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Author Archives: Earth Empress

women miss out on so much because of this LIE 0

On my path of receiving I’ve discovered there are many MYTHS AND LIES about Receiving that we have all been taught… This FALSE CONDITIONING makes it difficult to allow in all the Love, Health, Beauty and Prosperity that every Earth Empress  desires and deserves! For example, DO YOU FEEL THAT YOU HAVE TO GIVE TO RECEIVE? […]


the story of the woman in the mountains that changed my life 0

There was a woman in the mountains who lived in peace amoung the beauty of the land, until one day a man with ill intent happened upon her and demanded she give him her food. She smiled and said ‘I have only this hunk of bread, you can have it.’ As she reached inside her […]


1st step of receiving 0

Hi Petal, I want to share this gorgeous bouquet I received from one of my dear readers who recently moved into my neighbourhood~ peonies are my favorite flowers ever with their lucsious feminine blooms and delicate scent, thank you Heidi! Receiving gifts like this is such a JOY and I don’t take it for granted… […]


morning receive rituals 4

MORNING RECEIVE RITUALS I start my day in fulfillment. I love to wake with the sun. No matter what time I fall asleep, I wake up when the sun is rising and shining against the green outside. My feet hit the ground and I give thanks. Without thinking but with much thought. There are a […]


coach or mentor~ what’s the difference and which is best for YOU? 0

If you’re anything like me and the women I work with, you crave individual attention and a personal touch when seeking support. Receiving the RIGHT support has assisted me to THRIVE in my business as a woman. SUCCESSFUL WOMEN GIFT THEMSELVES THE SUPPORT THEY REQUIRE TO RECEIVE THE RESULTS THEY DESIRE. If you’ve ever wondered what […]
