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Tag Archives: rejuvenation

flying figs 7

How many times have you been told to ‘make up your mind’ or ‘decide’ or ‘you can’t have this if you do that’ or you were ‘selfish’ for wanting what you want..? I have a philosophy that I live by and that is this: “What I want, I need’. Maria Montessori said that of children […]


healing bones and your iconic body blueprint 1

I’m back from California and exciting things are happening, which I can’t wait to share with you! But my youngest son recently broke his collarbone playing sports at school 🙁 When I arrived he looked very pale, and couldn’t move his shoulder without wincing. An x-ray, which showed a clear break. Other than recommending painkillers […]


visions of something beautiful 6

(a pic of my client who doesn’t having love her picture taken) One of the most empowering things we can do is hold a beautiful vision of ourselves and our life…then the Universe seduces Heaven and Earth to make it happen! This year I set an intention to get out from behind the computer and […]


travelling raw 3

Hello Doves, I’m back from California! It was a wonderful time away with my client for her rejuvenation Detox, then off to another part of The Bay Area for the training…everything went smooth as silk 😉 meeting my client at the airport, both wearing our vibrams 😉 I’ll share some tips about travelling raw no matter […]


fear, flying and fairy dream cake 2

Find your edge, hover over it, look and see what is over the other side.  Sing a song of gratitude and JUMP. I’m flying out of the country to meet a friend/client who hired me to lead her through a Detox, and for a business training in California. And I asked my team to send this […]
