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self love day

Every woman is a goddess. And goddesses adorn and pamper themselves; they make time for what makes them feel beautiful and powerful. No excuses, no apologies. Because they are worthy. YOU are worthy!

Hey Beauty, it feels like forever! What’s new with you, Pussycat?

I had a wonderful Empress Emerging Blissday Celebration which has really rooted me in the new empress energy I have been exploring lately.

As well, I’ve been dancing in the delight of continued hands-on motherhood, couplehood, WITH a new business AND new book- which, btw I might have a publisher for- fingers crossed…and I will tell you WHOOOOOOOOOO its a rush!

If it weren’t for my AWEMAZING diet, I honestly don’t know how I would keep up

But even I will admit I do my fair share of cheating in the winter and over the holidays- at least by my own standards. Not to mention, my sleep and exercise isn’t consistent at all…So, I am wondering how you are doing and if you are feeling a little less sparkly yourself these days..?

I was daydreaming about what would be a FUN AND EXCITING way to create a whole body, mind and spirit tune-up…and it came to me:

An online program that we could all do TOGETHER that will cleanse, heal and nourish ourselves.

I am creating a 21 day Naked Beauty Transformational Detox Program!

It won’t just be about diet and boring information that we already know anyway. This program has to be exciting or I won’t do it- I can’t do anything unless it is either FUN, EXCITING or INSPIRING or better yet, all 3! I bet you are like me πŸ™‚

Therefore, this will be unlike anything available out there. We will experience the most amazing support and processes; we will all go through this journey and come out feeling transformed!

I will be right there with you every day, holding your hand if you need it, giving you space if you need that. You will be shown exactly what to do to get the most out of this amazing time together.

There will be live calls, emails, menu planners, recipes galore, the best beauty treatments ever, and alot of interaction. Plus, a few surprises. It will be an online ‘Ditch the detox and let’s dance, PARTAY!’ where the actual cleanse aspect will be transformed into a total mind, body, spirit Celebration of YOU!

We will make promises to ourself and will do something everyday to embody this Earth Empress Infusion:

You are an empress, queen- valuable and worthy- a goddess and legend. Your world does revolve around you. It is your duty and right as a sovereign being to love, honour and take exquisite care of yourself first, foremost and always.

This program is going to be a detox on the deepest levels, and a huge dose of self love, too!

My friend and best-selling author Christine Arylo created ‘a day of self love’ that I am so inspired by- part of this program will be devoted to ways of infusing self love into everyday of the program and beyond. More on that soon!

For now, I want to invite you to celebrate International Self Love Day on FEB 13

I have been having fun all week talking about this with my husband and young boys, getting their ideas about what we can do to celebrate. We are even having a party with friends and family to celebrate ourselves and each other.

You can celebrate ,too!

Christine has written a self-love guide that you can download for free here

Its the cutest thing you’ve ever seen with hand-written notes and has wonderful ideas and practices to do to embody more unconditional self love, respect and trust so you will ‘never settle for anything less than your heart and soul desires’.

Chrsitine is changing the current definition of self love in the dictionary which is ‘vanity, conceit and narcissim’- yikes! no wonder we all find it difficult to truly love ourselves- and take care of ourselves- without guilt!

You may remember my interview with Christine last year at the first WISH event I co-created. We actually had all the speaker’s lined up, and then somehow I stumbled upon Christine and knew I just HAD to include her because her message is so poignant. And her talk was the most personally riveting interview for me as I suddenly was made aware of the distinction between self-esteem and self-love…what an interesting and vital concept to explore, and I have been ever since.

Christine says we deserve to fall madly in love with ourself!


She asked me to be one of her Self Love Ambassadors and I am thrilled to spread the word and give wings to this incredible movement.

I hope you will count yourself IN and fall madly in love with yourself in 2011.

Whatever you do on Self Love Day, may it fill you with a sense of yourself as the profoundly worthy, phenomenal, magnificent woman of value and beauty you so ARE!

Happy Self Love Day β€’*Β¨*β€’.ΒΈΒΈβ™₯✫


8 thoughts on “self love day”

  1. Jillian says:

    I just gotta point out how much sense it makes to have Madly in LOVE with Me Day BEFORE Valentine’s Day. If we cannot fully love ourselves, then we cannot fully love our partner either.

  2. Not to divert too much… but I love those food pics, Shakaya! I like the zucchini noodles and the cannelloni!

  3. Earth Empress says:

    Exactly Jillian πŸ™‚
    Enjoy the Madly in love with Me self love kit.
    Happy Self Love Day!

  4. Earth Empress says:

    @The Raw Food Traveler:
    O RFT, I LOVE that you love my pics!
    Happy Self Love Day πŸ™‚

  5. Amy says:

    *love* i hope you have a gorgeous party! so sorry to miss it, but hope to be at the next one to share the love with you and the other lovely ladies of your world!

  6. lauren says:

    Thank you for telling us about self love day! Such a beautiful idea! Although, everyday should be self love day! πŸ™‚ can’t wait to hear more about your cleanse. I am definitely lacking in sleep lately, I have a 3 month old! πŸ˜‰

  7. Shakaya says:

    It was wonderful Amy! I may do one every month as women seem to be wanting this and what a fun way to grow our self love and take that back to our families and community…Can’t wait to see you at the next event!

  8. Shakaya says:

    I hear you Lauren! Hopefully you give yourself extra love through your diet and support systems. This detox will be highly supportive of building in systems and structures of support that will nourish us on a very deep level. I will keep you posted as it is revealed to me exactly what is needed most.

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