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the dis-ease of Queens

Who would you rather be, a Queen or an Empress-

have you ever thought about that?


I remember once before we married Luke having an issue with me about something

and telling me ‘a Queen wouldn’t do that’ to which I replied:


‘I am not nor ever want to be a Queen- I am a Goddess, an Earth Empress!’


In my observation Queens are often overweight, under-loved, unattractive,

too serious and missing out on a world of beauty, love, joy, fun and pleasure!


But an Empress, while no less majestic and prosperous, is also powerfully feminine, sensual, wild and free living from her Spirit and grounded in her body.


It may seem like semantics, but how you see yourself is mirrored back to you!


I made a video describing the ‘disease of queens’ you can WATCH HERE.

with beauty and love,


ps To find out more about the private group program Shakaya mentioned in the video please reach out to for details. 

pps JOIN ME at this LIVE event- Patty extended the earlybird pricing!  


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