

…Opening up and being TRANSPARENT is healing in itself



Or in being human. Or scared. Or for wanting Support 😉


So I’m reaching out…

When we’re in rupture like I am right now, the worst thing we can do is to lick our wounds in private and hide.

Opening to support is a very healing frequency/physiology.

I made this video to allow myself to be as open and vulnerable as I can be…

…and to connect with you from that pure space.

I’d LOVE your healing thoughts and prayers right now!

And perhaps I can be an inspiration if you are struggling alone, to be transparent and reach out for support too!



sending you so much love and healing,




86 thoughts on “2 steps to activate healing NOW”

  1. Chara says:

    Shakaya, you are beautiful and a light in the world. I’m sending you waves of love. I so admire how you are moving through your journey right now. I have been in very similar places health-wise, and I know how really difficult they are. As you heal, you are modeling for all of us the true journey of healing, in its depth, pain, complexity, and hope. I pray for resolution of your health issues at the perfect time, and for light, beauty, and healing to infuse your husband and give him every assistance that he needs. with love, Chara

  2. Denae says:

    Dearest Shakaya,

    Sending you love, healing, and hugs.

    Your vulnerability, your beauty, your truth, is so deeply moving. Thank you for sharing so intimately with us, Thank you for shining your light in to this sometimes very dark world.

    Your family will be in my prayers.

  3. gul says:

    My Dearest. Please have faith and be blessed, All is well and all will be well. You and your family will be in my prayers. Take care

  4. Maura says:

    Thank you for sharing so vulnerably and so beautifully, Shakaya. Sending many blessings of love and healing to you and your family. <3

  5. marilyn says:

    Dear Shakaya, i will put you and ypur husband in my prayers. I wish you the best. It is time for you and your husband to support and share the love that united you. Maybe these tough times will bring you both closer. I will pray for that. Do not give up. Try tp see natural health care practitioners for their help. Before going into surhery if possible. I have gone through many hard times and still struggling to get my life back. But i love to help people and reach out to give loving care…So wish you the best and i Know God has his way. And maybe by sickness he will bring you two closer.. Blessings and all my positive energy to you and your husband…Many healing hugs. Get someone to hug you everyday. It is so healing…Sincerely yours Marilyn

  6. marilyn says:

    Excuse the spelling it’s my phone changing letters…jajaja

  7. Sovra says:

    Shakaya in terms of the ovarian Cyst, I also had one starting as yours ending up the size of a small football. I went through my second pregnancy with it in me and had to have it drained during the pregnancy while watching my baby so close to that needle on screen. I relate to you so much in terms of the pain that comes and goes either fine or total agony of it twisted, the fact that doing yoga or excercise coukd twist it and the restrictions that meant. I lived with it inside me for about three years hoping to shrink it. My advice is only based on my experience. Get it removed by surgery and drained if it has fluid in which is less invasive, get it removed now before it gets bigger if keyhole is still an option and the major operation was difficult but I feel grateful I had it. I feel the cyst represented something in me maybe frustrated creativity not being released or simply those high

  8. sharon says:

    Thank you for being so open and honest about your health problems. Sending you much positive healing and energy and much love

  9. Sovra says:

    Continued from laser comment…or simply those high hormones/oestrogen levels. Who knows. Maybe you will make yours shrink. I wasn’t high raw all the time I had it. I was run ragged and stressed and frustrated in my life on deep levels and also in denial of truths I have since had to face but honestly I feel it was just wanting to grow like some other entity and now I have a fibroid instead. Maybe it is also genetic. Any way sorry about the two broken comments and my heart goes out to you and thank you for sharing your vulnerability which is rare coming from a stranger on line. Your an inspiration. My heart is with you on the other things too. Love. Sovra. I also feel a connection to you as you sing all the time. Your a singer in spirit. That says so much. Xxx

  10. Ksenia says:

    Dear Shakaya, thank you so much for sharing. Sharing is something I have always struggled with, preferring to keep everything to myself instead… Sending you waves of love, and positive healing energy! Ksenia

