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embrace your shadow, embody your essence

I just celebrated my birthday- by taking a risk!

I was feeling kind of blocked and bored and asked my Spirit what would be a risk I could take that would enliven my business and my life.

After some creative prayer, meditation and art processes that I share about HERE, the answer I received was to throw myself a party!

I would actually have preferred hard-labour! Working is easy- celebrating anything other than my children’s birthdays just doesn’t come naturally to me…

It felt so self-indulgent. I was nervous.

Suddenly I wasn’t feeling so bored- I knew it was just my Shadow that felt unworthy, so I was enthralled by the challenge; Life without risk is totally uninspiring to me!

Shadow Work

If you have been following my blog lately, you know that I have been doing some Shadow work- integrating aspects of myself that seem ‘negative’ but that actually hold profound gifts.

Since birthing Earth Empress, what keeps coming up for me is the question of what an Empress actually is…the Earth part I get!

So, I have been baring my soul and exploring my Shadow.

What is the Shadow?

Debbie Ford says:

The shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress- that we judge as unacceptable.

Most of us expend huge amounts of energy trying to get rid of or control these unwanted aspects of ourselves.

We hope that by hiding or fixing our bad qualities we will have the peace, success and happiness we desire.

Most of us are convinced that we are flawed and inadequate so we become masters of disguise, and go to great lengths to hide our SHADOW from those around us – even from ourselves.

The result of turning our backs on our dark side?

A life that slips by only half lived.

Until we make peace with our shadow we will continue to be at war with ourselves.

And our outer world will mirror our inner struggle.

Until we feel authentic compassion for each and every aspect of ourselves, we will continue to draw forth experiences that mirror the negative feelings we have about ourselves.

Until we take back our power and forgive ourselves for being human we will attract people who push our buttons and reactivate our emotional wounds.

This is the benevolence of the Universe in action.

The whole world is a mirror of our own consciousness, and when we make peace with the disowned aspects of ourselves, we make peace with the world.

The Shadow Process is founded on the understanding that every quality, every emotion and every experience comes bearing great gifts.

When we receive the gifts of our dark side, something truly miraculous occurs.

Our wounds are transformed into wisdom and the parts of us we once believed to be our deepest flaws are revealed as our greatest assets.

Embracing our dark side also gives us a new found freedom to be with the darkness in OTHERS.

As I explore my Shadow whom I call my inner Slavegirl, a gateway leading me to my inner Empress opens, effortlessly!

Who is The Slavegirl?

Like the Empress, the Slavegirl is a Universal feminine archetype. As part of the Ceremony, Amber wrote:

Slavegirl is a martyr who gives beyond her own personal supply, so that others may grow, steadily grounded upon her back.

Many of us have experienced this.  It is a common thread that links our feminine spirit and gently convinces us to nurture those around us.  How many times have each of us here  been told to take care of others first?

Shakaya’s Slavegirl earns her title by being the strongest in the room, able to withstand any pains, inconveniences, tensions and pressures.  She makes her mark by enduring the burdens placed upon her by family and friends, strangers and circumstance.

Shakaya’s Slavegirl has a reputation of surviving any storm on her own, never asking for help because in her heart and in her mind and in her eyes, she is the only one strong enough to carry the weight of the world on her delicate shoulders.  She often resists the light within her so that others may shine brighter still.

She is caring and giving and kind, and so often all alone.

A Culture of Slavegirls

Without even knowing it, women have become a culture of  Slavegirls. Each of us has cultivated this archetype to suit our own needs to feel special, welcomed and valued.

We are all responsible for our inner Slavegirl and we may honour what gifts she has been to the world and to ourselves.

When we embrace our inner Slavegirl, we honour the gifts she has given the world and ourselves.

Embracing the Shadow

The Slavegirl’s claim to fame is that she sacrifices herself for others. She shows up in our need to please. And, when we give more than we can afford- be it in time or energy or other resources- she feels she has value. When we dim our light so others can shine brighter, she feels her worthiness. And when we hold back anger towards others who have hurt us, she feels safe.

Instead of turning my back on her or even trying to release her, I have been touched by the sacrifices she makes and have taken her under my wing and embraced her. In acknowledging her and loving all aspects of myself, I am embodying the Empress.

Exploring and embracing our Shadow is a journey towards embodying our true essence, our beauty and regalness and WHOLENESS.

Business that Serves

It seems like we are all entering a new paradigm in business and in life today wherein what wants to be expressed is from our core, authentic self.

