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when you’ve tried everything

Oooohhhh it has been a long winter with several months of 30 below weather here…I cherish my barefoot forest hikes in the rare glorious sunshine…

barefooting in the snow earth empress

I long for Spring, the magical season when dormant Dreams we’ve been carrying through winter begin to stir and spring to life!

What dreams and desires have you been nurturing deep within you that you know it’s TIME to realise?

And why do you KNOW you haven’t as yet..?

Perhaps you:

*feel it isn’t safe to express who you REALLY are

*are overly loyal to people that you have outgrown for fear of being alone

*people-please and be overly concerned with the approval of others while lacking your own

*feel that who you are just isn’t enough

*think your main value is from what you do for others

*feel powerless to make lasting change

*feel unworthy to claim what you really want

*feel others don’t value you or want what you have to offer

*become overly responsible for the well-being of others while neglecting yourself

*feel that life is passing you by

*often feel excluded or rejected

*feel that you don’t quite belong anywhere

*never feel you are with your people

*over or under eat

*are self-sacrificing and chronically self abandon

*lack pleasure and fun

*generate debt

*chronically underearn and overwork

*shop for clothing in thrift shops or garage sales

*sell yourself short by undercharging

*settle for less than you know in your heart you desire and deserve

*feel deprived of ever having what you truly want and need

*lack structures to create the prosperity you crave

*experience serious and regular money shortages

*are chronically unreplenished

*rarely celebrate your accomplishments

*generate clutter

*you believe that you have to work harder than most for your success

*experience others are harsh with you or are not generous with you

*experiencing lack and scarcity

*stay stuck in a caretaking role never blossoming into your own desires and womanliness

*are stuck in survival mode

*commit to things that don’t satisfy you

*disconnected from your desires

*are over-giving

*lacking healthy boundaries

*are unable to receive

*suffer from anxiety

*do not honour the needs of your feminine body and have health issues or are over weight

*play small and hiding out

*feel depleted, borderline depressed and unfulfilled

*are afraid to charge what you’re worth

*let people take advantage of you

*think that you must conform to other people’s expectations

*aren’t holding high standards for yourself and your life

*have become hyper self-sufficient, feeling more like a machine than a woman

*put your pleasure on the back-burner

*feel guilty about your feelings and desires as if they were a burden to you or others

*have unbalanced relationships where you do most of the giving

*have jealousy or resentment towards people who have what you want

*worry constantly about your health or finances

*say yes to things you don’t want to do

*feel unsupported by life

*rarely asks for what you need or asks in a way that ailientates others

*not participate in groups as an equal member

*deprive yourself of things that would make you happy



If you related to more things on that list than you’d care to admit even to yourself, then your inner Slavegirl is the reigning force that is holding you back in so many subtle ways.

And reading that list isn’t nearly as exhausting as living like that~

but you really CAN shift this 🙂

TODAY, Sat Mar 22 I’m hosting a special CLEARING call to dissolve those debilitating patterns!

Call #2 in the Slavegirl to Empress series~ BREAKING THE CHAINS 

This is going to be a very DEEP and powerful healing transmission of those thoughts, beliefs and energies that have been keeping you STUCK.

Slavegirl to Empress

My Freedom Mentor and Healing Activator Cordelia Brabbs will lead us through a gentle and powerful process that has the potential to shift your energy and your life, permanently.

She’s done exactly that for ME, and hundreds of her clients as she recodes, realigns and recalibrates you on a core cellular level.

The BREAKING THE CHAINS call is part 2 of the Slavegirl to Empress series that I’m only offering in my brand NEW Membership site over HERE.


with beauty and love,

securedownloadp.s. Perhaps you have already:

-listened to a ton of teleclasses

-read all the books

-taken all the courses

-done endless work on yourself

-even hired high-level mentors

BUT you still not receiving what you desire and deserve…

*This clearing process is quite possibly the answer you have been searching for and I feel so good about being able to share this with you so you can experience a deep healing and profoundly beautiful shift!

**If you cannot make the call LIVE, register now anyway and I will send you the recordings to listen to at your convenience:

Part 1~Meet and Embrace your Slavegirl

Part 2~ Breaking the Chains

Part 3~ Empress Activation! (happening April 3)



clearing slavegirl energy

slavegirl to empress‘Be true to yourself’.

It’s a really beautiful idea, but which Self?

