I want to share this gorgeous bouquet I received from one of my dear readers who recently moved into my neighbourhood~
peonies are my favorite flowers ever with their lucsious feminine blooms and delicate scent, thank you Heidi!
Receiving gifts like this is such a JOY and I don’t take it for granted…
To be very real my capacity to Receive has been a constant challenge in my business and personal life over the years.
Then one of my friends and collegues Christine Arylo shared with me her 40 Day Receiving Practice so I gave it a try…
The result?
I couldn’t even receive a compliment never mind the goals and desires I was really craving!
I was so DISSAPOINTED and frustrated, and I know many women feel the same way.
But I didn’t give up!
Along my journey of becomeing RAW, RADIANT and a RECEIVER I discovered something that helped me become successful in each of those 3 areas:
I’ve discovered that the 1st step is often LETTING GO.
Of what exactly?
RESISTANCE that you have, which is actually repelling what you want to receive!
If you’re not receiving all the LOVE, MONEY, ABUNDANCE or even your IDEAL BODY that you desire,
it’s because you have RESISTANCE to being able to receive it.
I love to wake with the sun. No matter what time I fall asleep, I wake up when the sun is rising and shining against the green outside. My feet hit the ground and I give thanks. Without thinking but with much thought. There are a million other thoughts that could begin my day: a client’s story, never-enough money, cellulite, war, traffic, an uninspired outfit. But instead, my feet hitting the ground triggers thanks.
I give thanks for my breath. For the miracle of being in this body because it is a miracle just to be here. My powerful spirit experiences such pleasure in flesh, and I am grateful. I give thanks for the Sun and the Clouds and the Sky. I give thanks for my beautiful life and the tribe that embrace me.
I give thanks simply for being able to stand. Then I sit back down. Light my candle. And close my eyes. I spend five minutes whispering wishes and Thank yous and drinking in the life force nectar.
I wish for the love I feel for the world to travel and shine across the sea to people who might not feel the power and privilege that I have. I wish for a clear and bright path to walk through, holding my dreams and medicine close, ready to share them and release them to the world. I wish for women to unite and make magic and heal our beauty, free our power and change the world with our mystery.
Then I stretch. Sensually. Luxuriously. This might look different every day. I stretch toward the sun. Sometimes I get on the ground and stretch to the Earth. An Earth Empress stays grounded while reaching for her Dreams…Sometimes I just stand there and swing my hips. It’s all about getting the fire sparked. So…whatever feels right.
Because my body is my Temple and it knows what it wants.
I begin my morning ritual after a long night of flying through my dreams. It always reminds me that I am here…you are here…and this time together is a gift to open again every single morning.
Then I’m ready…I take a moment to see how full my cup really is.
I pour hot lemongrass tea I made the night before waiting for me in a thermos by my bed into my favorite mug that is hand painted and feels amazing to hold. I write out my Intention of what I want to FEEL, what I will DO and ENJOY that day. Whatever makes my heart flutter and makes me bite my lip, I inscribe my day and declare my desire to the Universe who listens like the most attentive Lover. Everything is on it’s way. It all begins with clarity and a beautiful intention. Just one simple thought is so vastly powerful and can truly move mountains.
I make my bed look like a prayer. I never hurry or rush.
The sunrise calls me to open and see myself in her beauty, eyes wide and heart wider. With the energy of a Queen I walk in the forest barefoot, amoung the tree beings, the grass people, the animals and spirits of the land and I feel them shimmer in delight ‘She’s here!’ as I pass by. I hear them giggle. I talk to them. Children somehow magically, intuitively, without one doubt know that trees are the wisest on this earth. They’ve watched us all come into the world, learn to walk, fall in love. They’re our witnesses. Walk alone. Often. Against the shadow of trees, weave in and out between their bodies and remember how long it takes to Grow. An hour every day. In the Earth. Silence your mind. Infuse your skin with all things power and peace. I dance. I have a need, a shamanic release, to go out and move my hips like a wild woman in the deep of the Earth.
I receive Nature’s wisdom and beauty until I am filled to overflowing…and then I prepare to give..I might gather flowers and herbs and takes them to my elder neighbours and remind them of their old wise roots.
Now… it’s garden to kitchen- I wish for a million healing beads of light to travel from my fingers out and through my food and roll into every dish so whoever eats are finally healed and see the light, including me. Cucumber. Avocado. Lime. Banana. Pear. Om. I make one for my beloved. Life needs very few ingredients to be delicious. He is one. Turns out, gentlemen don’t prefer blondes. They prefer hot.
My hair is tossed up on top of my head messy and sexy and I smell somewhere between my lavender lemonade and the jasmine flowers I rubbed against my glowing bare breasts after the bath.
I play music, the soundtrack of my best life and strut around in my undies with love in my heart ready to put my beauty mark on the day. I decide how to adorn my body in a way that inspires something you don’t see everyday…. I want to be seen and use my voice for something good and beautiful. We are here to be seen and heard. We are here to heal the Earth. We are here to savor the magic of this life.
I Receive before I give to keep my well filled to overflowing.