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my holiday wish this year~ a smile


One of the most beautiful things we ever give anyone is a SMILE… the Universal language of LOVE and BEAUTY.

So I am inviting you to join with me in bringing smiles to the world and to children who are born with cleft lips and palettes…

Unlike children in Canada who if born this way are provided corrective surgery soon after their birth for free- children in 3rd world countries not only suffer ridicule and shame- sometimes not going out of their house or to school- but some actually die because they can’t breathe or eat properly.

The AMAZING thing is the surgery usually takes only 45 minutes to change a child’s life FOREVER.

The other amazing thing is that OPERATION SMILE has over 5,000 Doctors who VOLUNTEER their time and expertise travelling all over the globe setting up clinics for these children, literally creating MIRACLES for families who are so desperate.

Each surgery only costs $240 to transform a child’s smile forever-

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Please go online to see incredible BEFORE AND AFTER photos of these beautiful new smiles at:

You can donate $20 or the entire $240.

And for everyone in my community who donates to OPERATION SMILE I will be gifting a private group call with me where I will be revealing something that will put a BIG smile on YOUR FACE.


Just email customerservice at earthempress dot com after donating for more details on this special time with me.

Earth Empresses, I’m thinking of you and sending you so much HEALTH, LOVE AND JOY over the Holidays.

I love you!

with snowflakes and smiles,


ps In the comments section I’d love to hear about YOUR favorite ways of gifting and giving back to your favorite charities, your friends and family and/or your plans for contributing your gifts in 2015!




vulnerability is a feminine superpower


Firstly, I want to THANK YOU for the outpouring of love and prayers I received since sharing about mine and my husband’s recent health issues last week.

The GRACE and WISDOM you shared is incredibly inspiring and really LIFTED us…you all made me so proud of this community.

A beautiful frame from Dawn: ‘I am holding an image of you in my mind in your brilliant powerful inspiring, unbridled joy, beauty, passion as if you had asked me to hold your candle for a moment while you rest.’


I was feeling so free and supported- but then I suddenly ended up in the hospital!

I’m alright now, but clearly not doing well…

Next week I meet with a cardiologist for more tests.

And my husband is in Toronto today for a 4-hour blood test as a preliminary to having his surgery.


All this medical mayham I’m experiencing seems so foreign to me and how I normally live that I feel genuinely scared and confused…

I know I’ll get through this but right now I just don’t really know how…I just don’t have any answers right now.

Once again I am allowing myself to be open. To be real and raw and vulnerable with you no matter what it looks like.


It seems counter-intuitive, but being vulnerable is actually a Feminine superpower.

I made another video to share from a very tender place…


It’s too painful to try and go through alone and not necessary or healthy.

I believe together we can shift the current myth of vulnerability as weakness, and become infused with it’s TRUE beauty and strength.

So we can live uncensored, authentic and real as women, and receive the support available to us when we open ourselves up to our truth.

with raw love,


ps OMGosh I hope this is the last time you ever have to see me like this- it’s not pretty being this vulnerable…but there’s beauty in our truth as women that is healing for us all.


*quotes from pinterest


2 steps to activate healing NOW


You may have noticed I’ve been quiet lately…I’ve been unwell and am offline in extreme self care…

I want to share and connect… as I write this I feel teary and drained and could really use a HUG 🙂


And on top of my own Healing Crisis, my husband just had to have an MRI…which terrifies me even though I realize:


…Healing is a Spiritual Detox of outdated ways of being that no longer serve

…We are not victims, we are powerful co-creators with the Divine

…As we manifest dis-ease, we can also manifest Healing

…Healing, like dis-ease, is a Transformation that happens on the emotional body first

…Healing is restoring the Divinity within

…Fear is transformed through Faith; transparency and support decreases fear and fosters Faith

...There’s no Intimacy or Healing in HIDING

…Opening up and being TRANSPARENT is healing in itself



Or in being human. Or scared. Or for wanting Support 😉


So I’m reaching out…

When we’re in rupture like I am right now, the worst thing we can do is to lick our wounds in private and hide.

Opening to support is a very healing frequency/physiology.

I made this video to allow myself to be as open and vulnerable as I can be…

…and to connect with you from that pure space.

I’d LOVE your healing thoughts and prayers right now!

And perhaps I can be an inspiration if you are struggling alone, to be transparent and reach out for support too!



sending you so much love and healing,




beautiful mental health for wildflowers (like us ;-)


I am a Wildflower… I am not a perfect rose…

Perhaps you are a wildflower, too!

We don’t grow in planter’s pots or in coiffed gardens…

No, we are wild and free sprawling our joy over vast fields and dotting beauty along dirt roads.

We live for inspiration and color, expression and the sweet adventure.

We are innocent and fresh, sensual and feminine.

Beauty is our Medicine. Truth is our Language. Nature is our Realm.

And we smell Divine 😉

she radiates

Mental Health is a natural, organic extension of Exquisite Self Care, especially for us wildflowers.

Had I known that I may have never ended up in the Psychiatric Ward :/

But I cherish my time there now as I’ve discovered that the source of our power and beauty comes from our DEPTHS.

Whenever someone meets me, interviews me or becomes a client, they’re often surprised at how REAL things get- fast!

They see the pretty pictures and the flowing goddess gowns and don’t expect the ground I can cover and how deep my roots go…

(Wildflowers are like that 😉


I consider myself an artist- my body and life is my art, and like many exquisite masterpieces, my DARKNESS has inspired most of my creativity!