  11. Lynne says:

    Sending you Love and Light, Shakaya. As always, I applaud your bravery and honesty. You have really given me food for thought. So often, we are taught to suppress or hide so-called negative emotions (i.e. sadness, confusion, etc.). Even so-called spiritual/metaphysical teachings seem to warn that there is something wrong whenever we are not “alighed with source,” and we need to guard against being out of alignment. I have personally felt that thre is something wrong with me when I fall out of alignment. The guilt this has caused in me has been very painful at times. But, what you are saying makes complete sense and I have never thought about it in quite this way. Thank you for this! I am sending healing thoughts to you and your husband. I firmly believe that nothing is impossible, our bodies are capable of healing anything, and that you are both being led to the answers that will lead to ultimate healing. Just this morning, I read an article about a musician who had an accident and was told by “experts” that he would never regain the use of his hand. He determined that he would and he sure did. I could tell many stories about people in my own life who were given horrific diagnoses only to triumph over them as though they never had the malady in the first place. Take heart and have faith that you are surrounded by love and healing and that healing is the natural state for you and your husband. Perhaps it is a sign that I just happened to see that article about the musician this morning. There are no accidents, after all, and I am thinking that message was meant for you. Bless you and I wish you peace.

  12. LaFaye says:

    Your so brave girlfriend!
    Sharing in our most vulnerable time shows a persons true being, compassion and trust. You’ve shown the world your humanity and beauty once again. You truly do embody everything I could of only imaged that an earth empress would.
    Blessings, love and healing to you and your family always.

  13. Leva says:

    The Universe is one of gifting and receiving. For all you have gifted to women, to the world, to your family and to consciousness, there is no doubt that you will be taken care of. Your husband, boys and of course you will be in my thoughts and prayers. May all be resolved with speed and ease and for the absolute best for all of you! Blessings and love~~~

  14. shelley craig says:

    Absolutely Raw Beauty; that’s what you are. We, especially women, seem to go through many physical challenges from minor to major and often can’t see the ‘learning/message’ in our pain and suffering. I have been through many health and personal challenges and find it difficult to see any purpose while ‘in’ the experience of that pain. I’m confident that we are often reminded throughout life, how precious each moment is as well as ‘what is REALLY important’ and sometimes physical or mental challenges are our reminders. I know you will make the right choice for you; you and your husband will move ‘through’ the experiences of pain and fear, and will achieve an even higher level of consciousness due to the inward reflection and communing with spirit. Many healing blessings to you and your husband.

  15. Cassandra says:

    Dear sister, the spiritual transparency and truth in the feminine journey and flow is created for sisters to dive into mercy together, not fake false hollow images and your authenticity and purity brings you so many blessings and heavenly rewards for showing ladies how to honor their light in darkness. Thank you for a candle of light in an often falsely pressured pseudo spiritual competitive toxic arena for women. My sister had uterine cancer stage three at thirty three like Fran dare her the actress. It was late stage. She was a vegan yoga teacher and had fibroids surgically removed and healed all cancer signs with a Canadian method of injections, placing herself on ninety two prayer lists and embracing the loving devotion of the animal kingdom nurtured her tenderness, with all night prYer sessions. Every little suggestion of light meant much to her so I offer this humbly and hold your hand in spirit together.

  16. jessamina says:

    Shakaya, sister…So wise to uplevel the self care..gathering strength and energy..Especially wise to share. I am inspired by your vulberablility..When we are called to inspire’s so tempting to hide out when we are in trouble..(i’ve done this..and I see clearly that it would have been so much better to reach out) Your bravery is commendable and your community is all sending love…Blessings and encouragement.

  17. Jane says:

    Dearest Shakaya,

    May you be safe and free from danger
    May you be happy and at peace
    May you be healthy and free from suffering
    May you live with ease and not struggle

    This is the metta practice I use daily,
    and it is such a comfort during times of challenge.
    It takes massive courage to share our vulnerability
    and fragility with the world, but in doing so you model
    what true bravery is…and create a template for the need
    to share our sorrow in order to heal.
    I send you infinite love and light and all the healing energy in the universe,
    which already exist in huge abundance within you. ♄♄♄

  18. Lou-Ann says:

    Thank you for your very honest video. I have been enjoying your blog for some time. I love the pitures of you in a beautiful dress taken in a fabulous natural setting. I often wonder, “how can anyone be so thin?” “What would it be like to be gorgeous and act like it?” Today I feel that our relationship has shifted dramatically to one that is very real and I genuinely wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.

