Hi Petal,
I want to share this gorgeous bouquet I received from one of my dear readers who recently moved into my neighbourhood~
peonies are my favorite flowers ever with their lucsious feminine blooms and delicate scent, thank you Heidi!
Receiving gifts like this is such a JOY and I don’t take it for granted…
To be very real my capacity to Receive has been a constant challenge in my business and personal life over the years.
Then one of my friends and collegues Christine Arylo shared with me her 40 Day Receiving Practice so I gave it a try…
The result?
I couldn’t even receive a compliment never mind the goals and desires I was really craving!
I was so DISSAPOINTED and frustrated, and I know many women feel the same way.
But I didn’t give up!
Along my journey of becomeing RAW, RADIANT and a RECEIVER I discovered something that helped me become successful in each of those 3 areas:
I’ve discovered that the 1st step is often LETTING GO.
Of what exactly?
RESISTANCE that you have, which is actually repelling what you want to receive!
If you’re not receiving all the LOVE, MONEY, ABUNDANCE or even your IDEAL BODY that you desire,
it’s because you have RESISTANCE to being able to receive it.
with ease and grace,
ps One of my VIP Receivers sent this to me today so I’ll let HER share her new insights and shifts around receiving:
Hey dear Shakaya!
Letting you know how grateful I feel to work together.Your energy and presence lifts my joy and sense of possibilities.Somehow having you as a guide by my side gives me more power to burst through my own limitations easier.And I truly see myself in a radiant way, by releasing what’s not real! AAAAHHH I feel alive :-))Sharing some insights from the homeplay with you:The lesson about overcompensating is so eye~ opening!Seeing confetti that you taught me about is so FUN. I keep track by writing down otherwise I miss them.Conjuring too is exciting~ I am living my dream life NOW! That’s a high vibration..I love it.My Feminine essence is: Beauty, elegance, joy, love, sacred.Nice to be reminded of everything that feeds my essence.I feel soo abundant, that really how I feel every day now.What I am practicing now is be VERY aware of lack thoughts and behaviors in my life, and RELEASING them as you taught me.I love doing this work!I feel, excitant, joy, gratitude and expansion…Much love, F. V.