It reminds me of a story I used to tell my kids when they were little about a boy and his grandfather.

The boy said ‘Grandfather, it’s like there are 2 bears fighting inside me- a teddy bear and a mean bear, and I don’t know which one will win.’ The Grandfather answered ‘The one you feed.’

We all have a Shadow side, a part of our psyche that was created during times of stress in our lives.

Our Shadow has her own thoughts and belief systems that are unconsciously running us.

There was a time in my life when I didn’t even realize my Shadow had taken the reigns in my life…my health, beauty, relationships, and finances were all suffering terribly as a result!

I’ve done alot of Shadow work and have experienced a deep TRANSFORMATION on all levels that continues to evolve.

Many profound shifts have happened in the last few years when I began working with wonderful Mentors… and a very special ‘Miracle Activator’.

This amazing ‘Freedom Mentor’ assisted me in clearing deep blocks and old contracts that were not aligned with the woman I’m here to be.

She is one of the most magical, healing beings I’ve ever met. And I want to share her with you!

You are invited to a special call I’m doing with her this week Friday March 14 at 2pm EST.

Leave your Name and Email to Register:


The transmission of healing energy is going to be potent- do what you must to be on this call!

You will experience a beautiful healing process which helps raise your vibration and rewire you at a cellular level, so you can get into alignment with your deepest dreams and fulfill your highest potential.

This miracle mystery lady is literally one of my best kept SECRETS, and I’m ready to share her with you!

with healing beauty,


securedownloadp.s. Alot of new and expansive changes are unfolding for me personally and here at Earth Empress…

And to be really real with you, I was planning to offer this call as part of my upcoming exclusive Membership that I’ll be sharing more about Friday.

But, my heart told me this is so important for everyone in my community to have the opportunity to have access to it!

p.p.s. During this call we will be identifying and clearing Slavegirl energy that may have you:

*feeling powerless to make lasting change

*feeling unworthy, not good enough

*experiencing lack and scarcity

*being in survival mode

*disconnected from your desires


*lacking healthy boundaries

*unable to receive

*playing small and hiding out

*feeling depleted and unfulfilled

This is going to be a powerful call- see you there!




unexpected (unedited) love letter to you, Valentine


Today I’m celebrating in a fresh new way on this day of LOVE!

I created something of an Ode to my own divine love affair with my life, (which I’ll admit I feel myself sensually s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g into revealing BELOW)

PLUS I have a delicious surprise for my family tonight-

I booked a table at my favorite raw restaraunt for my husband and I AND our boys to all celebrate the love in our life, together 🙂

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of LOVE for us all.

Not just for couples…

Oh a sassy memory comes to mind~

I remember the first years into my marriage Valentine’s Day was so wonderful- celebrating the love of my new-found Soul Mate.

But to be real soon our traditional Valentine dates weren’t doing it for me-

Maybe you’re like this too- I can get bored quickly- so I decided to spice things WAY up…

One Valentine night when he fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a video after our dinner date, I sneaked into the bedroom emerging minutes later wearing only a garter and stockings, a sexy black lace bra and panties, high heels, pearls.

I sprayed him with perfume and put his cell phone on the cushion next to his ear.

I quietly dialed him from my bedroom phone.

He sleepily answered, I whispered into the phone ‘Look up, Lover’.

When he looked up in the dark, he saw was one of my legs wrapped around the door frame of our bedroom.

The rest of me was hidden but once I had his attention my hand appeared and pointed at him with a ‘come hither’ gesture.

‘What the…’ and with a click he was off the phone, off the couch and… on track again 😉

THAT was a Valentine’s night I’ll never forget.

Because I knew I wanted more romance and passion and instead of resenting him for not generating it, I allowed myself to infuse it into our life!

Every year has been an opportunity to experience a sexy adventure that usually turns out.

(You can see last year’s UNSEXY VALENTINE Here)

But here’s WHY it really comes together year after year-

He loves me because I love me.

The more I take exquisite care of myself and nurture my dreams, he wants to lavish me with his love more and more.

Sacrificing any parts of ourself doesn’t turn us on, and if we’re not turned on…

Today I felt inspired to write a love letter to my Valentine…

about everything I LOVE & APPRECIATE about her and my life.

When I shared it with my lover his eyes got wide and so did his smile- he loved it and actually insisted on adding to the list himself literally making me BLUSH!

