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do you have a living vision?

A woman without a vision has lost her North Star and feels pulled in many directions and held back from her most fulfilling life.

If you have ever felt that frustration and restlessness deep in your soul, there is a way to reclaim and reconnect with your beauty, truth and power as a woman.

Join me on the Sacred Envisioning Workshop today!

I’m going to show you how to create a LIVING Vision.

When you have a Living Vision it’s like your North Star to guide you and powerfully pull you forward, unifying you with your most beautiful, healthy body, Spirit and dreams!

vision beauty wealth

TODAY Wed April 23 @2pm EST 

with new horizons,

ps Bring your journal and pen!

pps I’ll be sharing about the NEW Slim Radiance System AND I’ll be announcing the winner of last week’s contest to win a special scholarship!


the body you have is the body you SEE

forestdress,white,branches-fe5a085309273cb915c5814b097861b2_h_thumbWhatever you see and imagine, you will BECOME.

We all have Vision, we all have imagination.

We all have a picture in our mind of ourself and our future.

Do you see yourself vibrantly healthy, sexy and slim, leading a fulfilling life?

Or is the picture of you overweight, defeated, never having what you truly desire?

Too many women are stuck in a rut, not because they aren’t beautiful, talented or special…

…but because their Vision is limited.

They don’t see themselves living healthier, having a beautiful body, being attractive to money or love- they just see more of what they already have.

The pictures you hold are so powerful they will determine the kind of life you will live.

If your Vision is limited, your life will be limited, if your vision is small, your life will be small.

Before your Dreams will become real, you have to see it happening in your imagination, which saturates your subconscious mind.

When you allow yourself to dream and believe, you will RECEIVE.


This is why some women can never find love, have money or lose weight.

Because they have the images of themselves as unattractive, overweight, unworthy, and they are constantly feeling pulled down, almost beyond their control.

Change those pictures to be the way you WANT to see yourself!

So instead of staying stuck, you’ll be moving towards what you want.

Once you get a picture in your mind, no matter what it is, you will move towards it.

Your best body isn’t in the past…she is within you right now waiting to be revealed!

Your beauty and vibrancy isn’t fading…you can become more radiant now and every year after!

You don’t have to grow older…you can evolve into more of your exquisiteness.

I believe you deserve the best in life.

It’s your birthrite to feel vibrant, happy and magnetic.

Yes, you CAN release that extra weight.

And have more ENERGY.

And look and feel YOUNGER.

You just require your Vision. And a solid plan 😉


And to prepare for this, I’m going to show you how to create a LIVING Vision that will powerfully pull you forward, so you can get into alignment with the beautiful healthy body of your dreams!

Join me for this ENVISIONING WORKSHOP for your Slim Radiant Body:

Wed April 23 @2pm EST

with vistas of beauty,


PPS- I’ll send you the recording if you miss it, but you’ll want to be on the call because I’ll be sharing details of The Slim Radiance System LIVE Spring Cleanse!

And I’ll announce the winner of the entries on your top 3 Health and Beauty Aspirations, too!

If you haven’t already, click reply to this email and let me know YOURS for a chance to WIN.





smart, successfull, sexy women know the answer to this…

Have you ever asked yourself this, “How do I want to feel, how good CAN I feel?”

No doubt your answer would be to feel energetic, alive, sexual, creative, intelligent, present…GOOD.

The solution is elegantly simple.

Eat real foods, foods that come straight from Nature.

When you make the choice to do this, you will be blown away on how good it can be!

When you commit, and when I say commit I mean honoring yourself, being gentle with yourself, learning to change patterns, letting go of negative self-talk and the illusion of lack; when you commit to being responsible for your own health you will feel good all the time, regardless of what life throws at you.

I want you to find out how good it can be.

It’s coming SOON.

Keep an eye on your inbox for exciting details!

And in the meantime, answer that question as if your life depended on it…

…then write down your top 3 current Health & Beauty aspirations, and write in the comments section or email me at customerservice at earthempress dot com..

One of you is going to WIN something very, very cool!

with Spring Radiance,




never keep this hidden

earth empress Shakaya LeoneWhen the wild winds of change blow through our life…

…we can lose our balance and it can feel disorienting and scary.

