Attend this LIVE event to

Deepen your ability to Receive
Uplevel your Wealth Consciousness
and get highly profitable Mentoring

An exclusive and luxurious VIP Day for the Feminine Leader you are!

Dear Phenomenal Woman,

It's no accident that you found your way to this page.

The fact that you're reading these words right now tells me that you've been longing to experience the wealth and abundance you desire, and with ease, not struggle.



You may have noticed that successful, feminine women are NOT stressed out all the time, or lacking support, opportunities and abundance. Successful women who do not understand and apply feminine principles to their life and business burn out all the time.


Here's a secret abundant women know:

Your NET WORTH is affected by your SELF WORTH.

How you care for and think of yourself has
everything to do with your FREQUENCY,
which directly impacts your Wealth.

If you're reading this, I know you're a woman with a Mission, and you simply can't afford to be in either LACK or OVERWHELM.

Woman today are exhausted from all the external doing and striving- it's SO frustrating to be working so hard and not having the life you ultimately desire!


But DOING more isn't always the answer.

Creating what you want (dream clients, a support network, the right opportunities, more money) through ALIGNMENT is!


Women who nourish their femininity manifest what they want in their life and business while taking exquisite care of themselves

Wealth comes from the root word that means 'well-being'. True wealth involves both MONEY and WELLNESS. But many women are depleted and overwhelmed, which stops them from living their fullest life, AND having the impact they desire in the world.


Depletion energy is NOT attractive to wealth.

How you hold yourself in the world is reflected in every area of your life, and especially wealth.


Imagine what it would be like to:



This is the power of being in alignment with the wealth you want and deserve!


How To Create Alignment with Wealth That Makes Your Success Inevitable

ALIGNMENT is THE secret to success or struggle!

Uplevel your Wealth Consciousness AND Self Care so you can confidently create the wealth you desire as the Feminine Leader you are!


This event is exclusively for women who are ready to shift their old paradigm around money by becoming abundant in every area of their life!

You'll be surrounded and supported by women who like you, are committed to playing a bigger game and inspiring others by being a model for true abundance in their lives.


You are meant to have abundance in every area of your life!

This event will be a joyful space where you can take a powerful, life-changing step forward, to become the abundant woman you are meant to be.


The Wealthy Woman Experience

with Fatma Zaidi and Shakaya Leone


Saturday, August 18, 2012
10 am - 5 pm


Delta Markham Hotel
50 East Valhalla Drive
Markham ON L3R 0A3


Reserve Your Spot Now

Your investment $297

Early-Bird Pricing $197

We have arranged a fabulous raw and vegetarian lunch for you in the deluxe environment of a beautiful hotel. If you have any specific requirements do let us know at the time of your registration.

Fatma Zaidi   Shakaya Leone



You can just feel it when someone's life is in lack or out of balance, and your client's can, too. Having a strong wealth and wellness foundation as a woman entrepreneur is necessary for success. Lift and raise and forever increase your attraction power at the Wealthy Woman Experience!


The Wealthy Woman Facillitators

Fatma Zaidi


Fatma Zaidi empowers and inspires. An enlightened Mentor and conscious Coach, she provides tools and resources for Feminine Leaders around the world.


She helps clients transform their wealth-consciousness by applying divine feminine principles to life and business.

A Feminine Leadership Coach, Law of Attraction Coach and Money Breakthrough Method Coach, Fatma has served clients while living on 4 different continents over the last 18 years.


After moving to Switzerland at the age of 12 and to the Middle East upon marriage, Fatma now makes her home with her husband and 3 children in Toronto, Canada.

Shakaya Leone is a Health and Beauty Stylist, wife and mother, the author of Naked Beauty and Nude Food. Shakaya is an inspired voice in the natural health community and founder of, a company dedicated to helping women embody their power through Exquisite Self-Care.


Shakaya has co-created worldwide events attracting tens of thousands of women featuring Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Byron Katie and dozens of other luminaries.


Shakaya works with budding icons and feminine leaders who require radiant health and vitality to live their Legacy.