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are you a high-vibrational woman?

Can you feel it?

We are ending a 26,000 year cycle on Dec 2012, and everyone seems to be feeling the energy stirring…

There seem to be 2 camps- one is apprehensive, frightened even depressed about ‘what will happen’… the other group seems to be rising in their power like the full moon!

How are YOU feeling- down, or Elevated?

We have just over 3 months to prepare before we close one door and open another. A new world is blossoming!

It feels like we all have a collective memory of the dark times before us that have been…well, not in that much Light:

physical and spiritual slavery
repression of the Divine Feminine
broken connection with Nature, Spirit and Source
We can all feel the over arching energies that emerged out of the masculine patriarchy that project the heaviness of hard work, scarcity, survival, lack, fear, darkness…
It’s as though we have forgotten our Divine Feminine natures, our magical gifts and natural power and even HOW to connect with our essence, with Spirit by ourselves…

NOW, it is as though a sacred gateway has been opened up and we are being assisted more than ever, guided to prepare ourselves to enter into a beautiful new world where we will remember who we really are and claim our joy and magic and miracles!


But we must do our part, we must do the work of releasing the outdated patterns and energies that have kept us stuck. We must choose to do what it takes to raise our vibration. And we don’t have to do this alone.

We can clear our contracts and blueprints, and all of us must stand up and claim our iconic blueprint of exactly what we truly desire and deserve just for being who we are! Our Guides and Angels and Lightworkers are standing by so ready to assist us.

Do you have a blueprint, a custom template of the most attractive, alluring, alive with sensual beauty and power, High Vibrational Woman that you wish to be? 

MY TEMPLATE  includes:

* Cultivation of my 7th sense

* Embodiment of my Essence

* Natural Nourishment and connection to Nature

*Connection with the Divine

* Signature Style

*Divine Feminine gift of Receiving

*Raw Renewal and Rejuvenation on Demand

*Crystal Clear purpose, living my love, my Legacy

The Divine Feminine in YOU has a starring role in the dramatic new world that is unfolding before us like rose petals at our feet.

Every woman must ask herself if she is ready to drop the drudgery and instead, align with her beauty and power and all the miracles and blessings that are waiting for her!

Last week I opened a new Group VIP Day at a deep discount for women who are ready to ELEVATE, and to my surprise 4 women signed up immediately, but they all desired their own private VIP Day!


So I am opening up 4 NEW spots for a GROUP VIP Day that will take place Toronto, Canada in November with me.

This special invitation is for 4 women who are READY to release what isn’t in alignment with the High Vibrational woman they want to be, and truly ELEVATE into the Divine Feminine, Sensual Beauty, Regal Reality, Prosperity and Power awaiting them.

For those who are ready to raise their frequency in the Group VIP experience, contact customerservice at and put GROUP VIP DAY in the subject line, and I look forward to guiding you into the miracles and magic of the new paradigm as a HIgh Vibrational Woman!

with lifted veils,


ps You are invited to join me and my dear colleagues, Rose Cole & Gina DeVee for a revolutionary High Vibrational Woman teleseries  HERE



3 thoughts on “are you a high-vibrational woman?”

  1. I am searching for this information! Thanks for such an inspiring post!

  2. Evergreen says:


    I celebrated the Autumnal Equinox meditating and manifesting my future in nature. It felt wonderful! Thanks for mentioning creating a blueprint for transformation. I spent a lot of time walking and reflecting on the core elements I need to embrace to land on my feet amidst the energetic shift. My focus was more on the qualities I would like to embody like grace, compassion, love and laughter. I think there is a great strength in weaving this into a blueprint in case I get off course in the future!

    Kind regards.

  3. Earth Empress says:


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