Lately I’ve been experiencing changes in my body, my relationship with my husband & children, and my business…

I have been struggling lately… my oldest boy just turned 16 and immediately got his driver’s permit…and it’s bringing up SO much for me!

Then I got back from a wildly exciting trip to NYC… I shared with my husband about what I desire AND what I am no longer available for.

He didn’t understand…thought I was dissatisfied with him…he got reactive…angry…triggered…it felt like love had left me.


But I didn’t run from the intensity, not this time.

These INITIATIONS can be Oh so tricky and even painful, but we never need to be ashamed of this or keep this hidden.

Exquisite Self Care is every inch Emotional and Spiritual as Physical…

…so I received extra support from girlfriends and mentors, and I went on a deep healing journey (see below).

Petal by petal, I melted open, meeting the pain with softness, surrendered…

…and finally reunited with a love that can’t leave me, for I AM love…(with all of my stuff ;-))

Women are a living kaleidoscope, and its vital to allow ourselves full reign of our emotions and expression to be WHOLE.

Pretending we are perfect and without challenges or denying strong emotions isn’t the way of the Divine Feminine.

Our emotions and every facet of ourself is a North Star guiding us to our inherent beauty, strength and wholeness.

Wholeness is a gracious beauty…


Cultivating WHOLENESS is the antidote to losing our balance in overwhelming  situations and emotions:














Wholeness includes every drop of ALL of you!

Negating any part of ourself can cause us to lose connection with our desire, our authenticity, our power and ultimately what is beautiful, true and meaningful to us…

3 Steps to Wholeness

1. ACCEPTANCE, the permission to feel every drop of whatever you are experiencing- embrace and not negate any aspect of yourself.

2. CLEAR the painful blocks, limiting beliefs and heavy emotions you are currently experiencing.

3. ALIGN your actions with the newly up-leveled frequency you are now in

So what about YOU?

  • Are you tired of shrinking into the shadows, giving away your power and living a smaller life than you know is possible for you?
  • Are you sad that you still aren’t fully loving yourself, honoring yourself and giving yourself the best – and that you’re on call for everyone else, except you?
  • Are you overwhelmed by feelings that you keep hidden from yourself and others which are making you sick?
  • Are you done with denying your desires, and not allowing yourself to have the joyous, opulent life of freedom and fulfillment you dream of?

If you feel like you’re hiding parts of yourself or living in servitude, scarcity or STRUGGLE of any kind – no matter what level you’ve reached in your life – then I have a sacred solution for you.

On my own journey to embodying Earth Empress, I have discovered the Slavegirl archetype that lives in many women…

She is the small, scared part of you that feels unworthy and powerless.

She is the part of you hiding in the shadows, waiting to do someone else’s bidding.

She is the part of you that fears your power, your gifts and your brilliance, and doesn’t want to feel too deeply or shine too brightly or put herself at risk of judgement or punishment.

She is the part of you that hides, feels lost and alone and is in need of some deep love and healing.


And when that healing can take place, something beautiful happens…

Your Slave girl is able to become a part of your team, working with you to create your dreams, instead of creating scarcity and struggle in your life.

She is able to support you with her resilience and resourcefulness, while stepping to one side and allowing another regal archetype to help you be prosperous and powerful.

Because where you have a Slavegirl, you also have an Empress!

Your inner Empress is the beautiful, graceful, radiant, sensual aspect of you who KNOWS your natural state of being is abundance, wisdom, freedom.

She stands in her value, treating herself like a precious jewel that is sacred and worthy of the very best.

She allows you to step into your magnificence and SHINE.

She supports you in generating heart-based prosperity doing what you love, on your terms.

She answers to no one but your heart and soul, and is unafraid to make a stand for her Truth.

She adores opulence, beauty, pleasure and takes exquisite care of herself.

Shakaya Earth Empress

If this resonates with you, and you would love to heal your Slavegirl and allow your Empress to take command in your life, then I have a something special to offer you.

I have co-created a truly beautiful healing journey with my friend and fellow business goddess, Cordelia Francesca Brabbs, to help you do just this.

Cordelia is a Freedom Mentor and Miracles Activator for conscious and creative women who want to rebel against the reality they’ve been told they should live, and create the magical life of their dreams instead.