  19. villarosa says:

    Yes, indeed, we do need one another, to share & lift one another’s cares & burdens, and to share joys as well. You are already healing, and who knows, you may have been ‘healing’ for a very long time, and this is the final crisis of that healing. I too am praying for a quick resolution to both yours, and your husband’s health issues. Your Earth Empress Infusions have been filling us with love, light, and strength for each of us in our journeys, so we send those beautiful infusions back to you for them to fill your mind with peace, light, and love! I am praying for the crisis to pass and you and your husband to be WHOLE again very soon! All things do work together for good, though at the darkest of our nights we don’t believe that could be possible! You have triumphed through so much in your life, and your will triumph again!
    Love & prayers for both of you!

  20. “Father, right now I’m asking for Your peace to flood both Shakaya and Luke, and the boys. Psalm 91 says You are our refuge and our fortress. You are our shield and its under Your wings that we find shelter. Father I ask that Your peace would be a tangible presence in their lives over the next days, weeks and months as they walk through this test together as a family. Let them know the power of trusting in Your unfailing love, and I pray they would grow even deeper in their love for You and their love for each other. Thank you for Your healing touch that is like the balm of Gilead. In Jesus powerful name, Amen.” Sending you so much love Shakaya and standing with you in prayer for complete healing for both of you.

  21. Rebecca says:

    Dear Shakaya, thank you for opening my heart with your sharing. Wishing you, your husband and your family swift healing and much love. I have followed you for a while and always felt very soothed and inspired by your work. Thank you for this. Sending you much love.xx

  22. Clare says:

    Wow! You are so Lovely and wonderful and brave. It’s not easy to be vulnerable & transparent when you are in pain and things are difficult in the moment. I salute you for your bravery & love and pray for healing for you and your husband. Thank you for giving me the courage to stand in my truth and be vulnerable. <3

  23. Philippa says:

    Dear Shakaya, do you remember the story about the Hopi Indians – reputedly they could regenerate lost fingers or toes, or even limbs, because they BELIEVED they could and nothing and no one had told them anything different. I wish you and your husband the very best wishes and peace, with loving regards, a friend. PS. You will build your wings on the way up…and remember whilst we are children of the earth we are all born of the stars…

  24. Gorgeous Earth Empress Shakaya, your, your husband and your entire family are so loved and held in grace, I will include all of you in my daily meditation and prayers. Sweet love and hugs to you dear woman. xo

  25. Madey says:

    Shakaya, sending you and your husband love and light as you heal.

  26. Claudia says:

    Dear Shakaya,sometimes we have to walk throught the fire of pain and suffering to let go what no longer serve us, but there is always a big treasure waiting on the other side of the fire. I wish you and your husband to find the peace to see this treasure waiting for you. Thank you for reaching out and showing your naked beauty, you are really such a source of inspiration for me! Love

  27. Shirley says:

    Thank you for Sharing so openly with us. And may you know we are holding you and your husband in light, live and healing. With love.

  28. tila says:

    Sending you love and light Shakaya, I admire your courage in being vulnerable, you teach me so much. Sending love and light and healing to you and your husband and family. Everything in life is for your highest good, and sending strength and faith to you so you can handle it and be at peace with it.May there be breakthroughs and miracles and healing. May you know that everything is okay

  29. tila says:

    Sending lots of hugs to you

  30. Marnie says:

    Dear Shakaya, thank you so much for sharing. It gives us all permission to come out of hiding with our own needs, hurts and vulnerabilities. This is a huge gift to me right now. I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. In the spiritual community I find there is a belief that you are doing something wrong if things in your life aren’t working. This is so far from the truth & so full of judgment. This is a journey for your heart & your soul. It is a journey made in your own way, in your own time. Who knows the shape our individual journey will take? Take the sweetest of care! My thoughts go out to you & yours. xoxo

