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wild, raw and edible


Hello Sunflower,

First off, THANK YOU to the thousands of women who joined us for the Sensuality Summit last month! (If you missed it LIVE, you can still access the recordings at

We are re-defining what Sensuality REALLY is, and how utilizing it enhances all of our 7 senses (yes, I said 7) and how to ‘experience our experiences’ with more awareness, authenticity, aliveness, pleasure, passion and potentcy as the women we are here to be.

Feeling into my Sensuality, I am allowing myself to receive my beauty and truth, and step into more of the woman I dream of being…

I’ve been consciously integrating some of the new awareness I gained from The Sensuality Summit and other programs I have experienced…Outside in Nature~ Offline~ and it’s been so nourishing especially with the beautiful weather…I’d love to INSPIRE you too to get outdoors and experience Nature’s beauty and abundance!

Remember being a kid when everyday was an AMAZING you felt every single day?

Remember who you were…remember the INNOCENCE…the ALIVENESS…the EXPANSION and EXCITEMENT you felt then!

I believe that is why people get addicted to alcohol and drugs…they are bored and stressed but they KNOW there is more to life than what they are currently experiencing…

In our consumer-oriented society where accumulating ‘things’ substitutes for ‘experiences’, it’s inevitable that 1 in 5 are on anti-depressants…and why I intuit that mood disorders are becoming an epidemic.

When I went Raw over 12 years ago, something magical awakened within me which transformed my life and inspired my entire family!

baby n toddler

Landon's raw birthday cake 2008 w mama

There have been many gorgeous CELEBRATIONS accented with raw cakes along the way…always spectacular, delicious and memorable!ย 
landon's 11th birthday raw cake

liam's raw b-day cake

liam's raw mandela cake

raw cake with flower


shakaya's choco mandala cakeclick here for a video recipe demo

The boys always had fun adventures in Nature, and they took to gardening before I did.

 boys in their garden



buddha baby

side by side

WILD berries found on a bike ride~ natural treats and treasures ๐Ÿ˜‰

wild berries found

We’ve all feel drawn to the beauty and exotic, exciting essence of Mother Nature…

…whether harvesting wild water year round (making sumac solar tea)






or berry-picking




or camping outdoors in our backyard


I had many health issues and wasn’t looking or feeling vibrant and radiant…I wanted something better for me and my family.

getting my slime on

I was Un-schooling my kids and started drinking what I called ‘BLENDIES’~ blended salads basically…this was even before Green Smoothies! (My kids like Green Smoothies better than my savoury Blendies;)

The biggest challange was getting my husband excited about the new lifestyle I was creating in our homelife…

He was a smoker…it was a coping strategy for dealing with pain and stress…I needed him to be PRESENT, not numbing out.


It created a wall in our marriage because drugs and alcohol never solve problems and create more issues…why not face the pain instead of numb it, and actually deal with it and make the changes to heal and transform it?

And OH how I judged him for medicating instead of meditating…for escaping instead of evolving…

And I resented him for not jumping on board …

He is a master artesan/craftsman who builds massive ponds and waterfalls creating sanctuaries for his clients on their estates and it is extremely labour intensive ย work with alot of mental planning and working out in the elements and he would say he requires denser heavier foods than vegan raw foodists who aren’t as active…

waterfall pond by luke leone

Eventually, I was able to strike the right balance and lured him in and he became sweet without sugar and high without substance ๐Ÿ˜€


family berry picking

With the same techniques I share about in my book Naked Beauty I helped him clear up his skin.

green smoothie facial


He looks and feels happier and healthier with every passing year raw and truly is the bedrock of our family!


wheat grass gratitude


He still likes the occassional glass of wine with dinner~ he’s Italian!

He’s become a medicinal mushroom hunter~ he loves his Chaga and Reishi ๐Ÿ™‚

You can read up on medicinal mushrooms and foraging or join a wild walk with an expert in your local area.


wild harvested dried chaga

A couple years ago my husband planted MULBERRY trees, BLUEBERRY, RASPBERRY, and CURRANT bushes in our yard~ PARADISE.

He inspired me and the boys to create our own gardens: mine consists of HERBS and LAVENDER.

I wish for the herbs to whisper to me, teach me which ones want me to know them, to learn to grow them, to heal with them. I wish for all of us to open to the whispers of Nature and learn what desires, what she sings. I wish for strings upon the ceiling hung with sage and lavender, thyme and chamomile.



I love adorning salads with wild chive flowers. And I adore my wild NETTLES and LAMBSQUARTERS in smoothies.




The boys grew lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.


Luke and Liam washing our garden's harvest

Over the years we have gravitated more and more to foraging for wild edibles and always feel so blessed by Nature’s gifts.

One morning after meditating on the beach and swimming we stumbled across a patch of wild mint and vines of wild grapes.



Drying herbs and wild edibles is a fun and practical way to store them away for enjoying later when the white world of winter comes here in the North.


Many flowers are edible and add beauty and fertility to everyone who eats them:

daisies, daylillies, chicory, clover, coltsfoot, pansies, wild violets, wild mustard blossoms, tigerlily, wild rose are some of my favorites.

What are some of yours?

Raw women and men have a sparkle..they smell delicious and their skin is soft and smooth.

Our raw lifestyle makes me smile and laugh and play and feel fresh and wild and beautiful and free~

We experience the adventure and fun of bonding as a family…artificial stimulants can’t compare!

It’s so easy to be happy and enjoy the simple things.

Being always frail and sick growing up no one in my family could believe it when I started barefooting even in winter

Liam and mama running barefoot in snow

mama barefoot forest walkand taking regular Polar Bear Dips



I made some videos on youtube at my earthempresstv channel


It feels so good to wash my hair in collected natural Spring or rain water infused with lavender or staghorn sumac:



Or make a pink lemonade iced tea by collecting the sumac and adding slightly crushed berries in Spring water and set in the sun for several hours…DO NOT HEAT THE WATER FIRST as it will destroy the delicate health-giving oils and acids. STRAIN and add stevia to sweeten if desired. Sumac is high in Vitamin C and antioxidants and tastes refreshingly like CRANBERRIES.

shakaya solar tea from sumac

When you are raw, your aroma sweetens…

It can get wild…


… limitations start to drift away and a renewed passion for life and what’s possible infuses your every day.

There is so much more LIFE to your life!

This summer I invite you to spend more time OUTDOORS exploring the gorgeous wild gifts of Nature in your area.

with summer sun,



ps To celebrate summer 50% savings off The Body Cleanse e-program HERE

*Just use the code SUMMER before AUGUST 22



3 thoughts on “wild, raw and edible”

  1. Lauren says:

    Oooooh I love this so much! Thanks for sharing! I’m gonna share on my fan page!

  2. Tanya says:

    This share was just beautiful. It’s like a dream come true. You sound like me with your dream realized already… Inspiring!!

  3. Kathy says:

    This was THE most awesome e-zine ever! Everything you share just gets better and better, you and your family are such an inspiration on so many levels. I can not even begin to tell you how much enjoyment I got from getting to read all that you shared this month, you had a beautiful vision for yourself and your beautiful family, each one of you did the work and are now enjoying a highly enlightened life because of it. Bravo!Thank you for helping us all live better lives by all the wisdom you so graciously share. Biggest hugs and much gratitude to you today and always.

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