In this unique package, we take you on a sacred journey to meet and heal your inner Slavegirl, break the chains of servitude she is bound by, and activate your Inner Empress.


You deserve to discover the power and beauty of reclaiming and embracing every part of you!

with so much love and healing,






a new breed of women

Ever feel like you aren’t quite in your RIGHT life..?

I’m excitedly packing my suitcase to fly out of the country and be surrounded by like-minded women in a private Mastermind.

As I was choosing my outfits I realized I used to only DREAM about traveling and connecting with other wildly successful women…
There’s a new breed of women rising in the world today.

These women are shifting paradigms, healing the planet and owning any room they walk into…

They choose to shine bright and change the world- not burn out, numb out, quit on themselves or stay stuck.

It’s what so many of us want, but not everyone will become who they are meant to be to have it.

This discourages alot of people because to live our dream life requires something different than what most are willing to do.

Having vibrant, glowing health, a beautiful body, prosperity and a life we LOVE filled with beauty & purpose is NON-NEGOTIABLE for a certain women.

Not everyone will live out their Dreams- what about YOU?

I wasn’t going to tell you this…but I know you trust me & I feel this is important.

Changing our diet or body or health or wealth or relationships or anything in our life is NOT effortless.

It takes having a powerful Vision.

vision beauty wealth

This is what Transformation requires.

There’s a lot of TALK about transformation today…

But the reality of going through any transformation is what every butterfly knows; that struggle is part of the process needed to transform into something unrecognizably BEAUTIFUL.

I recently experienced a powerful letting go process in part 2 of the Empress to Slavegirl series and I really feel to transform oneself requires 3 things:

1. release the Blocks that are holding you back

2. have a powerful Vision that pulls you forward

3. get into aligned Action

Ask yourself where you MOST desire a transformation in your life currently:

*your body

*your energy

*owing your beauty

*embodying your essence

*your ability to receive

*your ability to connect with people

*clarity around your purpose

*your prosperity

*a sensual balance of masculine and feminine

*your relationship with yourself or others

*your self-care

*connection with the Divine

*feeling supported

*being fulfilled


Perhaps there are several areas you want to transform…which, can feel overwhelming…

But even ONE transformation would open up so much for you in your life and start a chain reaction!

I personally had to transform many limiting beliefs and painful past conditioning around my Beauty, Health and Wealth- to become a woman with her own business that I run out of my beautiful home off the forest with a view of the lake, a fulfilling family life and conscious, loving partnership that I always dreamed of.

And I’ve had so many FEARS…having the right support has been the KEY.

A new breed of women aren’t invincible, but they are ready to be supported in their vision.

If you resonate with this but aren’t sure how, there’s a brand new 9 MONTH Membership to support you!


See what level of support matches you:


Homestudy includes 5 ebooks (Naked Beauty, Nude Food, Detoxification, The Healthy Lunchbox, Sweet Seductions Healthy Desserts) + 5 Online 21 Day programs (The Body Cleanse, The Radiance Retreat, Sensual Beauty Rituals, Your Iconic Body Blueprint, The Little Black Dress Makeover)


Everything Above + New Group Programs with access to me on the monthly calls


Everything Above + Private Monthly Coaching calls with me purely focused on you


Everything Above + in person or virtual VIP Day with me


Everything Above + Essence Photoshoot with Custom Made Gown

5 layers of immersion


*Choose the Tier that matches the level of support you desire right now.


I know you have cravings for what you really desire in your life, and I’m here to support you!

with beauty and love,



*If you have ANY questionS or would like to know how working with me privately  could create a Transformation in your life, please contact



There comes a point in every woman’s life when they are ready for MORE. More health, beauty, love, self-love, self-care, prosperity and connection. At such times we will look around for inspiration and information in order to help us move into owning and becoming that more that we seek.

Shakaya’s Iconic Body Blueprint is THE perfect gift to yourself when you are truly ready to transform. Just one question in Shakaya’s workbook set my next level on fire! And with the gorgeous recipes and her one secret tip, you have the power to transform not only your body but your entire life.

Creating your Iconic Body may well be the best thing you ever do for yourself, and I can’t think of a better guide to assist you on your journey than Shakaya Leone.

~Karen Knowler