  31. Kathy says:

    Dear sweet beauty, I am sending you a great big hug and much healing blue white light to you and husband as well as to your boys. I will continue to ask Father God to protect you and give you additional wisdom and strength as you go through the next weeks and months. I ask for the Lord to comfort you and surround you and fill you and your husband your boys and your home with perfect love and with perfect peace right now. I thank Father God for hearing and answering my prayers in the precious name of Jesus Christ… Amen. I am here for you Shakaya what ever I can do for you what ever you need just let me know. I love you my dear beautiful Sister.XXO

  32. jackie says:

    Shakaya, I am sending you all love, prayers and healing thoughts and energy. Many blessings to you. Vulnerability takes such courage and you are a brave woman. Namaste

  33. Kris says:

    You are sooo loved . . . You are always in my Heart with the truly magical Beauty you are and that you bring to the world. So gentle. So sweet. I do believe you are on a jouney that will change things for all of us in a new way. Yes, miracles are just around the bend . . Warm Hugs to you and your family

  34. Patty says:

    Thank you! I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts. I will continue to send you both loving, healing light. Hugs to you and your family.

  35. Em says:

    Sending you and your family so much support and will be praying for you!!! xoxox much love to you

  36. Isobel says:

    You don’t know me but I’ve followed you for a long time. You’re a sweetheart for sharing this and you’re so right, there’s no shame in it at all. Please please don’t try to transform the pain and anger until you’ve fully felt it and processed it – don’t rush this stage, it’s necessary, like drawing poison from a wound. And know that very often the most profound challenges and problems come immediately before a major breakthrough.
    You are loved and supported on the wings of love of so many people. We’re all here for you.

  37. Pat says:

    Sending healing blessings and prayers to you and your husband. There is something positive to be birthed from all of this so keep trusting and it will unfold. Lifting you up in prayer <3

  38. Simin says:

    Hello beautiful lady,
    I feel you are on the verge of a wonderful breakthrough & a new level of being & acceptance. You are a beautiful soul who shares herself & her wisdom generously. So deeper insights & gifts are on their way to you. I feel these challenges are just put there to strengthen your already rich & strong beliefs in your body’s ability to heal itself. Doctors are very quick in offering to cut & mutilate & poison women’s body. But Shakaya, you know in your heart the wisdom of your body to heal itself. This challenge only offering a new opportunity to learn & grow. Have you tried visualization? Simply relax & let your imagination loose & see, in your minds eyes, the cyst getting smaller & smaller. You may use some healing laser light, some magic potion, some healing hand simply removing the blockage, just whatever comes to your mind. Do this couple of times daily (just before getting out of bed in the morning & before falling sleep at night seems most effective, or whenever you are tired & relaxing). Your imagination will guide you, trust your intuition. I would be happy to share more if you’d like to email me.
    And relationships are another avenue (a most potent one, I must add) , for our growth. They help us to know who we are & our inner strength. The pain comes when reality doesn’t match our expectations. Acceptance of the other person & the relationship is the first step to let go of pain, struggle & moving on with ease & freedom. Beautiful Shakaya I already see you totally healed, vibrant, giving your gift to the world. The cyst? sorry, can’t see it, totally gone. In its place a deeper level of belief in body’s healing ability. Much love to you & a big hug, Simin

  39. Simone says:

    Dear Shakaya, I appreaciate your journey and your openess. Thank you so much. I’m with you, holding you in love Simone

  40. Maxi says:

    Dear Shakaya,
    your are such an inspiration for my life and my journey! And I find it incredible brave and inspiring that you shared you situation in such a vulnerable setting. Thank you so much for that!
    I send you lots of love, light and hope and ask the universe in my prayers to send you exactly the help and extra support you and your husband/family needs for this particular time in your life’s!
    I give you all big, heartfelt hugs and IÂŽm going to think about it if I know something/someone that can help you even further with tips etc.