I want you to know I so love and appreciate:

*my radiance

*my sensual beauty

*my wisdom

*my playfulness

*my sex appeal

*my poetic view of life

*my lilac bushes

*my glow

*my truth

*my intuition

*my shadow

*my loving King who claimed me

*my mind-blowing head to toe whole body orgasms

*my love rituals of massages by candlelight

*my flower waters I make that I spray on my pillows

*my wealth

*my garden

*my love letters

*my secrets

*my fears

*my melencholy

*my breasts

*my stand for women

*my vulnerability

*my hair

*my lavender linen sheets

*my sexy shoes

*my incessant desire to connect 

*my books I’ve written

*my journals

*my raw recipes (especially desserts)

*my raw mojitos

*my ability to make him weak in the knees

*my Empress state of mind (still in progress)

*my prayers

*my prosperity

*my feminine mystique

*my Queenly cravings

*my playful flirtation

*my apple blossom tree

*my dear readers

*my beautiful customers

*my exotic essential oils

*my wild woman

*my raw emotion

*my healing

*my incessant desire to grow

*my ability to express myself through dance

*my spa bedroom

*my sex transmutation

*my cozy, luxurious cashmere

*my elegant entrance and 20′ celings

*my beautiful thriving jewelled mulberry trees

*my deep love and connection to our beautiful, enchanting Earth

* my awemazing boys who shower me daily with laughter and hugs

*my gorgeous home and sanctuary of a homelife we’ve created and enjoy every single day

*my charities and philanthropy

*my gifts of love

*my weekly massages and herbal facials

*my pearls and diamonds

*my designer handbag collection

*my handmade oak night tables he made for me

*my lover’s marathons in luxury hotels at least once a year

*my morning barefoot walks in the forest

*my certifications and awards

*my courage

*my sensuality

*my luxurious perfumes I create for myself and inner circle clients

*my willowy waist

*my bank account

*my magnificent clients

*my beautiful bouquet of white roses he woke me up with!

*my Sund-day breakfasts in bed journalling when my kids make smoothies and bring mine up to me

*my beautiful wardrobe and exquisite clothes (many of my own designs)

*my artwork, writing, singing and creativity

*my ‘failures’ that have been a beautiful opportunity to ripen and expand

*my langerie drawer

*my sensual sa-shay walk

*my femininity (thank you Mom)

*my mystery

*my authenticity

*my Authority

*my Leadership of my family to still be raw with me 14 years later!

*my devoted girlfriends of 30 years

*my exquisite pink peonies

*my waterfall and pond he made for me to write by

*my neighbors

*my wonderful VA, designer, web guru and EE team

*my sweet and refreshing morning smoothie ritual with my lover whenever he’s home

*my daily meditations

*my loving admiration for and from my 3 guys

*my incessant energy

*my freedom

*my body-temple

*my imagination

*my Light

*my turn ons

*my rose petal baths

*my erotica

*my ultra over-arching Intention

*my earth Angels

*my fellow Capricorn Creatrixes

*my luxurious mentorships I’ve gifted myself

*my sincerity

*my library

*my Vision

*my aroma

*my iconic essence

*my loyal fans

*my softness and boldness

*my passion for women and children

*my visceral aliveness

*my sensual standards

*my incessant ability to be inspired and inspire

*my style

*my ultimateability to make-over a woman’s presentation

*my God-given gifts and talents

*my view outside my window

*my gorgeous sweet and wonderful mastermind sisters

*my fierceness and grace

*my loving heart

*my relationships with collegues

*my juicy dreams and desires

*my sense of self and worthiness 

*my sovereignty

*my stage presence

*my successful business doing what I love

*my incesssant love and appetite for beauty

*my capacity for enchantment

*my ultra sexy …..

*my beeswas candles

*my lifelong journal collection

*my tithing and passion for contribution

*my budding lust

*my natural and glamourous lifestyle

*my Legend

*my passion and ambition

*my story

*my transformation

*my journey

*my time

*my limitless gratitude

*And my Divine connection to Source, which makes it all possible!

