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what does your spirit look like?

Every woman deserves to have a beautiful representation of her Spirit.

Have you ever had beautiful photos of yourself taken? It is an amazing gift to give yourself. You will see yourself in a whole new light. When I took these photos, I was channelling my avatar, Earth Empress. I wrapped myself in raw silk fabric from actual curtains on a tall 30 foot window in my living room, and I draped them around me.

I knew I wanted a flowing and iconic look/feel, but I never intended the fabric to look like a gown…that was a surprise. I had no idea the pictures would have such a regal quality…

Taking these pictures and then seeing them, was an experience of awakening for me. I felt I was literally embodying everything that was sacred to me- Nature, freedom, beauty, sensuality, femininity, and radiant, glowing health.

Standing on the rocks made me very tall…this added to the iconic look and feel. My amazing photographer, Gina Sparrow was wonderful because she allowed me to flow with my strong knowings of what I wanted.  It was a quiet shoot with me moving wherever my Spirit flowed; having moments dreaming into Earth Empress. Like a midwife, Gina assisted without interrupting my flow, capturing the essence of what I was feeling perfectly.

I made a gorgeous smoothie for Gina and I and we had fun taking a few shots for a Detox event I was hosting.

I recently connected with another photographer named Christina Morassi who also has a strong healing arts background and actually helps people get into their space as she takes amazing pictures that helps deepen their brand. This is spiritual fun to come into a deeper awareness of yourself, and your personal brand if you are a spiritual entrapreneur like I am, and have amazing photos that conveys the essence of your life message.

I hope you will take the opportunity to have a photoshoot that truly reflects the inner beauty and gifts of your Sprit. It literally anchors you to your intention every time you see yourself in your Spirit.

Here is a picture of the lovely Gina and I at a pool party launch of a magazine we both contribute to (my husband is seen taking the pic)

As well as having photos taken, you can paint, draw, or collage a picture of your Spirit.

You may feel you aren’t artistically inclined, but don’t worry because it isn’t about that…set the intention, and watch the process unfold.  It is usually quite profound. What is really juicy about allowing yourself to be creative in this way is that much wisdom and insight can be awakened and brought forth when we get out of the mind and into our Spirit.

For example, here is one process that I have been engaged in.

It clearly demonstrates to me that unless I follow my heart in life, all my efforts will be wasted.  Of course that is obvious and we all know that intellectually.  But art, music, dance etc has a way of helping us get out of our heads and into our Spirit so that we can embody what we know.

I have been SO inspired by Soul Artist Laura Hollick and her work that helps people really attune to the song of their Spirit.  While doing her Creativity Cleanse, I began to slow down and drop into my body in a profound way. I even fasted on green juices for a couple days while I was doing these processes. Taking care of my body while beaming the light of my attention on my Spirit to do this inner play was a tremendous gift.

A painting of my Spirit 2 years ago when I had dread locks

I feel re-inspired and will continue to open and explore and not play it safe, and allow myself to grow. Our potential truly is unlimited. The world needs what we came here to bring!

Here is a drawing I did which shows how I see my Spirit…I am surrounded by Nature; my true nature is embodied effortlessly whenever I am in Nature.

The owl came to me in a dream the night before this drawing, and I believe she offers wisdom and mystery; plus I am a ‘night owl’. The dolphin is one of my Spirit animals which symbolizes freedom, frolick and fun, plus healing.  The Unicorn represents the part of myself and all of life that is truly beautiful, pure and magical. All of the elements of Nature- water, earth, air, fire- are represented, too. And the full moon.


What surprised me is that I am wearing black. It means that I am willing to explore my shadow side and even adorn myself in my shadow. This to me is a clear sign that I am embracing all aspects of myself in a way I wasn’t doing even a week ago. This is a visual representation of my progress; my Spirit is alive with Nature and full of contrast- The Slavegirl archetype I spoke about in my last post is being included, integrated and embraced and The Empress is being more and more embodied. Hooray!