  41. Suzanne says:

    Thank you for sharing Shakaya. I have followed you for a few years and always admire your strength. Your message was very timely for me, I was just diagnosed yesterday with stage 4 lung cancer. I am a runner, physical education teacher, never smoked, raw vegan. I fee I have done everything right. They think it is work asbestos related. Your message of turning anger into healing is one I am trying to form. Not quite sure how to do that yet as it is so fresh and raw. Hope you find the healing that you require. Cheers

  42. Jayne says:

    You are an amazing person and you always have and always will inspire me to be the best I can be. Love to your family and please feel free to reach out to me any time.

  43. Theresa says:

    Thank you for sharing! I send you prayers and healing from God and the Universe that all will be well in your world.

  44. Earth Empress says:

    @Chara: thank you charu, my favorite frame: the true journey of healing, in its depth, pain, complexity, and hope.

  45. Earth Empress says:

    @Denae: thank you denae. a certain darkness is sometimes needed to see the stars x

  46. Earth Empress says:

    @gul: thank you gul. yes! all shall be well x

  47. Earth Empress says:

    @Maura: thank you maura, receiving your blessings with open heart x

  48. Earth Empress says:

    @marilyn: thank you marilyn. yes, to natural healing and and emotional healing too and lots of hugs. x

  49. Earth Empress says:

    @sharon: thank you sharon, so glad you’re here x

  50. Earth Empress says:

    @Theresa: thank you theresa, such healing flows x

  51. Earth Empress says:

    @Jayne: thank you jayne, you’ve been an angel for luke and i x

  52. Earth Empress says:

    @Suzanne: o suzanne, how disappointing after living so well and how i can relate to you, you are not alone…sending a soft blanket of love and healing as you transform the pain into freedom. thank you for being here and i hope you will stay close x

  53. Earth Empress says:

    @Maxi: thank you maxi! x

  54. Earth Empress says:

    @Sovra: thank you sovra for sharing yourself, yes, our hormones are all so vulnerable to our hurried, unnatural, superwoman lifestyles…as well as the accompanied stress and frustrations and ‘denials of truths’…so much to contemplate there x

  55. Earth Empress says:

    @Ksenia: thank you ksenia, this warms my heart as we all struggle with this and is why i choose to share and reach out, hoping you will too x

  56. Earth Empress says:

    @Simone: thank you simone! x

  57. Earth Empress says:

    @Simin: favorite frames: I feel you are on the verge of a wonderful breakthrough & a new level of being & acceptance. I feel these challenges are just put there to strengthen your already rich & strong beliefs in your body’s ability to heal itself. Your imagination will guide you, trust your intuition. And relationships are another avenue (a most potent one, I must add) , for our growth. They help us to know who we are & our inner strength. The pain comes when reality doesn’t match our expectations. Acceptance of the other person & the relationship is the first step to let go of pain, struggle & moving on with ease & freedom. The cyst? sorry, can’t see it, totally gone. In its place a deeper level of belief in body’s healing ability.’ so much gorgeous wisdom! thank you beautiful simin x

  58. Earth Empress says:

    @Pat: thank you pat!! x

  59. Earth Empress says:

    @Isobel: favorite frames: Please please don’t try to transform the pain and anger until you’ve fully felt it and processed it – don’t rush this stage, it’s necessary, like drawing poison from a wound. And know that very often the most profound challenges and problems come immediately before a major breakthrough’ thank you gorgeous isobel x

  60. Earth Empress says:

    @Em: thank you em, your kisses and hugs and prayers received with open arms! xo

  61. Earth Empress says:

    @Patty: thank you os much patty! x

  62. Earth Empress says:

    @Kris: thank you beauty, this feels so good for me to hear x

  63. Earth Empress says:

    @jackie: thank you jackie! xo

  64. Earth Empress says:

    @Kathy: thank you kathy for your beauty and love and prayers for me and my entire family xx