My husband had fun adding to my list what he appreciates (I can’t believe I’m sharing this too!):
*Her most delicious and edible belly button ever
*Her softest smoothest most radiant kissable skin all over her body
*Her kisses that taste like nectar
*Her never ending 19 year old’s legs 
*Her perfect, round, luscious gorgeous breasts
*Her radiance and gorgeous beauty
*Her sexy sparkle in her eye when she looks at me 
*Her gorgeous Victoria Secret Model body
*Her mysterious ways
*Her teasing that drives me wild!
*Her mouth-watering moves
*Her mesmerising voice
*Her loyalty
*Her power
*Her genorous heart
*Her ability to read people and situations
*Her intuition
*Her trust
*Her belief in me
*Her support
*Her passion for being a mother
*Her wildness
*Her food
*Her womanly ways
*Her humming
*Her amazing touch that heals me
*Her forgiveness
*Her sexy dancing
*Her surprises
*Her kindness
*Her appreciation for what I do
*Her laugh
*Her smell
*Her magical ways of seeing the world
*Her spirit
*Her ability to hold my attention for now and forever
Now it’s YOUR TURN my Beauty 😀
What do you love and appreciate about YOU and your life, you gorgeous precious creature?
When I ask clients to list what they love about themsleves sometimes it’s like pulling teeth-
it’s really epidemic how we’ve been so conditioned to dim our Light- no longer!

I found myself with some mixed feelings and if any of it triggers you too, it’s not a bad thing because it shows us where we have yet to blossom 😉

Let us all stand in our own beauty and delight, and SHINE, radiating out to the world, but first within our own Heart.
Empress, I invite you to get cozy and gift yourself this opportunity to open your heart wider to yourself and your life.
No holding back, let yourself go and really feel into the beauty and miracle of YOU and your loving.
Celebrate yourself and your life with an epic sexy love letter this Valentine’s Day!
I’m sending you so much love, beauty and enchantment today.
with legendary love, flowers and raw chocolate,

women crave this


I always heard I’d LOVE it in NYC and that it’s wild, creative energy would really suit me…it’s true!

I’ve been meeting old friends and new ones, checking out raw restaraunts and making wishes…

I’ll share more about my trip next time, but I wouldn’t even had gone had I not realised something I feel is so vital and magical for us as women…First a quick story…

When my now husband of 17 years first proposed it was his mother, my soon to be Mother-in-Love, that instantly flashed through my mind (of all things).

nusing Landon with mom

She’s the Matriarch in a large Italian family and I knew I’d be spending alot of time in her presence if I married her son.

I adored her since the moment she threw her arms around me in a warm embrace when we met 😀

She helped me feel welcomed into the family and COMFORTABLE.

Comfort is lovely, and as someone who’d struggled alot in life I hadn’t realized how much I valued it.

But… what I actually crave is INSPIRATION- nothing ignites or enchants me more or feels more vital.

Inspiration comes from the Latin root word that means ‘In Spirit’ = EMBODYING SPIRIT.

It’s really the source of our Light and radiance as women.

This is important because YOUR radiance, is highly Attractive to everything you want.

To Love.  To Beauty.  To Health.  To Wealth.  To every flavour of your FULLFILLMENT.


We can’t live a truly fulfilling life without being inspired, and yet so many of us TRY…

We try to fit in.

We try to get through the day.

We try not to stand out.

We try to make ends meet.

We try to please.

We try to do it all…(and on our own!)

We try to eat well.

We try to save money.

We try not to be angry, depressed or needy.

We try not to criticize.

We try to be sexy, vibrant, interesting.

We try to have enough energy for what matters.

We try to hide our ‘flaws’.

We try to go for it and become ‘successful’.

We try to hold it all together.


The very energy of ‘trying’ isn’t inspired or radiant- and it isn’t even actually YOU.


The trying energy isn’t infused with your inspiration and therefore isn’t:













energy, is it..?

When a woman is lit up from within by whatever inspires HER, her desires are SPECTACULARLY SOULFUL.

But when a woman isn’t sourced by her own inspiration, her life can feel hollow and dull- she feels like an empty shell and life is an effort.


Life without inspiration becomes vanilla BEIGE.

I remember my own life like a faded nightmare…

I was so stuck in my Slavegirl…everything was a struggle.

But Oh how I DREAMED of a bigger life for myself, I know I was meant for something MORE.

I longed to become the woman I envision in my Fantasy~ EARTH EMPRESS.

I’m all for stepping out of comfort zones to follow my Inspiration, especially in 2014.

What are YOU CRAVING? You can have them whatever they are- they are MEANT for you!

Some women crave a beautiful body or unlimited abundance or a legendary love affair…

…but they don’t embrace the shadow side of their Divine Inspirations, which is discomfort.

