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Author Archives: Earth Empress

do you have a living vision? 0

A woman without a vision has lost her North Star and feels pulled in many directions and held back from her most fulfilling life. If you have ever felt that frustration and restlessness deep in your soul, there is a way to reclaim and reconnect with your beauty, truth and power as a woman. Join […]


the body you have is the body you SEE 0

Whatever you see and imagine, you will BECOME. We all have Vision, we all have imagination. We all have a picture in our mind of ourself and our future. Do you see yourself vibrantly healthy, sexy and slim, leading a fulfilling life? Or is the picture of you overweight, defeated, never having what you truly […]


smart, successfull, sexy women know the answer to this… 0

Have you ever asked yourself this, “How do I want to feel, how good CAN I feel?” No doubt your answer would be to feel energetic, alive, sexual, creative, intelligent, present…GOOD. The solution is elegantly simple. Eat real foods, foods that come straight from Nature. When you make the choice to do this, you will be blown away on […]


never keep this hidden 7

When the wild winds of change blow through our life… …we can lose our balance and it can feel disorienting and scary. Lately I’ve been experiencing changes in my body, my relationship with my husband & children, and my business… I have been struggling lately… my oldest boy just turned 16 and immediately got his […]


a new breed of women 0

Ever feel like you aren’t quite in your RIGHT life..? I’m excitedly packing my suitcase to fly out of the country and be surrounded by like-minded women in a private Mastermind. As I was choosing my outfits I realized I used to only DREAM about traveling and connecting with other wildly successful women… There’s a […]
