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Author Archives: Earth Empress

it’s a SWEET MIRACLE!!! 2

Like I always say… MIRACLES ARE RUSHING TOWARDS YOU!   I’ve discovered something HUGE- and I’m over the moon to finally share this with you!   It’s been my sweetest SECRET for the last few months testing it on myself, my family, my private clients, corporate clients…   And everyone says the same thing- OMG […]


the dis-ease of Queens 0

Who would you rather be, a Queen or an Empress- have you ever thought about that?   I remember once before we married Luke having an issue with me about something and telling me ‘a Queen wouldn’t do that’ to which I replied:   ‘I am not nor ever want to be a Queen- I am […]


exciting news!!! 0

I have some exciting news! I will speaking at a 3-day LIVE EVENT this Fall and YOU’RE INVITED. My dear friend Patty Contenta whom I brought you the Sensuality Summit with  has asked me to do a special presentation at her gorgeous live event EYE ~ Embrace Your Essence and I would love to see […]


the art of inviting love 0

A beautiful example of what can be achieved by living love. ~ Carol This is so amazing! You are so amazing! My heart just grew three sizes bigger reading this. ~ ZA This is how beauty in life is created. Thank you. This makes me cry with it’s loveliness. ~ TG This is medicine. Thank […]


i did everything to avoid surgery 23

Hello Love, You may remember quite a while back I told you about my orange-sized ovarian cyst that had been very painful and my health and energy was being affected. I shared that my gynecologist recommended surgery and that would include not only removal of the cyst, but of my entire ovary (!).   To […]
