The kitchen is a temple, and our food the prayer we bring into it.Have you ever thought of it like that?We want to enjoy and share food that compliments who we are, what we are doing, and where we want to be going.Everything good is ours to share.It’s our work to heal our bodies and heal the earth. The medicine we need is the same medicine the earth needs.
One of the simple ways to creatively elevate your space is with fruit and flowers~ so beautiful and fresh~ like a luxurious Spa.
I keep a little vase of fresh flowers or a pretty shell or a burning beeswax candle beside me for company, and hum a love song into the food.
Our emotions are amplified into each bite with each tear of lettuce or chop of chives; so chop and tear with love and reckless abandon!
Let’s all aspire to become artists in the kitchen, to throw away any doubt we’ve been carrying and create food filled with passion and love.
It’s what heals the body and opens the heart.
with beauty and love,
ps I’ll show you how turn your kitchen into a Slimming SPA with your own Smoothie Juice Bar HERE.