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standing on the shore of a new year


One is not born a woman, one becomes one. Simone De Beauvoir

Here I am standing on the shore, wind in my hair, face to the sun…The beauty of Nature reveals the beauty of our nature. Sometimes we are as a calm sunset, sometimes a wild storm…

Every New Year, I need to bathe myself in quiet and make time for reflection…don’t you?  Standing on the threshold of a new year, it is natural to glance back month by month and reflect on the journey of the passing year.

It feels good to rest in the peaceful pause between the year passing and one about to unfold, as if the soul can hear the whisperings of our dreams a little clearer.

Looking back I am astounded and awed by the beauty, the wildness, the great leaps in my life and those around me.

Today, I look forward.  I envision more wildness, more beauty, more leaps.  Swimming in a sea of unknown adventure and possibility.

Spirit is demanding more of us now. There will be risks involved if we are to grow and step into our dreams. Bring it on I say.


Can you hear the whisperings..?  More rest or exercise or outdoor time? Less rushing? To be more authentic and express how you really feel? To love and accept yourself more deeply?

Whatever the nudgings from your spirit, please don’t wait until it is a full-blown scream in the form of depression, divorce or disease etc.

Eating real, Raw foods lightens the load of emotional baggage we all carry.  It literally releases you from the grips of unconscious, old belief systems and painful emotions. You can become more in touch with yourself and your Spirit when you eat food that doesn’t suppress and numb you.

You may be feeling scared.  If so, what support is needed now?  You may be feeling angry.  If so, what boundaries are needed?  You may be bursting with energy and not sure what direction to pour it all. What dreams are wanting to be born now? Asking these questions rather than suppressing feelings can help you shift stuck energies and emotions so they don’t clog up your psyche and body.

Feeling is healing. Feeling is aliveness. It can be very uncomfortable. Growing pains. The danger in numbing ourselves with food, alcohol, stimulants and other drugs that alter our state, is that a false coping mechanism only works- until it doesn’t.

And then, it may be too late.


1. I recommend keeping a journal.  It is a safe space. If you feel that the blank page is daunting, it is enough to simply write the date and time, and just 3 words that express how you are feeling in that moment.  You don’t even have to explain if you don’t want to.  Just let it out of you in single words, or in point form sentences.

Even this simple exercise can release pressure and clear up the clutter of swirling, repetitive thoughts and emotions that are draining you of energy.

2. Getting out of your head and into your body ie dancing wildly to music in your living room, crying or screaming in a pillow, taking a brisk walk in Nature- just about any physical movement can help you move and shift your emotions from a stuck place to a more grounded and relaxed place. Being barefoot is essential in this process.

Here is a video of me and my man doing our Polar Bear Dip on New Year’s Day- talk about getting out of the head and into our body and Spirit!


3. Doing artwork ie clay, drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, photography to put a visual representation to what you are currently feeling. It is amazing to notice that even a few days later if you were to do the same exercise over again you would probably get a totally different result. This shows a shift has taken place, which you may not have even realised without the visual cue of your artwork.

Next post I am going to share with you about an amazing process I have been engaged in, a different kind of cleanse that is helping me create amazing shifts in my life right now so that I can go to my next level, and you can too.

The shifts that are happening on the planet right now tell me that shifting out of our minds and into our Spirit is what is urgently called for now, and where the magic is. I stand with you on the shore of a New Year full of dreams.


Happy New Year!







6 thoughts on “standing on the shore of a new year”

  1. lauren says:

    Happy new year, dear Shakaya! you always express yourself so eliquintly. I hope this year brings lots of new discoveries for you!

  2. Shakaya says:

    Thank you Lauren. Here’s to new and exciting discoveries for you too!

  3. Stephanie says:

    What is spirit asking of me right now? To live with no guilt. To have aspirations and not apologize for them. To say, “I am good!” whether others say different. To know I am enough as I am — I do not need to do more. To be brave enough to require respect.

  4. Shakaya says:

    Dear Stepahine, I wish to respond to this with one of my Earth Empress Infusions that I send people who sign up for my inspiring messages (in the sage colored box below); I encourage ones that resonate to be used as affirmations or mantras to strengthen you as you are clearing inner obstacles and old beleif systems…
    Like an uncut diamond, your beauty, talents and radiance will never fully be known to you or anyone unless you value yourself. Stephanie, even if you never did another thing, you would still be enough.

  5. Kathy Buck says:

    I am so inspired by your articles and feel your words resonate within my soul!!! I have been working to clear blocked emotions from my Be-ing!!! I am finding I need to replace my old beliefs and thoughts with new ones which is challenging at times. If I don’t incorporate new thoughts and feelings, I seem to acquire the old stifling emotions back. When I am successful, I can feel a lightness in my spirit that little by little is filling my soul with peace and happiness. Thank you so much for sharing you insites into life and especially thank you for your excitement and entusiasum for life.

  6. Shakaya says:

    @Kathy Buck:
    YOU Kathy, ARE beautiful, brilliant, and capable, adorable, sexy, powerful, radiant, transformative, talented, and magnificent. You walk a path no one else could. Thank you for being here.

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