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Tag Archives: rejuvenation

women inspire 2

Women inspire me. I love the powerful lady love force around me. I am in love with the width and depth of their generosity and trust. The creative force that seems to grow like roots from their soul. Their beauty…oh, their beauty. And to know I possess it, too, is my ultimate turn on. We […]


are you ready to uplevel? 8

I’m delighted to be starting the ONLINE course, Wealthy Woman Mentorship Program. We have an amazing group of women gathered and there is alot of excitement over the expansion they are going to experience! But when a client wrote in complaining about the price, I decided to share it with you: Hi Shakaya, $500 is […]


3 ways to wealth without working harder 2

Being an Empress and living your legendary life requires a certain standard of Beauty, Health and Wealth. While I have experienced transformation within the first two, as a new entreprenuer I am consistently uplevelling my Wealth Consciousness, and frankly, its FASCINATING. Way before product creation, branding or list building, it all starts with our own identity, […]


how your self care affects your net worth 2

Here’s a video blog I did for you today about how depletion energy repels clients, opportunites and abundance while self worth makes you magnetic to everything you want to attract! Xxo ps I look forward to seeing you there!


Wealthy Woman LIVE with Shakaya 2

Dear Phenomenal Woman, You may have noticed that successful, feminine women are NOT stressed out all the time, or lacking support, opportunities and abundance.  Women who don’t understand and apply feminine principles to their life and business burn out all the time. *Do you know in your heart that you are doing too much and yet you still […]