In the last few years I have created:

dozens of paintings

written 5 books and 14 homestudy programs

taught local classes

published hundreds of online and offline articles

created hundreds of blogposts and videos

designed gowns (for myself and clients)

taken and published over 2000 photos

written songs

hand-sewn hundreds of dolls for orphanages


created over 200 raw recipes

hired Mentors, taken courses

travelled to events

started my own business

created online summits + World Detox Day

coached hundreds of women from around the world~

Shakaya Leone and Ginny Edwards

ALL while being a hands on wife, mother and homemaker- but it doesn’t stop there!


What about YOU, Wildflower, what are you craving to create and experience in your life?

We are ALL endowed with our own special brand of beauty and magic…

BUT it doesn’t just come to us- it comes THROUGH us.

Your ESSENCE/GIFTS mixed with your LIFE LESSONS  ie your INITIATIONS, your FAILURES, your LOSSES and INSIGHTS = your unique Purpose.

I am a wildflower

(And so does YOURS.

Our ‘aroma’ our signature, our Essence is precious and powerful, especially when cultivated).

I WISH someone had told me that when I was a teen in the Psychiatric Ward.

When I lost my mom suddenly at 16, I lost my home, my health, my direction and my peace.

I stopped sleeping for 11 days straight and that sleep-deprivation induced suicidal depression. NOT wanting to harm myself, I went to the hospital for help- how could I have known they would admit me into the Psychiatric Ward?!

I spent several long weeks there..then what happened was about to SHOCK me. After their ‘russian roulette’ with medication that didn’t help me sleep nor stop the suicidal thoughts, doctors decided on ‘electro-shock therapy’ for me next..

>> You can listen to more of my story and how I transformed into the woman I am today HERE.<<

Everything I share and live has blossomed out of that dark but fertile soil…

Healing is possible and natural, especially when you allow the gifts of Nature to nourish you.

Along with 20 Scientists, Shamans, Authors and Wellness experts I’m sharing healing pearls of Nature that TRANSFORMED my Mental Health forever in this Healing Earth, Healing Self telesummit.


>> Claim your free seat HERE<<

with earth-beauty loving,




ps This was perhaps the most personal and powerful interview I’ve ever given…I hope you enjoy it x



I’m NOT sorry and I won’t apologize

I'm not sorry

An Earth Empress is a woman who takes exquisite care of herself, UNAPOLOGETICALLY.

She knows who she is and what she wants, without explanation or apology.


But we cannot experience that when we negate any part of ourself or feel shame and apologetic about who we are.

Frozen sick bodies, tight thoughts and contracted hearts, vanilla-beige lives of quiet desperation…

…boring marriages/love affairs and unfulfilling day-to-day experiences steal the life out of life!

We’re not meant to dim or tip-toe around, apologizing.

Especially for things we’re NOT sorry for.

We’re meant for so much MORE than that, O yes you are!

One step towards FREEDOM is to identify where you feel wrong, and to take back your power!

TRY this FUN and powerful exercise that my clients LOVE!

Write out and declare from your Soul what you will NO LONGER apologize for.

Then watch this video, shake your money maker around declaring what YOU are no longer willing to apologize for!

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with unapologetic beauty, truth and power,


ps Here’s my list~

I’m not sorry and I won’t apologize for:


taking EXQUISITE care of myself

not self-abandoning

being among the most magnetic women in any room

having high standards

caressing, affecting, transforming, connecting

living my legacy

easily attracting attention from men

being impatient

my wisdom

being baffled by superiority or inferiority- we are ALL so special

my ultra sexy dancing

being FULFILLED as a mom

risking looking ridiculous

ascending and taking others HIGHER

my sensual style

obsessing over my family’s happiness

receiving ALOT from my man

not settling

my beauty

my ugliness

giving up the need to be right or even understood

changing my name

my feminine mystique

a passion I cannot contain

hating (and I do mean hating) violence, bullying, gossip, racism/sexism/ageism, toxic fumes, judgements, labels, and split ends

taking my time 

being a fierce mama bear

my veils

smelling like flowers and honey

being the Matriarch in my family

not connecting with people who don’t inspire me

honoring the needs of my feminine body

being gentle yet firm- kindness isn’t weakness

being ironic, iconic, confident, complicated and full of feminine paradoxes

feeling bored when things aren’t REAL

when I am frantic and scattered

my initiations

having a ton of energy and being considered ‘intense’ by those who can’t keep up

having strong opinions

changing my mind

being high-Raw

traveling deep

being a catalyst

my Shadows

lacing beauty with depth

the brightness of compassion

following my heart

being sensitive

loving my beautiful body

triggering anyone when I said that

walking away when it doesn’t feel right

guarding my schedule

being terrified of lightening storms

not doing bathrooms or floors~ I have a cleaning lady for that 😉

being hardcore about things that are important to me

wanting more than most in this lifetime

my incessant appetites, yearnings, cravings, longings

receiving before I give to keep my well filled to overflowing

surrendering to inspiration

feeling powerfully vulnerable as I write this

investing in my dreams

my expressiveness

letting go of what doesn’t serve me

walking in my goddess body

celebrating beauty

indulging my cravings


gifting myself high-level support


my truth

prioritizing pleasure

having my way with the world

my darkness

my Light

embracing my edges

enjoying being a woman

my highway driving phobia

guaranteeing my own good time

valuing my downtime

not holding back

my dreams and desires

charging what I’m worth (and receiving it!)

my turn-ons

being accountable to my soul

not being programmed by the news

choosing enchantment

coming here to dance my dance

my exquisite taste

my knowing

being wildish and not complying

my sacred rituals

my power as a woman to create MY dream life!

AND adding to this list whenever I want ;D