  65. Earth Empress says:

    @Marnie: so many favorite frames: gives us all permission to come out of hiding with our own needs, hurts and vulnerabilities. This is a huge gift to me right now. I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. In the spiritual community I find there is a belief that you are doing something wrong if things in your life aren’t working. This is so far from the truth & so full of judgment. This is a journey for your heart & your soul. It is a journey made in your own way, in your own time.’ so much beauty and truth! thank you dear marnie x

  66. Earth Empress says:

    @tila: thank you dear tila xo

  67. Earth Empress says:

    @Shirley: thank you shirley xo

  68. Earth Empress says:

    @Claudia: yes to finding our sacred healing treasures, thank you claudia, love and beauty x

  69. Earth Empress says:

    @Madey: ‘as you heal’ such powerful words for me to hear, thank you madey! x

  70. Earth Empress says:

    @Lynne: favorite frames: So often, we are taught to suppress or hide so-called negative emotions (i.e. sadness, confusion, etc.). Even so-called spiritual/metaphysical teachings seem to warn that there is something wrong whenever we are not “alighed with source,” and we need to guard against being out of alignment. I have personally felt that thre is something wrong with me when I fall out of alignment. The guilt this has caused in me has been very painful at times.’ thank you for being here and for sharing your love dear Lynne x

  71. Earth Empress says:

    @Alicia Morrow: thank you alicia beauty xo

  72. Earth Empress says:

    @Philippa: beautiful, yes, thank you dear phillippa xo

  73. Earth Empress says:

    @Clare: thank you clare, i feel so blessed to have you and all these powerful earth empress women with me now , may we all stand together and be held and open and strong x

  74. Earth Empress says:

    @Rebecca: this really touches me rebecca, thank you x

  75. Earth Empress says:

    @Ginny Edwards: aw ginny, your faith and support means the world to me and luke, thank you x

  76. Earth Empress says:

    @villarosa: in total biology the dis-ease is a resolution (in the body’s way) of an emotional shock/conflict…so yes you are correct, oour body is in healing stage! thank you for your beautiful words and prayers villarosa xo

  77. Earth Empress says:

    @Lou-Ann: aw, I feel you and appreciate this so much, thank you lou-ann, so glad you are here x

  78. Earth Empress says:

    @Jane: beautiful! thank you jane! xx

  79. Earth Empress says:

    @jessamina: beautiful jessamina, to inspire each other to deeper truth and beauty is a precious gift…thank you for your reflections that touch me and all our wise sisters in this beautiful circle, so glad you’re here xo

  80. Earth Empress says:

    @Cassandra: favorite frame: Thank you for a candle of light in an often falsely pressured pseudo spiritual competitive toxic arena for women.’! sweet cassandra, such a loss of your beautiful sister…her spirit shines through you and i so feel the warmth of your hands xo

  81. Earth Empress says:

    @LaFaye: lafaye, your journey has inspired me since we spoke…i’m so glad you are here ,thank you xo

  82. Earth Empress says:

    @Leva: favorite frame: The Universe is one of gifting and receiving.’ I feel so held in your thoughts and prayers for me and my family, thank you leva! x.

  83. Debra says:

    B.L.E.S.S. you and your family. You’ve brought me quiet serenity, I send healing love.

  84. Anabel says:

    thanks for your courage to share is inspiring. I also have the same challenge. I find out a year ago and I was shocked. Whent for a detox fast etc did it all and now i am just going to have compassion for myself, and be in that space of conection. Surrender to the healing power within and let go of controling. Anyway that’s the space I am now, letting go of controlling. that makes me feel cared for. Best wishes and healing vibes. You’ll be gided to see and do what’s best for you at this time. Much love.

  85. Terri says:


    I amost cried when i watched this video. I believe wholeheartedly your going to heal and be fine, but I see your sadness. You are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Thanks for your openess your are a beautiful songbird that shines like the sun. Lots of love and hugs xOx

  86. Dawn says:

    I have only just read your post and watched your viideo hence the late response. I rarely comment, but felt compelled to do so because your message was so heartfelt and vulnerable, sad yet inspiring.
    I am sending both you and your husband love and support in your healing journeys. You are in my prayers. With much love x

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