Discomfort stops them from stretching into their ability to be open to more.

So they stay in the dead zone, the no zone, the beige zone, the comfort zone!

Well, comfort is lovely, up to a point.

But there’s nothing lovely about seeing a woman neglect her Exquisite Self-Care around her partner because she’s ‘comfortable’ in her relationship…

Or colluding with our girlfriend who is constantly complaining about her life and in victim mode but refuses to get the support she needs to make other choices…

Or allowing ourselves to stay stuck in our energy levels, mindset, health, finances or relationships because even as painful as that is it feels more comfortable than taking an inspired risk.

To live as an Earth Empress with your Light turned ON is a journey of igniting your Inspiration and blossoming, like a self-blessing tree.

But that may require some discomfort when you are elevating into the next evolution of your desires.

And it’s so worth it. YOU are worth it, my Beauty.

I can’t wait to share with you what’s coming….until then….

slow dancing with discomfort,


ps  We are 38 days into 2014 and where are you currently- are you feeling Inspired or too Comfortable? Please share in the comments!


                                                 When Inspiration visits, take her hand…

(photography credit Murad Ossman)




the magical nutrient successful women have


2014 is HERE and she is calling us to go HIGHER than we’ve ever been.

Is this the year you Dare to fly in your life and RECEIVE what is actually available for you:

YOUR beautiful vibrant body that you feel proud to be seen and connect with people in.

YOUR passionate partner who knows how to appreciate the beautiful, desirable, woman you are.

YOUR healed and transformed relationship with Wealth (Wealth = Wellness, including financial).

Empress Women desire to prosper in every area of life!

 TRIGGERS do happen…

*procrastination *resistance *visability *sabotage *self doubt *confusion

But a HIDDEN asset makes some women unstoppable…

When you cultivate this special NUTRIENT your entire life is nourished!


Here’s a clue: Think of the BRIDGE between your head and heart.

Your swan-like neck is the lovely SUPPORT that holds your Head high and connects to your Heart.

Successful women CONNECT to their own power through receiving certain, strategic Support.


Unsuccessful women seem to struggle on their own alot ;/

I used to actually feel like that was a NOBLE thing…

Now I have an ABUNDANT life I truly love, that is expanding with me 😀


Most women never invest in a personal mentor or coach.

Instead they jump around trying a TON of different things on their own, getting RANDOM results.

But here’s a MYTH our culture doesn’t want women to know isn’t true…




To truly see Quantum Leaps in your life it’s ESSENTIAL to surround yourself with the right Support.

Those people who can see you as and hold space for the woman you are becoming.


Do you have relationships that are empowering and supportive for you?

Girlfriends and family may not have the results you’re most interested in…

This is why receiving coaching with a trusted Mentor is so valuable.

A good mentor can see and believe in what is truly possible for you.


1. Create a Circle of Support

Make a list of the high-vibrational people in your world that you are attracted to.

Write one person on your list a letter offering your sincere admiration of why they are inspiring to you, and how that has impacted your life. Ask or tell them how you might support them in their mission.  This is a beautiful, magical process.


2. Make a List of all the Areas in your life that could use more Support.

Some examples from Fire Starter’s by Danielle La Porte:


Business coach

Life coach

Relationship coach

Voice coach


Spiritual Adviser








Massage therapist

Personal trainer

Fitness Instructor

Child care provider

Interior decorator

Stylist (clothing)


Personal shopper


Financial planner

Investment adviser



Graphic designer

Web designer

Search engine optimization adviser


Trademark agent

Virtual Assistant

Personal organizer

Marketing strategist

Branding strategist





House boy/chick who feeds you grapes while you’re checking your email 😉


Talent agent

Literary agent

Speaking agent




Support is one of the 7 Sanctuaries of Exquisite Self care.

I invite you to look at where you can expand your Circle of Support right now.

And I can’t wait to reveal an exciting BRAND NEW high level Support for Empress women coming…

Until then, I want you to know YOU REALLY CAN create your life in a way that ignites and fulfills you with a beautiful support system.

More soon!

with daring beauty,

securedownloadps. I believe we can live our life on our terms and have personally taken my life and my business to new heights with the support of Mentors who believe that too. I share my story with other 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs HERE

POP your biz with Amanda Moxley, Shakaya Leone, Elizabeth Purvis, Jena La Flamme, Kendra Thornbury etc