By the way, it isn’t always hearts and unicorns and pretty pictures…Here is a cartoony representation of my Spirit when I feel blocked- it is called the 3 headed-monster:

I got this idea from Laura’s blog…but when I think about it, my monster actually has more than 3 heads hahahaha!

The funny and amazing thing about doing this sketch, is that these 3 monsters feel less scary to me now! I SAW what not having beginner’s mind makes me feel like (Laura says ‘If you stay in what you know, you will never grow). Then I immediately got the antidote to those feelings and wrote those out in pink. I now really get how investing in shame and looking bad feels to me, and I also got the gifts that can be unearthed. This is so empowering- and fun! Just setting the intention to know what my monsters are and visually representing them has made me laugh at myself and helped release me in a big way!

To create a representation of your beautiful Spirit, ask yourself:

1. What color(s) is my Spirit?

2. What season is my Spirit?

3. Is my Spirit happier in sunshine or starlight ie day or night?

4. Which element does my Spirit resemble and flow with more- Earth, Water, Air or Fire?

You can’t tell but the wind was whipping my hair and howling- I loved every moment of it- not too sure Gina who took this photo did but she captured a great moment

5. What animals symbolize parts of my Spirt or want to guide me now?

6. What does my Spirit like to wear?

7. What does my Spirit like to do?

8. Where does my Spirit like to be?

9. What is my Spirit’s message for me now?

These are great questions to ask yourself as you create a portrait of your Spirit.

Why is this important?  Because awareness is power.  Self-awareness is the sweet spot where everything unfolds out of.

She who carries the Moon within her

This one is another portrait of my Spirit.  There is a moon woven in my hair…it symbolizes to me the emotional, intuitive part of me. I have found that raising a family and starting a new business is very challenging…and at times it has felt like I am more in the DOing than the BEing. And what happens is I lose touch with my Spirit.  Most women can relate to this. Through working with Laura’s processes and listening to my Spirit, I created this visual symbol for myself to stay connected to my feminine Spirit of being and feelings.

This is one of my faves because we were in my garden one morning when my son who was only 10 (he’s 11 now) took this.

Being creative with the intention of tuning into a deeper knowing of yourself is a fun and profound way to dance in your Spirit where all Divine inspiration is.

If you are feeling that life is fast and the environment is loud and it is difficut to hear the whisperings of your Spirit, perhaps you can give yourself the gift of either a photoshoot or to create something that represents your gorgeous Spirit.

It will remind you that underneath all the housework, kids, bills, career and however more steps are in YOUR dance, is an amazingly interesting and beautiful woman with gifts and dreams to discover…


11 thoughts on “what does your spirit look like?”

  1. lauren says:

    Ah, so well written and beautiful. Like a breath of fresh air. I always admire your photos and how beautiful they are. Your paintings touch me. I have been working on my spirit these days, and this post is so what I needed. Thank you again.

  2. Lorra says:

    Beautiful post, and thanks for sharing about Laura Hollick – great site! I’m going to do the free course.

  3. Joy says:

    What a beautiful idea, must do this before I am too old and crinkley LOL, Joy from Western Australia. Just reading your posts are calming. Thank you Shayka, you are a true Goddess.

  4. Earth Empress says:

    You are welcome Laren! Just remember to PLAY with your Spirit- the river of insights will flow when we dance with our Spirit rather than feel its another job we need to work on… 😉

  5. Earth Empress says:

    Have fun Lorra!

  6. Earth Empress says:

    Takes one to know one…love your name, Joy!

  7. lauren says:

    I LOVED this post! THank you so much for posting it. I am beginning a creative journal of my own and I love these ideas for drawing my spirit. I drew a picture of my spirit ( didn’t realize that was what I was doing) and posted it on my blog here

    Thanks again! I’ll be using your questions and posting more about it on my blog soon!

  8. Earth Empress says:

    Love it Lauren! Happy exploring and stay juicy!

  9. susan says:

    TOO YUMMY FOR WORDS, FEEL my reply………….Truly BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Earth Empress says:

      Mmmmmm feeling the ripples from my post to you and back to me- its a LOVE WAVE 🙂

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