Like you, I have a mission on Earth, and in order to go to my Destiny I need to be fully self-expressed and so, I refuse to do ‘business as usual’ and stay in hiding or play it safe. I want to create a business that serves my life (and others’), rather than have my life serve my business.

I used to say ‘My children are my compass’. Now I say ‘My Spirit is my compass.’ And my spirit is wanting to grow and blossom in radiant health, natural beauty, vibrant energy/self-care, eco-living, sensuality and luxury- all the aspects of an Earth Empress as I see her.

I feel like I am being called to learn everything I can about this archetype so that I can live my dreams, and inspire others to live theirs.

Back to the Party!

The risk to celebrate myself unfolded in a truly magical night filled with beauty, joy and transformation for me, and my guests.

The Ceremony and Celebration

My girlfriend, Amber Dawn who is a Minister created a beautiful celebration ceremony to embrace the Shadow and embody my Empress Essence. Amber Dawn lives in another province and couldn’t be there physically, but of course she was with me in Spirit.

My friend Gaia was the Mistress of Ceremony for the event.

There was toasting (with organic grape juice) and dancing and feasting on beautiful raw food. And then a Snow Bath- only the bravest amoung us would dare! You will laugh out loud when you see how silly we were!

After that I changed into a 3rd gown and served my decadent raw chocolate cake. Subscribers to my Ezine received the recipe 🙂

Then, I made a special presentation of my book Naked Beauty which I had printed to gift to my friend and designer Amy De Wolfe.

Every woman is a goddess, queen, empress- valuable and worthy- and deserves to be profoundly celebrated for the unique and sacred light she shines.

Celebrating and being celebrated in high-style was a delicious experience that I will be indulging in regularly from now on!





I hope it inspires more than a few goddess parties out there! Let me know how you will be celebrating yourself in 2011!



9 thoughts on “embrace your shadow, embody your essence”

  1. Lauren says:

    Happy Birthday, Dear Shakaya! This post was so YES! I am celebrating a birthday on Feb. 1st and this post has touched me on so many levels. I’ve been trying to hide from my shadow too and to embrace it is a totally foreign concept. Oh, I love this. Thank you so much for doing what you do. Please continue to spread this light!

  2. Lady of the Woods says:

    “Happy Blissful Birthday Dear One !!”

    And I’ve figured out what you can do… should sell clothes like the ones you wear ! LOL….I would buy one of each ! You have excellent taste in color, texture and lovability in comfort and Pretty!…a perfect combination. Blessings!

  3. Earth Empress says:

    Embrace every beautiful inch of yourself Lauren! Life is too short not to lavish ourselves with all the love we can. What isn’t to love, right? I’m so glad you are here. Happy birthday! Celebrate like an Empress!

  4. Earth Empress says:

    @Lady of the Woods:
    Ahhh, a lady after my own heart- I do love matching clothes to the occassion and have a critcal eye for what works on people. My dream vocation, or one of them- is to offer day-long private intensives for individuals who passionately want to look and feel their most AWE-azing! And they would put themselves into my hands and I would tell them exactly what to do in terms of their diet, beauty regime and image consulting. The ultra personal make-over for the most exclusive type of woman inside and out!

  5. Melissa says:

    What an absolutely beautiful celebration. I am inspired!
    You have a wonderful group of friends and i can tell you are much loved. What was the ceremony with the rose petals and the messages in the bowl?
    Thank you for sharing. I live your blog and all that you do!

  6. Melissa says:


  7. Earth Empress says:

    I am so happy to hear you are inspired by this Melissa! My true calling is simply to live an inspired life and then share it with others so they may be inspired! We did several things that night releasing and embracing of energy…Perhaps I will write a post in more detail when I can..And, it is also something I feel I will be consulting with women about in private VIP sessions so they can experience a spiritual transformation like I did that night.

  8. Rohinee says:

    You are truly a beautiful person.
    I enjoy your messages, which keep mein enlightment.Have a beautiful day for everyday is like a birthday. Enjoy and Thank you for sharing your kind spirit.

  9. Stephanie says:

    Shadow is information. And its information is best treated with the proper amount of respect, but no more than that. If I bite my nails, I do not wish to accept that part of me and leave it there. That is using the eyes, using the heart, but forgetting the mind. What is the nail biting telling us about ourselves? Perhaps it is a sign we are anxious, and if so, we can accept that feeling, while seeking to relieve our anxiety in a more helpful manner. Or better yet, remove the source of anxiety. Shadow means there is something to do. We can thank ourselves for this information and honor ourselves by acting on it.

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